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Solved Ban Appeals / Appealing on a week ban
« on: 04 Aug, 2012 04:01 »
Who were you banned by:Nelthy

Why were you banned:Revenge RDM

What server where you banned from: ConjointGaming TTT | Customized

What date and/or time around were you banned: 08-04-12 01:47

Steam ID: ben291160

Your in game name: Musashi

Link to your steam page:

Additional comments: Okay, so this guy Caboose RDMS me and another guy for absolutely no reason. Gives some excuse saying I was called out, which I was by a guy who had been false calling the past few games. I wasn't the first guy to be RDMED though, I was shot after the first guy. Then he goes on to say he just loves to RDM, the admins didn't do anything at this point. I decide to shoot him next round for doing that and the instant I do I get banned for a week, I mean I would understand a day but a week? and the guy who did it originally gets off scot free? what kind of crap is that? Anyway, I like playing on the server so I hope you guys will find it in your hearts to forgive me  Meme5

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