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Messages - TowerSheep

Old Time Aways / Re: Ashes Relandi's Admin break
« on: 07 Sep, 2011 00:24 »

I mean... we will miss you when you aren't on.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Ban request for _iamclandestine
« on: 06 Sep, 2011 21:30 »
I thought I did ban him. I was doing a lot when I was on yesterday and today so it is likely I missed your messages. He should be banned and I will do it when I'm home unless another admin does it first.

Solved Applications / Re: Loly617's re-app
« on: 06 Sep, 2011 17:35 »
You cause way to many problems. We need people we can trust to not cause problems. You used the "my brother was on my account" excuse for multiple offenses. I cannot trust you (and your brother) to not abuse.


Thought I'd said yes. I gave you powers already :-P Must have not his post.


I muted him because he and serveral people were spamming mic with "what is traitor" and "what is an ak47?" So I said "If you keep trolling I will mute you" he asked something like "what is a mute" so I muted him. It was going to be for one round, but at least 3 times a minute he'd ask to be unmuted. I told him, if you don't stop spamming chat I'll assume you won't stop spamming mic. He continued to ask so I left him muted for the remainder of the map. I did no mute him the next map.

Commodore had also asked him to stop spamming chat. He asked if he was allowed to gag and I gave him the green light to gag Change. I was alive so I don't know how much he was spamming, but commodore did what a trail admin should and asked before doing something he was unsure of.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Ban appeal
« on: 05 Sep, 2011 21:10 »
A time would also help, I can check logs to see who did it and why. Due to no source bans I haveto search manually. I will ask around thbough.


You cause problems as a regular player and rage way to frequently.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Hair Slut With Sex Hair
« on: 05 Sep, 2011 03:55 »
Hair has been banned for a week.
Locking this topic.

Solved Applications / Re: Blackllama's admin app
« on: 05 Sep, 2011 01:19 »

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Hair Slut With Sex Hair
« on: 05 Sep, 2011 00:04 »
There is nothing here to prove more than accidental. I will wait for Hair to say something about the issue though.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Saint's Ban Appeal
« on: 04 Sep, 2011 21:50 »
Since the person who banned you wants you unbanned, I see no reason to keep you banned.


I'm not going to deny that I was RDMing, I would, however, like to say that just because I was standing near a burning body (I didn't even know it was burning until he told me, and even then I never saw it.) in a corner facing away from it, doesn't mean I'm a traitor. Did you see me kill anyone? No. Did you check to see if anyone else was around that could have done it? No. The "Shoot first, ask questions later" attitude doesn't always work. Plus, I RDMed you once, and then tried a second time, 1 plus 1 does not equal 3. Plus I'm not even sure if the second one counts, seeing as how I didn't actually succeed.
Ban me if you want, I just thought you should know the facts.

By your own admission you tried to kill him twice (actually doing it once)after he killed you which is revenge rdm. That carries a 1 week ban.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: drinks (clorg) and biffjohnston
« on: 04 Sep, 2011 00:51 »
You two cannot even keep you story consistant from one post to the next.

I trust ashes and from what he says he was right to ban you for ghosting. The ban will remain.


Solved Ban Appeals / Re: drinks (clorg) and biffjohnston
« on: 03 Sep, 2011 23:04 »
I don't think I've ever seen either of you, so I don't believe that you are regulars. Unless you go by different names. I'll wait to see what Ashes (or the admin that banned you) has to say before I remove the ban though.

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