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General Gaming Talk / Re: Starcraft 2 Beta - Screenshots
« on: 07 May, 2010 08:49 »
I would rock you in the Platinum League. Man I hope I get my key sooner rather than later. Qbert's friend had an extra key that he gave to Q which is weak sauce because I know he sucks at it =). J/K.

Nice screenshots, I love the nuke.

- Sm0kE

General Gaming Talk / Starcraft 2 Beta Key
« on: 07 May, 2010 08:44 »
Hey, does anybody have an extra beta key for Starcraft 2? I opted my Battlenet account the other day but still no luck on a key yet.

Any help would be appreciated, I really want to play.

- Sm0kE

Lol Smoke must have been high.. :P

First of all, I am more productive and efficient when I am high believe it or not. Secondly, if you two would spend more than 20 seconds reading a post rather than just trolling and replying to EVERY SINGLE THREAD, then you would of realized that my 2 posts are MULTIPLE days apart and say two COMPLETELY different things. My question is, which one of you two are high?

Wholegrain wonders why I am not particularly active on the forums (even though I check them daily) with regards to making a lot of replies and posts and this is why, because 99% of the posts I read are completely useless.

The man, the myth, the legend...
- Sm0kE

P.S. --- I still <3, just wanted to note this example of why I do not make that many posts is because I only post when it serves a purpose. Although I am the post lord =).

Solved Applications / Re: ZM Head Admin App
« on: 09 Mar, 2010 18:42 »
"quest would u be willing to put in the hours for it?

also we are going to have to work on getting you a crew of admin for the zm server"

I still enjoy playing ZM a good amount so I'll be more than happy to help you populate and help monitor or bring an admin or 2 into ZM on occasion to help monitor as well. At least for the first few weeks for sure until we can generate some regulars for you and eventually get some new admins recruited.

- (=CG=) Sm0kE - ZPS Head Admin

Hey Miniman,
Sorry that it took so long to get back to you and your application. I've been mad busy lately. Unfortunately, I am overloaded as it is on ZPS admins. I have 3-4 admins on each server anytime they are populated. Jorgen is a good friend of mine and you're on my friends list now to so I will continue to get to know you better. But anyway, you're more than welcome to admin some with us on ZM for now and you'll be the first person I come to talk to whenever I start looking to add some ZPS admins. I am definitely interested in bringing you on as admin at some point so do not consider this as a rejection. We are in a huge transition period as it is with the new servers and the new community and all so I can't get any more overloaded than I already am.

See you in game man, good luck. I'll keep in touch.
- Sm0kE

Solved Applications / Re: ZM Head Admin App
« on: 08 Mar, 2010 22:46 »
I would say definitely yes, Dr. Quest is a good dude. This decision isn't up to me though unfortunately, its up to Wholegrain.

Good luck to you man.
- Sm0kE

Hey mini_man,
Sorry that it has taken me a couple days to get back to you on your application. I have been extremely busy since last Friday with RL stuff. I will start reviewing your application with a few of the other admins and let you know on this thread sometime in the next day or 2. As of now, I'm fairly overloaded with admins as it is but that does not mean that we aren't always interested in good people so we'll see.

In the meantime, just be active on the server and get to know me and some of the others, that would pay dividends as we go through the review process.

Good luck man, see you in game.
- (=CG=) Sm0kE - ZPS Head Admin

Solved Applications / Re: Dr. Quests ZM Admin App
« on: 27 Feb, 2010 22:12 »
An obvious yes for sure. Welcome aboard as always Dr. Q

Old Map News / Re: ZPO_LickerFactory_b2 Release
« on: 26 Feb, 2010 09:47 »
Nice job Leon, yeah the map definitely is good. No more playtesting ftw, time to play for real!

Btw Jorgen.... shush... that is all =)

- Sm0kE

The best part for sure: "Slaying for no reason"

No question

Old Map News / Re: Van Dodgeball - Improved Version - E7
« on: 08 Feb, 2010 16:31 »
Dodgeball isn't ZPS, just a joke.

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