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Messages - Cadaver


Solved Admin Abuse / Re: What the is wrong with admins
« on: 12 Jun, 2011 16:06 »

Ok. My 2 Cents on this matter:  You have valid points to your complaint.  You want the Admins to act more mature on unban requests.  I agree.

However, your writing shows a lack of maturity, itself.  You want to be treated with respect, and yet, you disrespect the forum, the community, and the admins you want respect from.  You post in direct forum rule violation, and yet, want to be taken seriously...


Next time: Do not cuss, and name call. Next time point out the issue, without acting poorly.  In other words, show respect to get respect.  Locking the thread.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Boopie
« on: 10 Jun, 2011 20:20 »
Steam id?

Ok, Jorgen brings up a valid point.  So, which one you want to Admin most?

Debate Forum / Re: Your Views on Marijuana
« on: 10 Jun, 2011 02:32 »
Hmm. Missed the stuff in Dark's posting...

And the old stuff was Before the Rules were enforced. So. Old stuff (like me) is old.  I will be deleting some of the older postings.

Yes, and no, Dark.  And hypothetically, your friend was high, right ;)

The internet has a long memory.

Debate Forum / Re: Your Views on Marijuana
« on: 10 Jun, 2011 02:19 »
Due to issues I rather would not discuss (off topic, and hard to explain) personal illegal activity discussion is not allowed.  Sorry, there are legal, and future impact reasons...

Hypothetical is hypothetical.  Ok?

Solved Applications / Re: PistolWhips App For Admin
« on: 10 Jun, 2011 02:14 »
Ok, what is your admin experience?  (Yes, I know Zukuto knows, but the rest of us may not...)

Debate Forum / Re: Your Views on Marijuana
« on: 10 Jun, 2011 02:05 »
IMHO: We have cigarettes, and Alcohol, both regulated, taxed, and controlled.  Cigs cause major cancer and addictions.  Alcohol use causes severe motor vehicle accidents, and addictions.   Marijuana less so.  So lets do tax it, regulate it, and this would lead to better control of it, compared to what we have now.

NOTE: Please do not post personal experiences, per the Forum Rules.  Thanks.

CG Community Suggestions / Re: Duke Nukem Forever server?
« on: 10 Jun, 2011 02:00 »
Right, but we will still have to pay for our server support and bandwidth usage...

Debate Forum / Re: Your Views on Marijuana
« on: 10 Jun, 2011 01:59 »
Hmm, interesting view Pillz.  I'll think a bit about it.

And now, back to the topic...

Debate Forum / Re: Your Views on Marijuana
« on: 10 Jun, 2011 01:53 »
Meh. Necro- Not a big deal on a thread like this. 2 week recommended.  3 weeks - and Cadaver will question it much harder.

And Pistolwhip is new.

Debate Forum / Re: AK-47 or M16
« on: 10 Jun, 2011 01:50 »
the 5.56mm Nato may not have the penetration that the 7.62mmX39 does but the bullet does tumble much earlier then the 7.62, thus causing much more tissue damage.Fighting Taliban in Afghan, who for the most part probably aren't wearing body armor, it'll incapacitate them much better then the AK round would.

Yes, and no.  Due to the shortening of the M16 barrel - for variants, like the M-4 - the tumbling does not occur as it should.  In addition, the velocity loss, also due to the shorten barrels, means the Afghans do not have to wear body armor, but just be far enough away. And, due to the velocity loss, the round does not fragment, as designed, at far ranges.  Right now the major issue is snipers in Afghanistan.

An old bolt action rifle in a heavy caliber, like 7.62x54r, or 30.06, etc. out range the rifles the standard US Soldier would normally carry.   This is why the US Mil is sending M-14 variant sniper rifles and (supposedly) issuing them at the platoon level.

Remember, the 5.56 Nato round is a very small bullet.  Tumbling and fragmentation are the keys to getting stopping power in such a small round.   It is a 55-62 grain bullet. Roughly 1/3 the size of the 7.62Nato.

Even the Wiki points to stopping power concerns:

In comparison, the AK-47 shoots a 7.62x39 round, 123-154 grain bullet a x2 to x3 weight difference.   It transfers 2x the amount of energy.

However, the 7.62x39 round does not tumble nor fragment well, which can lead to stopping power issues. Newer ammo corrects this a bit by design.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: My Anus ban appeal
« on: 09 Jun, 2011 20:23 »
So, you go by the name "My Anus," or are you complaining about the ban?

"Obvious retard is obvious. If you had actually read what I had typed, you'd agree with me that my ban is BS and NOT act like some 12 year old who just posts without reading the first few posts. Herp derp."

Administrator Comment Obvious Forum Rules Violations are Obvious. Slapping back at other players, claiming (unfounded) Admin abuse, and generally bitching is NO way to get a ban removed. Topic Locked. Enjoy your ban. It was for a DAY anyway. Next time you act this way in the Forums, I will ban you.

Debate Forum / Re: College
« on: 09 Jun, 2011 11:43 »
In many European nations, college is mostly paid for by the government.  Something more "Socialist" (at least to many US politicians) but, I can see a stark benefit there...

Here you either 1) Have the $ 2) Work your way thru to have the $ 3) Borrow the $, and run the risk of being an indentured servant, if not slave, for the majority of your life.

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