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Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Unban request
« on: 25 Jul, 2010 14:32 »
yea black wock cause your jsut a general asshole to everyone when you got banned everything got at least 2x as better nobody are bickering it seemed you instigated alot and had a very negative dark attitude and its obvious we can tell your a troll
also doesnt help that your friend called everyone in the server a n$%%@* then rage quit so i can put you down also to affiliation
i have you down for rdm spamming trolling being a general asshole affilation to racism and racist people who also broke the rules and got perma banned
lol the spamming was from me talking in @ chat to admins alot.. Trolling i admit i do alot.. But i truly have never RDM'd. But you're going to put what MY FRIENDS DO on me? Are you fucking serious.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Unban request
« on: 25 Jul, 2010 14:24 »
so this is basically over with now since he admited towards trolling yatzee and hanson -.-
Hm..? Are you saying that trolling isn't allowed? Heh kinda lol'd as the community is trolls.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Unban request
« on: 25 Jul, 2010 14:19 »
Arent these fur****s annoying as hell?
I love the fact that i trolled you this far into thinking i'm a fur****, I truly am pleased. ^^ I don't any attraction to animals or any "animal attribute". Kinda makes me happy inside that you think i do though.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Unban request
« on: 25 Jul, 2010 14:16 »
you talk bullshit you name is luchini but you have changed your name to GREY how do i know you were on my friends list like 25 mins ago till i removed you also your being a dick on the forums and you have RDMED multi times the reason why you were turned down being admin stop trying to think we are stupid
Are you a fucking idiot? Let's have a tutorial here, Go here now place "" into the bar, Click submit and see what ID comes out. Now put "" into the bar. Notice the difference?

I'm not luchini compare IPs through his forum account to mine, Notice the difference there too? Jesus you're stupid.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Unban request
« on: 25 Jul, 2010 14:10 »
I didn't ban you because of who you are, what you like you interests or your personality, the fact of the matter is  you were permabanned and somehow bypassed it hence I re perma banned you today.
Could i get wholegrains reason for permabanning me in the first place? LMAO

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Unban request
« on: 25 Jul, 2010 14:06 »
lol ban resolved since we have hanson and yahtzee to prove he is a rdming and spamming troll

Are you fucking serious? I have NEVER rdm'd on this server, And those 2 are obviously butt buddys trying to get me banned for being a "Fur****" which i'm not. Hnng

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Unban request
« on: 25 Jul, 2010 14:01 »
now take that and sove it up ur ass
You sound angry, Let me -lick- you naughty boy~

Oh yeah, here's a cat picture

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Unban request
« on: 25 Jul, 2010 13:56 »
wait ur associated with that super troll?!? well that is quite intresting
kinda well ima go kill a kitten now
>implying i give a shit about animals.

He added me when i first started playing the server, Does that make me associated with what ever the fuck he does. :/

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Unban request
« on: 25 Jul, 2010 13:54 »
The player using the name Kitten joined today at first I didn't know it was him until he said "
BLACK WOCK SHOOTAH: -licks hanson-
Again I wanted to be 100% sure it was the same person so I checked the steam profile and found this so I permabanned the player

Player BLACK WOCK SHOOTAH left the game (Kicked by Console : Permanently banned (No reason specifie
BLACK WOCK SHOOTAH has disconnected! His STEAMID was STEAM_0:1:20292138

Wholegrain has already seen this players ID and steam profile page, so my ban should have been justified, also the reason I put in no reason is becuase I don't like typing in the commands using chat incase I messed part of it up so I just used the EV menu.
Could i get a reason behind me being banned?.. Is luchini.. I'm animu o-o

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Unban request
« on: 25 Jul, 2010 13:48 »
either way this fur**** is better off staying perma banned
I'm telling you i'm not a fur****, But i guess nothing will change you or hansons mind. Honestly, If i follow the rules why would i need to be perma-banned in the first place.

Hanson also banned me for being luchini.. which i'm not -.-

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Unban request
« on: 25 Jul, 2010 13:45 »
no this guy is another guy who was on yesterday with the name kitty and was trollin and rdming
I wasn't rdming, What do you not understand that i FOLLOW TTT rules, I always have. but i was "trolling" i guess.. Acting like a kitten lol'd

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Unban request
« on: 25 Jul, 2010 13:41 »
No. I just hate fur****s who troll on the ttt server and fuck wit my homefrys
I'm not a fur****, Haha, I was acting like a cat just to piss him off. Seriously, I'm not a fur****. =.=

Edit: I'm not luchini LOL!! Was this all a misunderstanding or something?

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Unban request
« on: 25 Jul, 2010 13:35 »
Fuck you. Have a nice day
:3 Do you hate me for knowing how to play the game, Or..?

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Unban request
« on: 25 Jul, 2010 13:28 »
people like you just make me sick. hanson and I sure as hell arent helping ur ass out.
Haha, Hansons reasoning for hating me is for "Acting" like a fur****. Either way i was unjustly banned in the first place, And saying you have reason behind it would be false. (I know you're going to bring my friends breaking rules into this.) I have no control over what they do so why push it on my side? Hmph.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Unban request
« on: 25 Jul, 2010 13:21 »
i can vouch for hanson so i wouldnt count on getting unbanned

lol i got perma'd before for having a better understanding of the rules than the admins (Been playing TTT since it came out), THEN i killed a traitor who was planting a bomb on the pipes on.. Canyon? then that was considered my "Last" straw. Either way i played the game flawlessly without rdming, Also i wasn't avoiding permaban i joined and i thought i was already permabanned but i guess i wasn't.

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