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Messages - dirtylaundry022

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Debate Forum / Re: Religion Thread
« on: November 30, 2010, 02:05:01 PM »
No man could ever follow the old testament, not possible.

that is all
same goes for the new testament, no1 can follow it completely.

it seems to me, that for a very wise god he certainly is dumb at times, giving rules he know we can't follow.

this is not bigotry dirty so shut your face XD

Not you jurgen!!!! I was talking about Dino, lol

Debate Forum / Re: Religion Thread
« on: November 30, 2010, 01:57:53 PM »
I'm calling for a lock on this thread due to bigotry.  I'm just getting sick of this thread, I really am.  We all have differences on religious perspectives, and we all need to accept that none of us are going to change our thoughts based on what is said here. 

That said, a debate should really just be about people posting different perspectives on beliefs about religion.  If you're here to just hate and flame, please don't post.  This thing has outlived itself.

For all that is decent and good.....

Debate Forum / Re: Religion Thread
« on: November 30, 2010, 04:08:27 AM »
So basically it comes down to using parts of the Old Testament, the useful ones, while leaving the ones preaching bloodthirstiness and murder aside. How exactly do you justify the transcendence of certain sections of the Old Testament into modern times? Do you believe the Bible is the word of God?

I do believe the Bible is the Word of God.  The fact is that there isn't a part of the Bible that endorses any violent act.  The only violent acts that come up are those that are created by the people themselves, and are mentioned, not created, by the Bible because of the necessity to react to these as certain parts of that ancient culture. 

Debate Forum / Re: Religion Thread
« on: November 30, 2010, 03:43:28 AM »
Stupid quote trains.....

Anyway, most of the teachings found in the OT are very knowledgeable, but at the same time must be taken with a grain of salt.  Obviously, these were written more than 2000 years ago, and are not part of the same culture that we are, but some of the meanings are very well taken into Christianity.  For example, the OT conceptions of forgiveness and divine authority.

Debate Forum / Re: Religion Thread
« on: November 29, 2010, 12:45:13 AM »
I can see crypto came back for more, lol. I just hope I don't have to get back into this much...

I'm gonna ignore the flaming, and go back to saying if you're christian and you DON'T believe in the trinity, you're not really catholic or any form of protestantism, but you could be a variation of eastern orthodox.

This completely random post is correct.

To not believe in the trinity is to not believe everything in the bible which means that person is not really Christian to begin with as you cannot pick and chose what to believe.

Well, technically you can, at least with the minor parts of religion, which explains the plethora of Christian denominations out there.  But yes, the major parts are things you can't really ignore, like trinitarianism.

Old Time Aways / Re: Out of Town
« on: November 28, 2010, 05:26:06 PM »
Spammed thread locked.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Map Removal / Additions Request
« on: November 28, 2010, 03:58:47 PM »
i just wanted to say i think we should take out zps town cause it really doesnt help populate the server i dont know about u guys but i hate it

You should just go die.  right now.

I can't believe someone would suggest such an atrocious thing!!!

I also can only hope you're joking....seriously....

Debate Forum / Re: Religion Thread
« on: November 28, 2010, 02:20:11 PM »
I can see crypto came back for more, lol. I just hope I don't have to get back into this much...

I'm gonna ignore the flaming, and go back to saying if you're christian and you DON'T believe in the trinity, you're not really catholic or any form of protestantism, but you could be a variation of eastern orthodox.

Old Time Aways / Re: Out of Town
« on: November 28, 2010, 02:09:10 PM »
Back, what the fuck are you all talking about??


General Gaming Talk / Re: Most Addicting Flash Game EVER
« on: November 23, 2010, 04:43:53 AM »
I can only get 86, god I suck :|

Strike that, just played again, beat everyone and got a 256!!!!!!!!!!

Debate Forum / Re: Religion Thread
« on: November 23, 2010, 02:26:58 AM »
did you even READ my statements.  higher powers, while not provable, also aren't DISPROVABLE.  there is NO evidence that god DOESN'T EXIST!!! you're just proving your close-mindedness/bigotry further.
There's no evidence that any imaginary entity does not exist. That doesn't mean you should believe in those entities. Belief in the unprovable is irrational. Rejection of the irrational is not close minded.

Again, irrational to whom? to you? believing in a higher entity sounds pretty rational to me, I'm not going to cit my reasons as more flames will erupt from your bigotry.

You can't argue with rationality on its own when dealing with religion because RATIONALITY IS NOT CONSTANT!!!!  Different things are rational to different peoples.  You need to accept this and come to terms with the fact that while you choose not to believe in a god, it isn't a bad thing that others choose to do so!!!

Rationality is a circle argument when dealing with religion, and its not going to take you and your now clearly bigoted point of view anywhere.

So... now this thread is about generalization?
Can you guys please stop arguing? There's no real point in arguing over such strong matters, each side is just too stubborn to be persuaded otherwise.
Just agree to disagree, we'll all die one day anyway, so who really cares who's right or not.

its not an argument its a debate

and yes, unfortunately this is turning into an arguement razor, it wasn't one at first, but when you start to become "irrational" ( discofrog ) it turns into one, and I would like to see well-thought-out debate continue.  Otherwise, I'd like this thread locked at the next un-thought-out statement. 

I respect you as a person crypto, but your posts in this thread are starting to get ridiculous. I don't hate you, I really don't.  I enjoy playing with you and even debating with you earlier.  But now you're just starting to become protectionist for its own sake, which you were accusing others of doing earlier in the thread.

Debate Forum / Re: Religion Thread
« on: November 22, 2010, 07:55:10 PM »
Dirty, did you just state that reason is not a justified tool of argumentation?

If so, then what are we left with, to argument?

I stated its not a justified tool of argument when dealing with theology, as that is what this thread is about.  there are many, MANY places where reason is fine and dandy.

So then, you are left to argue religion on religion's terms, which can neither prove nor disprove itself.

Thus, it comes down to personal choice, which isn't debatable in the first place.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Post a picture of your self here because....
« on: November 22, 2010, 07:39:52 PM »

people always tell me I look like chandler from friends.

Debate Forum / Re: Religion Thread
« on: November 22, 2010, 07:33:15 PM »
the close-mindedness occurs if it is insisted that there cannot be gods, and that this can be proven.  that in itself simply cannot be proven, unless you are completely closed to the possibility from the start.
It isn't close minded to disbelieve something that you have no reason to believe in the first place. It's simply common sense.

If atheism were open-minded, from either perspective, it would be uncaring whether gods existed or not.  Though science, it is neither provable nor disprovable, since any God would be above worldly limitations.  through theology we see that god is only perceptible through divine relvelation, which if you don't believe in these powers will not make sense to you anyways.  Thus, another stalemate.
Open-mindedness to an idea and tolerance of an unprovable idea are not the same thing. Tolerating an unprovable idea—an idea you have no reason to believe in the first place—is allowing people to fall prey to an idiotic delusion. There's no such thing as close-mindedness to something that is not possible.

1.  Now we see the beast emerge.  You have a choice to make, to believe or not.  there's no reason to involve reason.  Don't look at religion expecting to disprove it on some other field of study.  that's not valid.  Again, common sense? common sense for CRYPTO.  common sense is different across all fields of culture, and so is reason for that matter.  Common sense and reason are not constants in this world, no matter how much we'd like them to be, and aren't effective or justified tools of arguement.  it makes you sound naive.

2.  They are the same thing.  You can't truly tolerate something you don't leave open the possibility of truth to.  If you don't give it a chance of being true, you don't tolerate it, you are a bigot. 

that last sentence just digs your hole deeper.

did you even READ my statements.  higher powers, while not provable, also aren't DISPROVABLE.  there is NO evidence that god DOESN'T EXIST!!! you're just proving your close-mindedness/bigotry further.

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