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Messages - Kwaurtz

Debate Forum / Re: Worst Alcoholic Beverage Ever
« on: 17 Oct, 2012 18:04 »
five buck chuck is actually a good wine.

Debate Forum / Re: Worst Alcoholic Beverage Ever
« on: 17 Oct, 2012 16:58 »
Any beer made with rice IE Bud products.

I prefer local brews. There is the BBC (Bluegrass Brewing Company) and I love their Dark Star Porter. Magic Hat has some nice brews.

We have a variation of the Irish Carbomb here called the Kentucky bomb, its made with a Bourbon Barrel Stout, a shot of any kentucky bourbon (Woodford Reserve being the preffered), and a shot of baily's. Its fucking amazing but you get wicked hammered after two of them.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Dota 2? yeah...Dota 2
« on: 17 Oct, 2012 16:53 »
Steam id: Kwuartz
steam name : Kwaurtz

I used to play dota 1 competitively, and still follow dota 2's track a little bit. Deciding if ?I wanna put for the time and effort and lose my social life to be great at the game again.

Alright. So first I need to lay down a little background information about the Halo Universe.
Human developed AI, like Cortana, go through what is called Rampancy after seven years, its a psychological condition that develops after they realize they are about to face their mortality. Cortana has been active for 8 years in the opening of Halo 4.
The new enemies, the Prometheans, are completely computer controlled, and were meant to be the guardians of the shield worlds, which MC's ship happens to crash land on.
There is a somewhat stable peaces between the covenant and humanity now, but there are rogue branches of the covenant that disagree with the peace.

For those familiar to the starcraft storyline, it will probably go down something like this. Cortana in an effort to do her usual thing by controlling doors etc by being planted in the enemies defense systems. However, due to her rampancy and emotional attachment but now distance from Master Chief, shes gonna flip her shit and take control over the new enemy, the Prometheans. In an effort to prevent Master Chief from replacing her, or anyone trying to deactivate her, she will attempt to wipe out everyone. This leads Master Chief to try and recover her, and try and save her, or destroy her with no other choice left, ending their close relationship.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: RebelMaster
« on: 16 Oct, 2012 22:20 »
Is it against the rules? I just skimmed then.  Unless it is illegal to avoid bans, telling him was not breaking a rule.  And assuming it wasn't on the forum, not against the rules.  This is my interpretation anyway.
Avoiding a ban is the same as avoiding a mute on a server... Just saying.
I suppose it is.  But it would not be against the rules to tell someone how to do that.

I guess I worded that poorly.

Yes it would, its intentionally avoiding punishment and telling people how to. Its undermining your fellow admins.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: RebelMaster
« on: 16 Oct, 2012 22:14 »
Is it against the rules? I just skimmed then.  Unless it is illegal to avoid bans, telling him was not breaking a rule.  And assuming it wasn't on the forum, not against the rules.  This is my interpretation anyway.
Avoiding a ban is the same as avoiding a mute on a server... Just saying.

Obviously avoiding bans is okay, its not strictly in the rules. They arent there for any reason whatsoever.. Oh wait...

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: RebelMaster
« on: 16 Oct, 2012 21:07 »

Oh yeah, I told him that he could get around the forum ban (i won't write it here for obvious reasons) but he refused.

Regardless of the ultimate intent of the user, nobody (specially an admin) should give information to a banned member on how to backdoor the ban.

Isn't anyone else slightly concerned about this post?

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Ban request Icemcpony
« on: 16 Oct, 2012 21:05 »
no proof no ban that's how it's work :/

I've got the proof though... I've got the screenshots, I've just gotta load them from an alternate source that isn't the steam cloud.

This is a couple weeks old, but the most recent picture I've got

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: RebelMaster
« on: 16 Oct, 2012 18:37 »
I said this in vent last night, let me say it here.

People we let in with no appeal based on the fact they were banned by WG:
Crypto - Massive troll who i've never seen as someone who is pleasant to play with. All he does is complain when things aren't his way.
Kwaurtz - He DDOS'ed other communities which caused them to counter attack us. (If you're gonna say "but WG told him too" think about it: Would you attack other people's servers "because a CL told you to")

People we are debating
Rebel/Snak - A causal troll who does take it too far some times. The worst thing I'VE SEEN him do it yell at admins when they didn't answer why he was muted/gagged. I'm not saying his innocent by anystandard.

Think about it...
*S-slowly raises hand*
Why not Boxman?

To be honest, if Rebel can't come back, this is kind of fucked up. Everyone is given a second chance.. it's only fair if he does as well.

Hes been permabanned three seperate times.

Solved Ban Requests / Ban request Icemcpony
« on: 16 Oct, 2012 16:20 »
    • Your name in-game: Kwaurtz

    • Offender's name in-game: IceMCpony

    • Date/Time of the offense: 10/16/2012 - multiple times

    • SteamID:

    • Server: TTT

    • Any administrators on the server?:No

    • What was the problem/offense?: Multiple cases of rdm, when informed I would be making this thread so he could post his own argument, he belittled the community.

    • Proof:

    • Other comments:

Not all of my pictures are showing up


Enjoy your terrible ripoff of DayZ

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: RebelMaster
« on: 15 Oct, 2012 18:13 »
Arlight, too be fair, Rebelmaster has been permabanned three times now. Wholegrain was not the original person to ban him, that was me. People can change, however, lets not forget certain facts. I liked playing with Rebel, but I also trolled a lot with him. I cannot say yes or no to this, for mere fact that I like the guy, but its also Rebelmaster, hes infamous for coming on, trolling people, screaming about how he loves cocaine, etc.

Debate Forum / Re: Morality n'stuff
« on: 14 Oct, 2012 13:07 »
Morality is a matter of perspective. Depending on where you lived, grew up, and who influenced your life, your set of morality and values will be drastically different from another person.

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