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Messages - JohnCyKlopZ

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The Art Forum / Re: House Music
« on: February 03, 2013, 07:21:56 PM »
Kamuwe by Disfunktion (Skip to 1:12 for the good stuff):
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBEYPnvRnPc" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBEYPnvRnPc</a>

Solved Ban Requests / Re: "Tom Hanks" RDMs and Leave
« on: February 03, 2013, 07:16:51 PM »
you can put these things in the ttt add ban list thread in the office, just make sure you have your proof and such... but uhhhh.... no id? lol type status into console every round, or bind it, prefferably bind

Code: [Select]

Code: [Select]
to the same key.

Just press it every round until you get admin, then the id's should show up when someone leaves, but either way, just push your bind everyround.

Yeah I wasn't sure where to go to get this guy banned. Ultimately I figured I should've done the old fashioned Ban Request form because I wasn't technically admin on the actual server yet. That was until I realized Trial Admins can't ban in the first place anyway. Oops, I'll post in the admin addban thread next time then.  ;D Thanks for letting me know, and also for the command.

Solved Ban Requests / "Tom Hanks" RDMs and Leave
« on: February 03, 2013, 07:08:27 PM »
Your name in-game: Klutonec

Offender's name in-game: Tom Hanks

Date/Time of the offence: About 10:15-10:20 AM Pacific Time

SteamID: Lots of people on Steam have the same name, so I don't know.

Server: TTT

Any administrators on the server?: Me, but I haven't received admin powers yet.

What was the problem/offense?: 2 RDMs, then subsequent leave. Both RDMs were traitors' deaths, and I was one of them. You can probably understand why I'm >:(. The first kill was with an explosive barrel (unwarned) and the second kill (shortly after the first) was plain old shooting me to death.

    • Proof:
Damage logs:

End-of-Round kill list (In case you need it):

    • Other comments:

The Art Forum / Re: Your "Anime/Manga" Styled Drawings
« on: February 03, 2013, 06:26:46 PM »
Current sketch of the next picture. Same character as last time.

The Art Forum / Re: Your "Anime/Manga" Styled Drawings
« on: January 30, 2013, 03:52:53 AM »
Pretty good John. That is one skill I have always envied people for.

Thank you Old Crow, I feel special :D

lookin good johnny boy! seems you have improved quite a bit

Thanks Dark Emo, it always motivates me whenever my progress is acknowledged.

I really like the shading on the hair and the pinkish color.

Yeah, me too. I was thinking of bubblegum when I was coming up with colors. I'm very glad you like them, thank you!

The Art Forum / Re: Your "Anime/Manga" Styled Drawings
« on: January 30, 2013, 02:16:37 AM »
Done! ;D

Yeah. I didn't care about the background, but I still wanted to put something behind her nevertheless.

The Art Forum / Re: Your "Anime/Manga" Styled Drawings
« on: January 29, 2013, 03:43:45 AM »
I should probably keep this thread alive or something parrot

Just about half an hour into this sketch. Gonna go to bed though so might as well post it here anyway.

Oh fuck the nose

Introductions Forum / Re: Hi
« on: January 29, 2013, 02:53:31 AM »
I've seen you a couple of times. Hey! :P

The Art Forum / Re: Weeaboo Music!
« on: January 26, 2013, 07:15:17 PM »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDb5OibM04w" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDb5OibM04w</a>

Full Version:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwN2nC0GyP0" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwN2nC0GyP0</a>


GarrysMod / Re: 1/18/13 Update Petition
« on: January 19, 2013, 06:48:45 PM »
Apparently the vintar headshots do 84 damage.

Yes, they do. I'm sorry, I don't give a fuck what kind of gun it is, if I put a sniper round through your forehead, you're dead.
I think any gun should 1 shot to the head.

I think it's hilarious how the light machine gun in TTT requires 10 headshots to kill somebody. A light machine gun.

High as fuck recoil, TRRIBLE accuracy, and VERY LOW damage. NOBODY, absolutely NOBODY ever uses that gun. Might as well just remove it, if it stays that way. :-\

GarrysMod / Re: 1/18/13 Update Petition
« on: January 19, 2013, 01:20:42 AM »
The m16 is semi automatic now? I thought its fire of rate was already too low in the first place.

Solved Applications / Re: [TTT] Klutonec/JohnCyKlopZ
« on: January 17, 2013, 09:50:25 PM »
Home country: France.
Tu parle francais? Plus un! (my grammar sucks)
You will be great.

Oui, mais je ne le parle plus si souvent, car je ne l'ai plus besoin en Amerique. Mon francais n'ai pas terrible, mais ce n'est pas si bon non plus. Plus maintenant :(
(Yes, but I don't speak it that much often anymore, since I no longer need to in America. My French isn't horrible, but it's not that great either. Not anymore.)


tl;dr -1 for being blah blah blah....
I'm okay with this, give it a little more time and having more euro admins is always good.

Thank you Towersheep

Solved Applications / Re: [TTT] Klutonec/JohnCyKlopZ
« on: January 17, 2013, 01:02:29 PM »
Thanks for vouching for me, guys!  meme1

Solved Applications / [TTT] Klutonec/JohnCyKlopZ
« on: January 17, 2013, 04:51:37 AM »
Names of existing administrators, if any, who have recommended the applicant for consideration: In the length of time I've been playing TTT again (half a year, I think,) a few admins have suggested that I should apply. I just don't remember which, haha.

In-game name: Klutonec

Link to the applicant's Steam page: http://steamcommunity.com/id/JohnCyKlopZ

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:30890522

Past admin experience, if any: A few years ago, I was a veteran admin for CG, back in the old TTT server. (Old admin application: http://www.conjointgaming.com/forum/index.php?topic=1087.msg12352#msg12352)
I was 13 at the time, and I still can't believe I went that far. At that time, though, I was using a netbook to game -- since that was about all my family could afford. I loved TTT and talking to other CG members over voice chat so much that I would endure the ~15-20 FPS just for it (these were the times where crappy hitboxes were less noticeable.) I would also yell over the microphone so often, that my mom would complain almost every day that I was being too loud. Yelling to joke around with the other players, of course.
A GMod update that was released a while after made the game require more RAM than it did before. My 1GB netbook could no longer run Garry's Mod, and thus I couldn't admin any longer. 83 years later I finally got a new computer! And an HD 6770 video card.

Reason(s) behind the applicant's request to become an administrator: I have been playing on this current TTT server for a considerable amount of time, now, and I wish to be involved more than I already am being by playing the game. I'm also applying for the sake of keeping the roster of admins portrayed as a laid back, but tame group of players -- not policemen. Therefore I hope to take a ton of stress off the fellow admins' back by lending a hand. Either by doing admin work or by livening things up with my retarded voice. I will take my job as an admin seriously.

Mentionable qualities: I fully realize how much of a handful the responsibilities of a TTT admin is -- I know because I used to be a veteran admin, as previously mentioned. However, I like to keep a straight attitude and a manageable, constant pace when I work. There are two things that come from this. One: For a video game, I won't let an annoyance effect a positive attitude I'm in (that means I'll deal with things in a timely manner), which leads to number Two: I'll try my best to keep a positive attitude on the server, instead of letting the stress turn me into a cranky nazi. If I can't handle it, then I'll resign.
Moreover, I grew up as a paranoid sociopath who would overthink things, and that would apply to even the simplest conversations. I'm not as much of that now as I was back then, but I'm inadvertently analytical when it comes to two-sided stories, and I believe that's a good thing, because I'm that way without even trying. Ultimately, I'll be taking cases thoroughly, or avoid rushing through them (I won't take 5 hours to carry out one issue, of course.) I find it worthwhile to look in both sides of a story, and I'll take the task seriously. But thank God damage logs exist, right?
I'm also very good at balancing joking around and assuming all responsibilities as an admin. In most cases it will almost seem like I have two personalities on the server, though I'll promise to lean towards an unbiased pole.

Home country: France.

Age: 16 (Date of Birth - 10/29/96)

Microphone: Yes

Additional Notes: Thank you for considering me once again.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: TRolling on the server
« on: January 13, 2013, 06:01:01 PM »
I also think its a bit ridiculous that we have admins whom have been yelled at multiple times, and are known for their abuse, and still have admin, and these guys mess up once and are completely stripped of it.


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