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Messages - Cadaver

Pages: 1 ... 62 63 [64] 65 66 ... 100
Solved Ban Requests / Re: [Ban] Boeing Man
« on: June 06, 2011, 03:51:11 PM »
Proof?  And you commented on his prop surfing, and mic spamming, but not about the RDM or Trolling.

Debate Forum / Re: AK-47 or M16
« on: June 06, 2011, 01:45:11 PM »
Game does NOT equal reality.   In actuality, the AK-47 is of the same era / age of the M-14. The AK-74 and the M-16 are of the same era / age.
The AK-47 is a heavier caliber (7.62x39mm) and was designed for the two week old conscript to be able to maintain and shoot.  It is a less accurate rifle.  Particularly at long range.  It never was designed to be a long range rifle.
The M-16 initial design was to be a guard rifle, for the air force.  Light weight, and not on the front line.  However, the US Military wanted to increase the amount of ammo the soldier carried, without increasing weight.  The .223 round is used to do this.  The original M-16 had severe issues, now mostly resolved, except the lack of stopping power of the .223.   The M-16 is more accurate at long range.  This is a throw back.  US Mil (particularly the Marines) likes long range accuracy.  The M-4 variant is close in, and is not effective at long range (loss of velocity due to short barrel.)  In Afghanistan, the lack of penetration of the .223 at long range has been an issue - in Afghanistan, the Taliban use snipers to full effect, this is why the issuance 7.62 Nato caliber rifles is occurring.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Perma-mutted?
« on: June 05, 2011, 02:07:38 PM »
Gentlemen, I understand the viewpoint on this fellow.  BUT, be POLITE about it. CLEAR?

Phantox, due to your repeated rule violations, you should understand if you do not straighten up, a CG wide permaban is in the near future.   And, when I permaban, it stays.

Honestly, you were given the benefit of the doubt, as one of the last fellows who banned you, was himself banned for rule violations.  I am beginning to see giving you the benefit of the doubt was incorrect...

This is your last shot here.  Accept the mute.  You deserved the mute.  Play by the rules, or go someplace else.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Mabinogi - Anyone plays?
« on: June 04, 2011, 11:16:28 PM »
Sry, no.

General Gaming Talk / Re: BlackOps Weekend play
« on: June 04, 2011, 02:50:01 PM »
I will say this, they have got the connection speed down - never seen so many <60 ping servers for any game.  Zero connection issues, even with the 100+ ping ones.
But, the cheating was hardcore.  Blatant aim botting.

(Post # 1234)

General Gaming Talk / Re: BlackOps Weekend play
« on: June 04, 2011, 12:25:40 AM »
Ok.  Why the rule exists. People do not like it when others mess with their servers.  And that can come back on CG.  Therefore the rule.

But I am assuming you are doing well, considering it is a total n00b fest for the free weekend.

General Gaming Talk / Re: BlackOps Weekend play
« on: June 04, 2011, 12:22:02 AM »
"who you have"


General Gaming Talk / Re: BlackOps Weekend play
« on: June 04, 2011, 12:08:49 AM »

He better not be, or its a Rule Violation of the Forum: 18)   Hacking/DoS (Denial of Service)/DDoS – No posts on “how to,” who you have, or who you will.

So. Lets not brag about hacking, or cheating on a game... Got IT?

General Gaming Talk / Re: BlackOps Weekend play
« on: June 03, 2011, 10:58:02 PM »
Meh.  It is not fluid.  People do not move that way.  No turn left or right, just strafe.   Feels like a ported console game.  A poorly ported console game at that...

Help Section / Re: Strange error
« on: June 03, 2011, 05:09:01 PM »
Its vista 32 bit, which has a known compatibility issue (pre-Service Pack 2) with many anti-virus - hopefully corrected after SP2.

Old Time Aways / Re: Timmah's away Time
« on: June 03, 2011, 04:09:34 PM »
Have fun in Colo.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Camper Strike's Ban Appeal
« on: June 02, 2011, 02:26:26 PM »
Camperstrike, let this be a warning, then.  Doing what others do, knowing it breaks the rules, and doing it to see if the admins take the rules seriously, does not bode well for you.   Racism is not tolerated well here.  You want to do that sort of garbage, find another server. 
You want to break the rules to see if the Admins enforce, go find another server.  You found one where admins do enforce the rules.
IMHO, your ban should not have been lifted, as you followed the wrong crowd, broke rules, and basically, have been unapologetic about it.
So.  The next time you break the rules, take your deserved ban.

Typically, I do not play this game type.

Minecraft / Re: What to get for laptop to make run faster?
« on: June 02, 2011, 01:56:52 PM »
"Oh, Cadaver, I know you have beef with nVidia, but they still do lead the Graphics industry, and just because they mess up here and there, don't lead him away, they do sell nice cards (and their on-board is awesome) for not a lot of money. "

Yes, I have a beef with Nvidia. Any company that will cheat its customers does not deserve more customers.  Nvidia sold known bad graphics chips, and then sent updates to the fan control, making it run at higher speeds, to ensure the bad chips would last just long enough that the warranty ran out.   Google it, they have been sued for it. (And screwed the class in that class action lawsuit, by replacing $600-3000+ laptops with $279 cheapo Compaqs...)
And, were it not for the physics chip, I would say they would be left behind.   At the present time, in general, ATI/AMD is more bang for the buck.

I have a beef with HP, too - 3 laptops in a row - all with problems (6100 series: motherboard, memory, wifi, AND the nvidia chip burnout. Compaq [HP owns Compaq] bad keyboard - got that fixed and sold, 9700 series - nvidia card burn.)


Sadly, it looks like he was mislead by the Walmart he bought the system from.  Look and see if you can return for full refund (Walmart's return policy is very flexible.)

But, I think this: IF you keep the system - 8 gig of Ram is your best option, as Minecraft is a ram hog.   You will not be able to upgrade anything else, except the hard drive - and upgrading to a 7200 rpm drive with larger cache would improve the system's speed.

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