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Debate Forum / Re: The Existence of God/Gods
« on: 20 Jan, 2011 21:40 »
If there is a god then why did he make me an atheist???
The Jewish/Christian god gave us free will. He did not make you an aithiest, you did.

WoW is not overrated, I do not understand where you got that notion considering its players tend to be frowned upon.

CoD : BO - Listening to 12-13 year old kids saying OH EM GEE I GOT LIEK A TOMOHAHHWWWK KILLZ0R AND CAMPING IS TEH BEST THING TO WIN EVAR! So BO is over rated.

Anywho, I have to go read Forgotten Realms on the drive to basketball practice now.

Debate Forum / Re: Origin of Life
« on: 18 Jan, 2011 23:54 »
I think my chest hairs are pretty much the answer.


Well, that's a good question. I always thought something along the lines of the Big Bang and then God (or a god) was made from that.

What chest hairs?  trollface

I think there was a god because I don't understand how any of this could happen without intelligent design. It seems we were all programmed in a way, not just a bunch of cells somehow creating life.

Debate Forum / Re: What is your favorite gaming system??
« on: 18 Jan, 2011 18:28 »
Finnie's Bday present = Garbage now
Do I have a birthday present? And why is this on debate when we're simply listing our favorite system?

N64 or computer. N64 since I can't live without Zelda, PC because consoles are too easy to win on.

General Gaming Talk / Re: What is minecraft?
« on: 16 Jan, 2011 19:47 »
Don't ask Artix.

Since when has any CoD game not been overrated? They aren't "Z0MG BEST GAEM EVIR", just another fucking shooter.

General Gaming Talk / Re: DarkRP Poll #1
« on: 12 Jan, 2011 22:06 »
Can you please explain? It makes it much more realistic.

General Gaming Talk / Re: DarkRP Poll #2
« on: 12 Jan, 2011 22:06 »
Don't revenge kill then.

General Gaming Talk / Re: DarkRP Poll #1
« on: 12 Jan, 2011 21:59 »
I think it makes you hungry and die if you don't eat.

General Gaming Talk / Re: DarkRP Poll #2
« on: 12 Jan, 2011 21:58 »
Everyone eithers doesn't follow it or the people who do follow it bitch to non followers causing arguements. So no.

General Gaming Talk / Re: DarkRP Status Update (*edited*)
« on: 12 Jan, 2011 21:42 »
Would there be any way possible to make it where you need food every so often or you would lose health and die?

The first post is:

adding in sourcemod over the weekend i need admins to post their names here with their steam id and rank

i will cross reference to make sure you aren't lying  and say you are a cl when you are a trial

this applies only to ttt admins

also we will start getting more admins

Black Ops

Graphics Card(not a big problem but still)
Exams and SAT

Minecraft / Re: Destroy the tower of lava
« on: 02 Dec, 2010 20:24 »
Don't! It looks cool with my water trying to stop it and your lava trying to fight my water in a large ass hole.

The Art Forum / Re: Classical Music
« on: 02 Dec, 2010 03:47 »
I like it.

Never payed much attention to it until I played Bioshock for the first time back in January though.

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