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Messages - TowerSheep

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Ban request Ribose
« on: 08 Jul, 2011 14:22 »
Current rules: The means they use to express the slur shall be taken away. IE: voice = mute, text = gag

Current rule < 700
Old rule < 600

I want the old rule back. Jorgen says it's 700.

I personally think karma bans are stupid and unless they have been literally blasting people in the face because they aimed at them.

Its ruining one of the tactical parts of the game which is an area thats already been messed up.

I think it should be back to <600. You have to try to get it that low.

Round 1: He and kitty were calling each other out. I assumed he was traitor when Kitty turned up inno.
Round 2: I was traitor and he was in Kitty's last words, hell yes I went along with it.
Round 3: I said don't trust him because people that were near to him just stop responding. Someone asked "KOS Malak?" and i said "No" about 3 times.

The round we were traitors (round 3) I said "I don't trust Malak" that is in no way a reason to kill you. You were killed by Vex'd and then he turned on me because we were together.

Also round 3 would not have caused him to loose karma because he was a traitor and didn't shoot any innos. I was asked to ban him after round 3, I said no. (Tendovvi asked).

I waited 3 rounds to allow his 680 karma to go above 700, in 2 rounds it sunk to 637. So in 2 rounds he went below 600 and I gave him time to get it to an acceptable level. 2 rounds later it sunk another 40 points. One of which he was a traitor.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: malaks appeal
« on: 07 Jul, 2011 17:20 »
Just rebanned for  <700 karma.

Initially I got him rdm'ed a few times (because I was traitor) so I gave him 2 rounds to let it go back up. (he was at 680) it went down to 636 after a few rounds so I decided to ban him.

Solved Applications / Re: My Ass admin application
« on: 07 Jul, 2011 12:31 »
Problem: People are gonna bitch becasue this is your first post
Solution: Make yourself known get around 50 posts before expecting to be excepted

Other than that, which several other people will tell you, I think you'd be a good admin.

read the rest of my post. I explain why


I think he'd be fine if people respect him. His voice is a bit high and many people would just call him a squeaker and not give a shit. It's nothing against him.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: IIZard's unban request.
« on: 05 Jul, 2011 19:31 »
You do not have the right to kill some one because of actions the round before or during pre-round (ever).
You admitted you killed him for actions the previous round. Accept your punishment.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: IIZard's unban request.
« on: 05 Jul, 2011 03:38 »
Revenge rdm = week ban. No exceptions

Introductions Forum / Re: Ohay
« on: 04 Jul, 2011 23:48 »
Hello good sir. enjoy your stay.

Welcome to CG.

I would give you more of a warm welcome, but I am depressed

<3 <3

Solved Applications / Re: Lakitu's App.
« on: 04 Jul, 2011 02:52 »
He actually tries to help admins in a non-annoying way. I like him.


He's okay, I have nothing against him

I waited to see if I acutally saw him on the server for decent amounts of time. If he stays as active as he is now...

+1 double rainbow style

Solved Applications / Re: A TTT admin Application.
« on: 28 Jun, 2011 15:17 »
No. 3 apps and 6 posts. BE MORE ACTIVE ON THE FOURMS.

You have a slim chance of getting approved if most of the community doesn't know you.

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