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Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Server Crashes
« on: 13 Apr, 2012 07:18 »
Truth is I'm not really sure how it fixes it. I'd imagine all it does is prevent players from using certain models, though that's just a guess -- and possibly a wild one at that.

I had first heard about the exploit from NeoAssassin, one of ZPS' team leaders; he said that the S1Gaming community had gotten this and that the way to fix it was to install the model changer.

Anyway, as it so happens, I too need the plugin for my community's servers. I'll toss you a link where to find it as soon as I find it and test it!  parrot

(I like the parrot, btw!)


I didn't get to test the anti-crash side of it as thoroughly as I would have liked (blame the 5am testing time!) but the plugin definitely installs and works properly.

Zombie Panic: Source / Server Crashes
« on: 12 Apr, 2012 23:54 »
I was just playing on your server a second ago and everyones game froze, giving them the HL2.exe has stopped working error. The server was completely full and it was on town. There was also a weird bug going on with player models, as every once in a while you would find someone who had the carrier skin but was not the carrier. I feel I should also note that everything froze the instant I killed the "fake carrier", but that may very well be just a huge coincidence. I find this happens pretty often, and that there's always at least one fake carrier. It wouldn't be near as bad except you lose all those players and then the server stays dead.

Hopefully I helped. :/

EDIT: The fake carrier IS what's crashing it. It involves switching your model to the carrier via the cl_playermodel command and can be easily exploited to crash the server upon death. You can protect against the exploitation by installing the choosechar sourcemod plugin.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Play more ZPS please?
« on: 07 Apr, 2012 07:42 »
ZPS is slipping away from CG.. and by extension I am too; it's like ZPS players are a minority now. All.. 7 or 8 of us..

Unfortunately, it's not just CG falling on hard times with ZPS interest. ConvictGaming, RAWCG, Doorman, and SoM are some of the many larger communities that have been hurting for ZPS members as of late, especially the latter three. As sad as it is to say I think we're a dying breed; communities of a different ZPS generation, one's that seem to have overstayed our welcome. :(

Now, I hear from a lot of people that ZPS is dying out, but that couldn't be any further from the truth! The Zombie Panic: Source team has done some recruiting lately -- gathering several new developers and a nice handful of playtesters along the way. I can't say too much, but I will say this: You're going to have a lot to look forward to in the future of this game. Likewise,'s statistics tells that Zombie Panic: Source has roughly 700 simultaneous players at its peak each day; a continuously steady improvement in the past two years. In other words: it's not only not dying out, but it's actually getting more popular as time goes on. Honestly, it sure doesn't feel like it at times.

Oh, and did I mention the different activities? There's been nearly half a dozen clan matches within the past month; in fact, STARS is going to play in one tonight. There's also the 1v1 ZPS tournaments (which admittedly, I host) and the occasional mapping contest -- It seems there's actually a mapping contest in the works as I type this!

With all of that said: Pillz is right; ZPS is an absolutely amazing game! Try it before it really is dead! :P

Unless I misunderstood him, Jorgen said this would be fine if I posted this here.

Anyway, to get right down to it:

I'm going to be hosting a 1v1 ZPS tournament in just under a week. The tournament is played on a variation of the map 'zpl_armory2', which, if anyone has played on it, knows that there isn't much to it. Likewise, the matches are each played with a 'best-of-6' format, which means one of the players has to win by at LEAST 2 rounds. Of course, there's a little more to the format than that, but we can cross that bridge when we get to it.

I really do hope several of you consider joining the tournament, as Conjoint Gaming has always been known to house several extremely talented players.

The rest of the information:

A match from a previous tournament to help show how the format works:

My Steam Community profile page:

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS No-Bunny hopping rule
« on: 01 Jul, 2011 09:09 »
I logged into the CG forum this morning just to check up on how things have been progressing lately. I haven't really kept track of things since the POD vs STARS and Conjoint Gaming vs STARS clan matches, so it's been a while. Talk about a weird coincidence with the timing, right?

Doc, you seem like a responsible, respectful admin, and Pillz, you're an old friend of mine from back when our clans competed, so I know you're a good guy; but why is it that neither of you ever felt the need to bring this to my attention? I had no idea that my bunny/water hopping was such a big problem for either of you, especially to the extent that Pillz refuses to play when I join. In all honesty, I'm a little disappointed that, after playing with you two gentlemen for the past week, you didn't just ask politely for me to stop bunny hopping..

Don't get me wrong, though, as my disappointment doesn't stem from the belief that I'm about to be punished, but only that I wish this would have been handled a little differently. Likewise, however, I understand your reasoning behind wanting to 'outlaw' bunny hopping (and subsequently water hopping), and will agree to stay off of your servers so as not to cause neither the two of you, nor your community any unnecessary trouble.

First post back, figured I'd make up for lost time :P.

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