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Messages - Ergo Proxy

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What are you guys talking about? Of course I remember you guys. It has only been like 5 months. Not like a year.....

Nah, I have always had a mic....

...............weird. On another note, my comp seems to be overheating so. Ya.

Introductions Forum / Ergo Proxy is back, a bit, sort of
« on: 11 Jun, 2011 23:06 »
So, it is summer now and for the first time I have no job. So I am out of school and find myself with free time. So, I figured I would play some games and hang with some people I haven't seen in a while. Some of you know me, but I have been gone for a while and I see a lot of new faces around here. So, I thought I would say hello to you all.

Old Time Aways / Me
« on: 07 Oct, 2010 14:23 »
So some of you may have noticed I have not been around and the reason for that is simple. Simply put, in my classes shit just got real. This week I have done and turned in Dynamics, Solids, Differential Equations, and Materials homework. I have a Differential Equations test today and a Solids test on Friday. This is the reason I have been completely absent. So, I see my homework load lightening up this next week and then getting hard again. So, this is just a heads up on all the bullshit in my life and an explanation of why I haven't been on , btw here is a picture of my usual work on differential equations homework, so you can see that pain....Never mind, i can't get he image to work.

but I can give you an idea of the problems, stuff like d^2x/dt^2+3dx/dt+5x=3cos4t, you than have to solve it...

Solved Ban Requests / Re: I GOT ONE
« on: 18 Sep, 2010 13:33 »
Woops, didn't realize I forgot to post his id, leet has it right it is STEAM_0:0:9413086, also, his fellow clan member/friend with a similar name was perma-muted on our server

Solved Ban Requests / Re: I GOT ONE
« on: 18 Sep, 2010 03:52 »

(=CG=) JohnCyKlopZ :  so Money
(=CG=) JohnCyKlopZ :  ur banned in a lot of places
?-?ø??ÿ.??7 :  No I'm not
(=CG=) JohnCyKlopZ :  what's up
?-?ø??ÿ.??7 :  Sources?
(=CG=) JohnCyKlopZ :  google
?-?ø??ÿ.??7 :  Do I look like a hacker to you?
*DEAD* (=CG=) Ergo Proxy |POW| :  yes
tolkes420 :  yes
*DEAD* ?-?ø??ÿ.??7 :  Google doesnt mean much really, thats also stats and things from other games
Say  !alert  to send a message to server admins.
(=CG=) JohnCyKlopZ :  Money u havent explained urself yet
(=CG=) Ergo Proxy |POW| :  alot of mic spam bans too
?-?ø??ÿ.??7 :  What is there to explain?
?-?ø??ÿ.??7 :  Have I mic spammed?
(=CG=) JohnCyKlopZ :  y u were banned so much
(=CG=) JohnCyKlopZ :  money?
?-?ø??ÿ.??7 :  Yes?
(=CG=) JohnCyKlopZ :  EXPLAIN PLOX
?-?ø??ÿ.??7 :  PLOX
?-?ø??ÿ.??7 :  What is there to explain?
(=CG=) JohnCyKlopZ :  ur ignoring us dude
?-?ø??ÿ.??7 :  What makes you think it's your business?
*DEAD* (=CG=) Ergo Proxy |POW| :  this is our server...derp
?-?ø??ÿ.??7 :  I dont mind you inquiring, but it's not your concern
(=CG=) JohnCyKlopZ :  actually it is

Notice how he changes his story from, im not banned to im banned on other games, to it isn't your concern

Solved Ban Requests / I GOT ONE*BANNED*
« on: 18 Sep, 2010 03:46 »
YOUR in game name EXACTLY!: (=CG=) Ergo Proxy |POW|

the exact name of the person you are requesting a ban at the time they were on the server:
?-?ø??ÿ.??7 11:42 MTN

What were they doing:
Suspected wall hacks/redictulous shooting speed, he changed his name to (=CG=) Shitstorm to try and impersonate

Which server was it: The CSS server

What time/day was it (include timezone if possible): 9/19/10

Additional Notes:
He is banned in so many other places, i have some vids of him but as soon as he suspected i was specing he said "specing me now hugh" and then he suddenly sucked, Just seach his id in google and look at all the bans

Post about him:

General Gaming Talk / Re: HACKS
« on: 15 Sep, 2010 03:59 »
I may be a little late on this but, Global I am not accusing people of hacking because I thin that without hacks they couldn't kill me. I know I suck at CS:S, I mean damn, I only have like 10 hours of CS:S play in my life. Accusing me of complaining for that reason is low dude. Assumptions make an ass out of you and you. LOL.

General Gaming Talk / HACKS
« on: 14 Sep, 2010 01:52 »
So, I and many others have noticed alot of people we think are hackers. I know it is always hard to proove but some we have proof for, but nothing has been done. Just thought I should let you guys know. If this server is going to carry the CG name it has to be up to the standards of our other servers.

Debate Forum / Re: What defines racism
« on: 30 Aug, 2010 02:39 »
But you are ignoring the fact that things usually become common opinion and popular beleif for a reason.

Debate Forum / Re: What defines racism
« on: 29 Aug, 2010 01:47 »
Holy, I did read your post, don't come at me like I am some moron. I read your post and I think you are wrong. This is the debate forum not the Holy is always right forum. If you read my post you will see that I said "using jew in a demeaning way". I never said jews were a race, in fact I said "No matter how much you want to argue that jewish people are not a race...". I hope you are not serious when you say that calling someone a Ni**er  or other racial slur isn't racist because if you are, I think that you spend most of your weekends in your bedsheets burning crosses. Good day your Holyness, High Wizard of the KKK.

Debate Forum / Re: What defines racism
« on: 28 Aug, 2010 05:03 »
Something I don't see enforced (except by me) is if someone uses "jew" in a demeaning way. No matter how much you want to argue that jewish people are not a race or are a race the word "jew" can still be used in a derogatory way. So ya, it fits with the NO RACISM rule.

Old Time Aways / Re: RebelMaster's Time Away..
« on: 24 Aug, 2010 05:29 »
That isn't exactly an appropriate responce to this pixel...good luck Rebel

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Captain Falric Unban request.
« on: 17 Aug, 2010 02:39 »
I banned him because after the round it said he RDMed 2 people and when I looked I saw he left very early in the round.
So ya, it isn't a perma, it is a week ban which is light at that. I don't know, if you guys want you can reduce the ban time it is fine but I think a ban is still in order

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