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Messages - Old Crow

Admin Department / Re: TTT admin feedback
« on: 12 Apr, 2013 22:18 »
Just a note to everybody, which Storm pointed out, school should always come before admining. Its much more important and vital to life then a video game ever will be.

That does not make you exempt from meeting the required time, but if your gone for say a week or a couple of days, its no biggie. If its going to last you more then two weeks I would suggest however making a time away post. That way we know that you are busy and can't meet your time.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Picture Wars? Picture Wars.
« on: 12 Apr, 2013 15:23 »

Well that caps off a perfect week (sarcasm, my week has been shit :/)

Sucks to see you go. Hopefully you and me can play some other games besides TTT because your a great guy to just hang out and play games with. You were certainly one of the better admins of TTT and I can recall countless times where you and me made sure the server was clear, while having a blast playing TTT.

Hey you never know, you could come back. I know TTT often requires time away from it for it to become fun again, its just part of the cycle.

I don't read comments on anything because they give cancer.

Yeah YouTube is the worst. If you have a popular video (100,000+) you should probably disable comments because it seems like the worst humans comment on popular YouTube videos.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Picture Wars? Picture Wars.
« on: 11 Apr, 2013 13:48 »

But Oobla, EA doesn't effect peoples lives like other companies do. Either you buy EA's games and get pissed, or you don't.

Big Oil basically just gets approved by strong arming their way through whatever town they want, and if something happens which includes poising water for decades, they only get a few fines here and there and clean it up. They couldn't give two craps if it happens again (which it will).

Look at the coal mining companies. They started doing mountain top removal instead of actual mining. What happens when they do this? Well they pull the coal out of the rock from the hill they just dynamited, through all the rock into the valley next to the former hill, then plant these Chinese trees that grow real fast for a year or two, then die. all that rock meanwhile, gets washed to the water table, which remember is covered in coal dust, and makes the water undrinkable for thousands of people.

EA is the worst video game company, but worst company in America hardly. Its not hard to stop EA, just don't buy their games! The last EA game I bought was Bad Company 2.

In short, here is a picture

I don't think you can really generalize about ALL indie games I mean Bastion is one of the greatest games ever made, but there is so much TRASH out there that are capitalizing on people suddenly buying "indie games" as a genre, its like all games in general like 10% are great the rest are junk.

Soo much this. Everything has it's best and it's worst, there is no arguing that, but just the sheer volume of junk indie games pushes me towards the more mainstream, "AAA" games.

*Cough Towns Cough......Cough War Z Cough*

It all depends on what you like. There are many good indie games but like you guys said there is junk and well War Z is probably the worst example in the history of mankind.

AAA games often deliver the first one or two times around but I seem to notice that once they make it yearly the games turn to junk. Even if multiple studios are involved, it just floods the markets with a game that's the same as last year. That's why I'm scared for Saints 4 and the new announced Batman game.

I mean lets look at this. CoD is known to be the same year in and year out, but it sells because its a shooter. A much better example is Assassins Creed. ACI was good but flawed. ACII, which came what two years after was excellent. Then Ubi said we need one every year and its been nothing but boxed DLC or in the case of ACIII unnecessary fluff has accumulated.

Then compare that to the cases of FarCry and BioShock. Both are not published yearly, both have had their true sequels take years to come out and they always improve. FarCry 3 is a huge jump from FarCry 2, and thats because it took 4 years to make it.

TLDR take the time to craft an actual game, or GTFO

The Art Forum / Re: Weeaboo Music!
« on: 10 Apr, 2013 01:58 »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

I'd say the only reason why they are even considered is because of all the bad press they have gotten due to SimCity, DS3 and other things lately. That and because its the internet, people see EA and think 'Evil'!

I'm sure if this was a professional study it would be way different, because at the end of the day EA is just a video game company.

You could use tanks in Call of Duty:World at war Muffins :\

Are they honestly the worst company in America?

Sure they treat us like shit, and force us to have always online DRM but I think there are many companies that do worse things, like the banks, big oil and whatnot. EA only really effects consumers (and their employees), while some other companies effect hundreds of thousands of people and the environment around them, that have nothing to do with the company.

The Art Forum / Re: Weeaboo Music!
« on: 09 Apr, 2013 18:39 »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

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