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Topics - Global_Meltdown

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Solved Applications / Globals App
« on: 05 Sep, 2010 13:53 »
What server are you applying for: CS:S

Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: Umm Plz?

In game name:Global_Meltdown

Link to your steam page: CORRECTED SORRY

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:7368514 ADDED

Do you have past admin experience: My own Server, Kat, SKG, etc

What are some good qualities you possess: Quality Herb

What country are you from: US of A's

Age:25 ugh

What Board are you applying for: In The News!

How active are you one the forums?: What? Forums ? that'd require teh intrainnat?

Why do you want to moderate this board, how do you think you could help?: It was my idea, and I'm a news whore.

The Art Forum / Me Making Shitty CG wallpapers.......
« on: 08 Aug, 2010 01:38 »

What server are you applying for: TTT

Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name:My butt buddies (spshh: you know who you are : WINK WINK)

In game name: Global_Meltdown Formally known as Leon_Kennedy-Buf-Ny-

Link to your steam page:

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:7368514

Do you have past admin experience: a little :P (Shack:SKG , Outpost:CG/Mine, Slaughterhouse

What are some good qualities you possess: I make a mean burrito

What country are you from: U S of your A

Age: 24

Additional notes: I like to kill stuff. Specially YOU!

Maps Area / TTT_Ghetto? here's a taste
« on: 27 Jul, 2010 14:37 »
Hi guys, just been working on an old map I was going to turn ZPS but never got around to finishing. It's still configured for ZPS so bare with me.

But either way It will give you a general idea of where I'm headed. It's still pretty rough and I've been a little busy with work, but I think it will be good. I'll post further later tonight or tomorrow since I need to go in like ......30 minutes to work.

Here's a file front link, check it out and get back to me. (There will be underground passages BTW) This is about maybe 50% done so dont trash me too much thanks.

The Art Forum / The Unattainable
« on: 26 Jul, 2010 22:08 »
What is life without love and happiness. To sit and view this world as is spins continuously passing us by. Our minds and bodies grow older with each passing moment yet we cannot dedicate ourselves to accomplish some of the most important things in life.

What they are I do not know because it is different for us all. I know that there is a longing inside of me to be with someone who truely respects and appreciates what it is I have to offer them. To love and care for someone and for that to be reciprocated back as well.

You would assume that such a expectation shouldn’t be so hard to meet in this world of billions of people and growing every day. though it is hard.

First you must start by finding that thing inside of you that creates that magical spark. That magnet that draws us closer to another human being. Then in a flash of light your heart flutters and the blood rushes through your body like a spice only known to heavens angels. As you stare the creature of beauty in the eye’s you find yourself lost in a forest so deep that you can’t remember your way out. All you can remember is the mythical creature that prances through as if it were a dream in which you shared. Inviting you to enjoy it’s bliss for just a moment to see if you share the same things. Upon the joining of the minds you feel like you’ve never felt before you feel as if there is something that you have lost for so long and only been aware that it was missing till that very second. You yearn for it every waking hour, you begin to think that you cannot live another moment without finding a way to include that mythical creature you happened to stumble upon to your real world.

But none of this stops you. Nothing brings you back to reality to tell you what’s rational and sane. Your blood begins to pump ferociously to the point your body begins to tremble. Not from joy but from the mere thought that perhaps if the cards are played right. Perhaps if the stars are in align. Perhaps.... just perhaps this might be the creature that makes you whole.

As you draw yourself closer you begin to watch it dance, you dance with it. As this waltz continues you begin to exchange stories, whispers in the ear. Some of them great and magnificent. Others sad and terrible. Regardless of this you do not hold high expectations. You take the bad in with the good knowing that there is a dark shadow that lurks behind every person and object that possesses matter in this universe. 

Without there being bad, how can you expect the good to be real? It is only possible that the scale is at least weighed down on one side or the other maybe not equally but at least weighed. If not that’s the moment of true concern at which you dive a little deeper. The forest now tainted with a dark shade of greys and blues and other dark colors the human mind can barely comprehend.

It is understandable that there is a place in everyone’s mind that cannot or will not ever be reached. A dungeon so deep, a fortress so protected not even the mightiest of hero’s could conquer. It leaves you left with a question like a dagger in the heart how could I of delve so deep into that dark forest after some so mythical that I lost my way.

It’s no fault of the beautiful and elusive creature that you made this journey. None the less you find yourself in a place between darkness and reality. Lost looking for that glimmer of light to lead you out. Forsaken you are, because the way can’t be found merely by looking ahead. You must look past that into the abyss that you see contains nothing more than those colors that faded.

The only true escape is painting your way out, creating a canvas in this place so colorful and big that nothing that has happened could possibly challenge your masterpiece. Build yourself back up again. Only then will the light be visible. The path to the world from which you came. Full of thoughts and hopes and dreams.

To engulf ourselves in these dreams that we believe are so amazing only to have to work so hard to remove ourselves from them is a great burden to the mind and the heart. Your being aches with a wound so deep only you know how far it goes.

I suppose the real question is how far will you let it go? Will you let it consume you? Or will you fight with every last inch of heart that you have to hold your life to this world.

Or will you be eternally lost in the darkness, returning the forest from which you first wondered searching for that mythical creature that made you blood pump and your heart ache. Made you so nervous that if you even drew another breathe it might make it flee back to the place from which it came. Because if you return to that place, you won’t like what you find. Nothing but the decayed corpse of what you thought you couldn’t live without. Until now.

I request someone to look into the idea of re-instating mudkips as admin. I just learned that he had issues, and was un-able to play. He is a good guy and think this should at least be considered.

SIDENOTE: He has no clue I'm posting this so there is no motivating factor here.


- Global

Old Map News / ZPO_HIDEOUT V1.2!!!!!!!!!
« on: 16 Jun, 2010 01:13 »

Check it out now, the funks your brother right about noooooooooooooooooow

General Gaming Talk / MMORPG Zombies! Proyect Z
« on: 09 Jun, 2010 01:00 »

Zombie MMORPG for Hl2 Source check it out :P

Anyways in case you do write shit maybe post it here? short stories/poetry/stuff whatever ?

I'll start with something I wrote back in November 2003.

you heard me!

The link below leads to the portal install page.

Portal used to cost money. Until May 24th, it's free. End of story.
Well, technically speaking, there are some strings attached. Fortunately, they're entirely decorative. We just like the way they look, swaying in the gentle breeze created by a million people simultanously fainting from shock at the news that Portal is free. Now you have no reason not to try Portal.
"I have a reason," some of you are probably typing into an angry email. "You see, sir, I own a Mac."
Well guess what: For the first time ever, Portal is also available for the Mac.
"Capital news! But the excellent puzzle adventure Portal won over 40 Game of the Year awards; Surely it must cost at least five or six hundred dollars."
You'd think that, especially since it actually won over 70 Game of the Year Awards. But, like we keep saying, Portal is free. Free on the Mac. Free on the PC. But only until May 24th. So you only have a few days to decide if your free copy of Portal is worth the price we're currently charging - which is you ever-so-slightly moving your index finger just barely enough to click the big red "download" button right there to the left.
- Steam

Old Map News / ZPO_LickerFactory_b3 Release
« on: 18 Mar, 2010 12:46 »
So, it's been done for some time now, but I needed someone to verify it. Either way I got it done.

You're in a Umbrella facility underground.

Your Objectives are :

1. Enter The Facility

2. Find the keycard

3.Reboot the Redqueen

4.Go to the offices and find Evidence

5. Escape alive

***Update Log*** Beta 3

- Lowered vent in offices so you don't need to jump+crouch, now just crouch
- Licker room ceiling is now clipped to prevent getting stuck on drain
- Increased the delay of explosions during escape to 3 seconds from 2
- Flipped zombies spawn so you don't get PwN3d.
- Added small details to 2nd room in level (catwalk+water don't fall or your stuck haha)


SO I HATE ARMORY. But people like shitty maps so why not make a slightly better shitty map input recommended.

How bout a CG Armory? I'll put some logos in for advertising purposes. But besides that this is what I made so far. If anyone has any suggestions I URGE you leave them.

Let's make this a community map, if you guys want it to be.


I decided to start a thread about possible new map additions to the servers.

I've been slacking a little with updating the links to my map list lately due to midterms, and also updating my map slightly. I'm sure we've all been busy too. I know here its just starting to get nice out.


New maps that might be added to server:
Cough*DOCKS_OF_DOOM* COugh (Junk's map)
Cough COUGGH* Lickerfactory B3*COUGH COUGH*

ZPO_Lake of Legends

Yeah, if anyone has anything else to add feel free!

Old Map News / ZPS_Zombies_ate_your_neig6 Add Request
« on: 09 Mar, 2010 03:17 »
Name of the map: ZPS_Zombies_ate_your_neig

In Which server do you wish the map to be added?(Possible Cabins. Not Original, but close to same style) if not Main

Link to the map? (if possible): Will Post and Edit Soon.

Why you think it should be put on the server:Spice baby Spice

Additional comments: My porn is maps, how sad

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