Show Posts - SandBellie


Messages - SandBellie

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Old Time Aways / Re: No internet...T.T
« on: 11 Sep, 2010 01:17 »
Thanks for all the birthday wishes guys, even tho its not quite my birthday yet.
I hope to be back soon, and earn my admin back! But until then, Ill see you guys when I can. ^_^

Chris, you better wish me a happy birthday you bum!!  ;)

Have fun all.

Old Time Aways / Re: No internet...T.T
« on: 11 Sep, 2010 01:13 »
Happy BDAY sandbellie!  how do you like it so far ? NH I mean. I hope it all goes smoothly for you. I don't know where you were from before that but watch out for snow :P

Ive lived in NH before, and I love it. :3
And yes! The snow does get overwhelming at times, but it is enjoyable.  ;D

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Hows KAT?
« on: 11 Sep, 2010 01:09 »
Hey all...thanks for the posts. I actually was able to play on the server this evening! Woot! xD
Yes...Ive lost my admin, sadly. But I suppose its understandable. Ill be back. ^_-

Old Time Aways / Re: No internet...T.T
« on: 09 Sep, 2010 23:28 »
Honestly, I have no idea how I am surviving without it...

And no Happy Birthdays!?!?!?

Gee guys, love you too xD

Zombie Panic: Source / Hows KAT?
« on: 09 Sep, 2010 22:09 »
I havent been on in a lonnnng ass time, so please. Tell me. How is KAT doing?

Old Time Aways / No internet...T.T
« on: 09 Sep, 2010 22:04 »
Guys. Gals. Hey...>.>

Yea so here's teh scoop. I moved yes, Im at my new house as I type this now. But, Im kinda in the middle of no where...out in the woods...and my family hasnt been able to get internet service out where we live. We cant even get DIAL UP to work. GOOD OL NEW HAMPSHIRE!!! :DD Im on my neighbors wi-fi...its slow as fudge but I can load minor page sites. Im lucky I got Facebook and CG O_O. Ive also been getting used to my new highschool, so ive tried to keep on track with homework and whatnot. Yea, I havent died...but I am upset over the fact that we have no internet D';. Sometimes I can load steam. If Im lucky, so If you see me on...Dont ask me to play anything...cause I cant. Okay, Ive gotta wrap this up now, so Ill talk to you all when I can :3. Peace my peeps!! <3

Oh and by the way, my birthday is on Saturday, so if you see me, be nice. ^-^

Hi ya, and welcome.  ;)

Old Time Aways / Re: Away for a little bit
« on: 05 Aug, 2010 13:24 »
moving again?  didnt you already move from MA back into NH like a month or two ago?

Not yet :P

Old Time Aways / Re: Away for a little bit
« on: 05 Aug, 2010 13:21 »
Thanks Guysss :3

Old Time Aways / Away for a little bit
« on: 02 Aug, 2010 14:40 »
Hey guys. I know I haven't really been playing, but its because Ive gotten busy with some stuff in real life.
I'm actually in the process of moving so I'm just letting you guys know I'm not gonna be around too much for the month of August. I'll try to get on and play when I can. Thanks!  ;D



Awwwwww Crypto ^_^

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Where has everyone gone?
« on: 18 Jul, 2010 22:04 »
Well, I've gotten some what busy with stuff in real, so I haven't been around much. I'll try to get on more when I can.

General Discussions / Re: Conjoint Gaming Toolbar!
« on: 18 Jul, 2010 21:51 »
Cool, I already installed it.  ;)

General Discussions / Re: Conjoint Gaming Background
« on: 18 Jul, 2010 21:46 »
Wow, looks really good. Nice job. ^_^

Maps Area / Re: Decent maps?
« on: 10 Jul, 2010 15:51 »
Thanks Pillz. <3

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