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Messages - Zukuto

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Old Time Aways / Re: Zukuto Moving
« on: July 26, 2011, 03:23:57 AM »
I'm finally back from my extended vacation!!!

Sorry the CSS server has been left to rot while i've been gone, but now that i'm back, I can get some shit done!
Haha, no but seriously, I've got my lazy self back to normal, and no more work. So I have all the time in the world.. Until next Thursday, when school starts...

Anyways, shit is going to be getting done.

Minecraft / Re: To those who mod ...
« on: July 23, 2011, 09:27:02 PM »
*cough* sounds like they are trying to copy Terraria's boss system *cough*

So? I think it's a good idea...

I live Minecraft better than Terraria, so having bosses and dungeons similar to Terraria isn't a bad thing...

Minecraft / Re: To those who mod ...
« on: July 23, 2011, 12:35:39 PM »
We need this.
Hella bad.

We can't get rid of our nukes, not because we're greedy, or want the upper hand. Simply because everybody else has them. I read this thread and it's all just bashing the USA, but pretty much the same could be said about every other country. I'm tired of reading shit and people can't seem to get the point, and instead think the US is this big bad country that's greedy for power. Which it isn't, we just happen to be at the top right now, so everybody picks at our flaws. We could do the same to any other country, but we don't.

Anyways, we can't disarm ourselves unless every other country does it first, not only because we have 300+ million people to protect, but because we still follow the motto of ask and you shall receive, so if another country is under the threat of nuclear war, we would step in, and keep the conflict away from such disastrous outcomes.

So, lets get this thread back on topic, and away from bashing the USA for having nukes, and back to whether or not we should get rid of ours, and what conditions would have to be present to do so.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Ventrilo Unban
« on: July 21, 2011, 07:31:52 PM »
I wasn't there, but the story that was explained to me was--

You said the N-word..
Alec said "That's racist!"
You replied "No it's not, they deserve to be called that!"

Which is MUCH worse then WG, so please stop whining, it was fairly given.

The Art Forum / Re: Post Your iTunes List!
« on: July 21, 2011, 02:17:34 PM »
Who the fuck uses iTunes?

Help Section / Re: CG Gamemode
« on: July 18, 2011, 01:44:13 AM »
If this is going to happen we cannot use anything from another game mode.

ALL of the models have to be original, and so do the maps.

Wholegrain, i'm willing to help, but just a warning, this isn't going to take a few days of coding. This is going to take a month at the very LEAST. There is A LOT of work that goes into this, and you need a team of people to do it. You need testers, coders, graphic design teams. I just want you to be aware of the stress and the time that comes along with a project like this. This won't be easy, and it sure as hell won't happen quickly.

But, all that aside, i'm all for it, just hit me up with what you need and i'll be on it. I love these types of things, and plus, having a physical game mode i helped create looks good on a resume. So yeah. That's cool too.

Admin Department / Re: Admin Training
« on: July 17, 2011, 03:44:09 AM »


Admin Department / Re: Wtf
« on: July 13, 2011, 10:16:17 PM »
Um. Don't change admin mods. That is beyond a bad idea.

SM is the best choice. Simple as that, and it doesn't suck, you just need to use it correctly.

The Art Forum / Cadillac Ranch
« on: July 12, 2011, 01:14:07 AM »
I went to Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo, TX last weekend and spray painted come cars that were stuck in the ground..!

Old Time Aways / Re: Zukuto Moving
« on: July 08, 2011, 10:16:03 AM »
Okie, necro time.

Anyways, i'm gone for the rest of today and the weekend, even though i'm still within my admin leave, I figured since i've had a bit more time I might as well put this up. Nothing really needs to be administerd on the CSS server, since it's still broken.

Wholegrain - I can't get it to work, not sure if it needs updating, or just a full re-install. Try updating, then backup the maps, and re-install it, get the LATEST version of SM and copy the current respawn script from the plugins folder to the new install. This SHOULD fix it. By the way, I still don't have full access, I cannot see the FTP or Update buttons for the CSS server.

Have fun, don't break shit while i'm gone.

Old Time Aways / Re: Jorgens time away
« on: July 07, 2011, 10:37:33 PM »
I claim his bed!

General Gaming Talk / Re: Surf Server
« on: June 29, 2011, 02:48:13 AM »
It's JB, if there is a bunch of skins, some people may get confused on who's a prisoner, and who's a guard. That's what I meant.

When it comes to adding 'pizzaz'(lol), we have to be wary, because TOO many plugins WILL result in them effecting eachother and becoming unstable. Usually when this happens, the server dies, and we have to either remove the plugins, or spend the next week coding fixes.

Surf is MUCH easier to manage than JB, can be more of a leisurely activity compared to JB, and is fun alone OR with people.

I'm not willing to do a bunch more work on the JB, because I don't see it going anywhere, even if we add selectable skins and flashy lights. If it hasn't taken off by now, I doubt it ever will.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Surf Server
« on: June 28, 2011, 08:01:57 PM »
Id rather have Jail Break. The problem with the JB is there is no Pizzaz. Nothing to stand out. TTT server stands out and drags people in because we have special things. Maybe instead of surf (Which will fail all the same) we should start adding some stuff to the JB server to make it more fun. *Cough* Selectable Skins *Cough* or more Lrs and Trails n' stuff like that. If you REALLY want peoploe in make an items shop where how long your playing allows you to buy, skins and start with free weapons.

Wrong, JB failed not due to the fact that we don't have 'special items' it's because it's not structured well enough. Now, putting 'pizzaz' into the server will load it down, make it buggy, and over-all is NOT a good idea. Select-able skins is not really that good of an idea because it will confuse people, and make it harder to play. LR isn't restricted to the !lr command, you can make your own up, people just don't for some reason.

Now, you can't compare surf to JB because they 1. attract different people, and 2. don't rely on players to be in the server to attract people. I know you JUST got transfered over, and haven't had time to actually be an admin on the server, BUT, I don't think the JB will ever be successful, no matter how many CG members try. It's all about KEEPING a population, something that is becoming harder and harder to do with CSS.

Maybe someday we can do a Gmod JB server, because their player-base is a bit different than CSS.
But for now, JB is not something we need to sink resources into.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Surf Server
« on: June 28, 2011, 07:28:29 PM »
I've owned one too Blood :D

I like JB and all, but CG doesn't seem too excited about it,
plus, people don't really look specifically for full servers to surf in,
so a low population isn't always bad. PLUS, it caters to a different crowd,
and will be easier to populate.

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