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Messages - Christovski


Clearly Harden makes Metapod the MVP of your team. 

I'm hoping to add a water type and electric type to my Chespin and Charmander, and maybe a flying type for HMs, might need two random guys for HMs because there's always some that a guy can't use.

You guys are acting like 9 year olds. Dante, stop inciting shit, and Chris, stop arguing with him. I'm sick of fucking drama because you guys can't act your ages. I want to have a place, where I can have mature conversations about games with people I know exclusively per the internet.

Regardless, the psuedo-legendaries are still gonna be strong as hell, and I'm actually looking forward to the fairy type. I don't often IV train until a couple months after the games come out, because then the meta is known. However, for the past 3 releases (diamond/pearl/plat, hgold/ssilver, black/white) me and my friends did a round robin 2 out of 3 with our first hall of fame team. Right after beating the last battle, you go straight to multiplayer, those were the rules. Lots of fun.

Yes, I specifically made this 2nd thread to stop the argument.  Dante felt the need to continue, this will be my last post here, please resume discussing your multiplayer builds, I'm going to be over in the X/Y single player thread.

Actually I just called you tryhards and asked to keep my thread on what I wanted to discuss, that's all I did because I wanted my thread to stay on the topic I was interested in, now here's one for you guys to discuss what you guys want to discuss

So everyone got upset over the last thread so here's a thread for you guys, talk about your online builds and all that stuff!

Post about your min/maxing and EV training and breeding and whatever all that stuff

Dante, Kwaurtz, Billy, this one's for you!  ;)

Though I know for a fact I'm going to pick a bird bro if there's one early on.

Always gotta have a bird bro cause Fly and also TRADITION!

So as we get closer and closer to the release (next Saturday) of Pokemon X and Y, how are people planning?  Starters, team, what you want to accomplish in the single player game.

Personally I'm going to start with Chespin and Charmander for the win (final evolutions look pretty sick, even if chespin's middle evo looks derp).  I'm getting Pokemon X myself, I like the looks of the few exclusives I've seen more than Y.

I'm debating forgoing the strategy I've used ever since the first game back in 1997 where I always have a team of Grass Fire Water Flying Electric Psychic, and instead maybe narrowing it down to a team of only 4 true fighters with one extra for HMs.

I say debating because I'm just gonna do whatever and might just say fuck it and play the way I always have!  I'm in it to have fun, not to be the very best like noone ever was.  :P

I DONT want this to be a big argument about online 'builds' and competition. 
Talking about who you have on your team is what I want, not online strategy and builds please.

General Gaming Talk / Re: HL3 trademarked
« on: 03 Oct, 2013 12:01 »
I have hope for things like games we know will eventually come out.  Valve is great at doing whatever the fuck they want, which is not always what the fans want. :P

I have hope that Pokemon X/Y will be awesome

Introductions Forum / Re: Arth is back
« on: 03 Oct, 2013 01:02 »
You left? trollface

General Gaming Talk / Re: HL3 trademarked
« on: 02 Oct, 2013 18:13 »
Just calm down and let things happen.

I wish people understood to do this, because so many people should do this

CG YouTube / Re: idea i have had
« on: 02 Oct, 2013 16:36 »
Personally I think the market is ridiculously flooded with too many sites that do this already, and most just copy and paste from other sites since there are just so many.

I'm not saying its a horrible idea, but I am saying that the odds of anyone viewing it are slim to none.

General Gaming Talk / Re: HL3 trademarked
« on: 02 Oct, 2013 16:35 »
Maybe Chris, but there is something going on. Yankees needs to get the damn podcast up, we talked about it.

If I don't want to listen to people yakking on Vent/Teamspeak, why would I want to listen to a CG podcast?  :P

The Art Forum / Re: Post your desktop thread
« on: 02 Oct, 2013 11:50 »
hehe, ohhai andre.

YOu double-post instead of shoutbox accidentally?  Cause there be no Andre here :P

General Gaming Talk / Re: HL3 trademarked
« on: 02 Oct, 2013 08:58 »
They're just sitting on the domain, don't jizz your pants unless Valve actually say it's happening soon.
You can sit on new trademark for a looooong time. 

Hidden: Source / Re: Hidden screenshot thread!
« on: 01 Oct, 2013 23:40 »
Just sitting there, completely normal like.. :p

Emo Iris is sad he's sitting haha

Blueferno has contrast and is more pleasing than vertex which is all "Yo dawg I herd you like blue so everything is fuckin blue"

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