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Messages - Pillz

Way Off Topic Box / Re: FORUM GAME
« on: 12 Dec, 2012 23:21 »
^ Ooh daddy you know me well

< Is fucking a can of ice cream

v Ready to ride the caribou of destiny

Zombie Panic: Source / ZPS Recruitment
« on: 12 Dec, 2012 19:50 »

Made a recruitment post in the ZPS forums explaining CG's recent history and server changes. I don't think this will get us much traffic but recently a couple of older players asked where our servers were for a while and whatnot; and I kind of want to talk about the history behind our name. Just was kinda bored and saw the other recruitment posts so I wanted to make one for us now that we're back in business; maybe catching us a little attention and players along the way.

In the meantime, if you're in CG and reading this now; but don't have ZPS installed- INSTALL IT. It's FREE, and while it's different than what you're used to it's an amazing game. You don't have to wait and spectate when you die, instead you become a zombie and you have to eat your old teammates who let you die! What more could you want?! I've played over 2,700 hours of the game, so I think it's at least worth a few hours of your time. <3 Come play with me, we have like no admins or dedicated players anymore; and I miss the good ole times where the server was always booming and I wasn't the only one trying to populate it. The more people we have playing all the time and helping out, the funner the game gets. Then fun nights might become a thing again and who knows what else!

I can't support the server by myself forever though; I don't want the server to die completely if I have to leave for one reason or another. Believe in yourselves and believe in ZPS!

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Update Thread
« on: 12 Dec, 2012 18:37 »
Hello Bitches ^^

Thanks Pillz for download my Core Complex v3. Appreciated it! <3

No problem, I had been waiting for a while to see the update and when the server was finally up the download link was broken. XD Glad it's fixed now, and I'm glad ZPS isn't broken anymore. I hope it doesn't mess up again any time soon.

Minecraft / Re: Snapshots
« on: 12 Dec, 2012 18:34 »

Fireworks, enchanted books and nether brick slabs have been made! You can also place redstone and levers on crafting tables or furnaces by holding the sneak button.

Admin Resignation / Re: Waffuls Resignation
« on: 12 Dec, 2012 18:24 »
Fuck yeah!

Solved Applications / Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
« on: 12 Dec, 2012 18:23 »
Ehh he's alright.

Well how long is the ban for; I don't think it should be perma cause this might of been a foolish mistake but I don't think he did it on purpose.. Eh idk.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Custom skins
« on: 11 Dec, 2012 20:00 »
Yeah FPSNana has skins too, but you have to sort through all the bad ones. I don't really care for skins, I feel like it'll just attract more children and it makes the game look obnoxious if you have Sonic and Zelda running around shooting zombies.

Even with realistic skins I'd rather just have what the dev team has given us.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: False perma mute
« on: 11 Dec, 2012 19:12 »
I'm pretty sure he ragequit/moved on from CG because usually I would see him on like, every other day. However, since this post and his permamute i haven't seen him on at all. Since he hasn't responded in like 2/3 days, pretty easy to assume he doesn't care.  quagmire

Well when this stuff happens to people usually they fail to see they did anything wrong and then go on telling people about how stupid we are; etc.

The Art Forum / Favorite ERB?
« on: 10 Dec, 2012 20:54 »
Post your favorite Epic Rap Battle of History!

My favorite is today's video featuring my homie Snoop Lion rofl
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Update Thread
« on: 10 Dec, 2012 20:47 »

Added zps_ASDF

Yes I'm pretty sure it's a port from the colorful Zombie Master deathrun. We'll see how it plays on ZPS.

Well I have a Hunger Games map somewhere; all you'd really have to do is throw that up and have someone flying around controlling the opening and other events. Though it's an old one and I'm sure it's not the same.

Either way they're all fun little games to get away from the real minecraft which is cool; but Idunno. I like normal minecraft as something to do when I'm bored so I wouldn't want to ONLY have a Hunger games server or whatever.

Also, people pay extra for minigames in minecraft? Whatt.

Zombie Master / Re: ZM - Always Empty
« on: 10 Dec, 2012 16:15 »
What do you all think? Time to shut it down or keep it up?

I tried installing to play, never got it to work. Installing NMRiH today I realized SDK2007 was never installed like I thought it was, so I'd play now but I think it's a little late.

I also thought we had a ZM community but later learned Arbies took them all; but oh well. I've got enough to play with ZPS, TTT and NMRiH so I don't care about it anymore.
When did arbies leave?
After the wholegrain incident. He's still in CG he just doesn't want HA. Hes a HA on another ZM server now.
That server is gone now, still don't have any plans for re-applying for admin.
What happened to all that hype and "Yeah, I'll play it!" attitude?

We all tried; one at a time though. It also populated itself somehow a couple of times up to six or seven people, so it wouldn't of been a complete loss if we actually had an admin or two playing instead of random players like me, Chris and whoever else attempted playing. I enjoy the game but like ZPS only when at least 3-4 friends are playing too; again I also didn't fully realize you and the others weren't going to play at all but oh well.

Maybe me, Chris or Bunneh could put one up and share if we ever want to play.

Introductions Forum / Re: Ho Ho Screeeeeeeeeee
« on: 09 Dec, 2012 22:07 »
Discord isn't the one writing the Christmas badgers post though; it's someone else while Discord posts it for him.

How I know this.. I'm not sure..

No More Room In Hell / Re: sv_realistic on or off?
« on: 09 Dec, 2012 22:05 »
Well this explains a lot. I didn't understand why I had hit a zombie and shot it 7 times before it finally died, makes sense to go for the head but it'd be nice if body melee hits did some damage. Oh well, at least now I know.

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