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Messages - Pillz

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Zombie Master / Re: Limit on Banshees?
« on: February 02, 2013, 06:43:43 PM »
Woah five would be too few I'm afraid; but if people think that's better go for it.

The ZM being able to spawn more than 15 at a time would be BS though; maybe we can find a way to make them cost more to make? So the ZM uses them strategically instead of whenever they can?

Admin Department / Re: Admin Post Count Requirement
« on: February 02, 2013, 06:26:03 PM »
I was restating in simpler terms for clarity, if only my own. But okay.
Sorry if I sounded like a dick, but I just thought it was funny that you both said the same thing and then both told me you said the same thing.

Well I had to tell you since you didn't get what we meant. :D

Admin Department / Re: Admin Post Count Requirement
« on: February 02, 2013, 06:16:24 PM »
EDIT: I also think there should never be hard post requirements for rank advancement, they should be based on maturity and  experience as an admin. Not how much you post.

I believe that's how getting admin in general should be but since nobody likes that idea I'm suggesting other ways to get people to post since it's such a big deal. Also if they can make the admin app section visible but not accessible that's fine too; just not sure if it was possible on my older forum but maybe it is here.
Ah. Well, it's partially an issue of players who don't play on the same server as the person applying not knowing who they are. The applicant needs to have spent at least some time on vent/forums besides the server to be familiar with the community. Obviously this is why we have the requirement, but I just don't think we need a requirement to make this happen. Although, the only thing we'd benefit from by removing is lack of spam, which is nice.

I somewhat agree; but at the same time actually becoming well known and accepted amongst the community can take 2-3 months sometimes before we really know who this person is. Asking them to post 20-30 posts can take a few days to a week if they're dedicated; therefore it feels like a waste of time to me. Being known on Vent is also a good idea, but not everyone has a Mic or, like me, they don't care to listen to a bunch of people talking over one another.

If the head admin thinks they'll be dedicated and involved with the community (like all admins they accept will be) then they should have a chance at trial admin. It should be then they become involved with the community and if they fuck up even once we can get rid of them.

I also think the re-apply cooldown period should be one month; unless permanently denied for admin.

Admin Department / Re: Admin Post Count Requirement
« on: February 02, 2013, 06:04:49 PM »
EDIT: I also think there should never be hard post requirements for rank advancement, they should be based on maturity and  experience as an admin. Not how much you post.

I believe that's how getting admin in general should be but since nobody likes that idea I'm suggesting other ways to get people to post since it's such a big deal. Also if they can make the admin app section visible but not accessible that's fine too; just not sure if it was possible on my older forum but maybe it is here.

Admin Department / Re: Admin Post Count Requirement
« on: February 02, 2013, 05:58:20 PM »
Post *insert amount* to *see* the admin application board? And use Minimal requirements for going up in the admin chain?
This a horrible idea, you'll get a bunch of people posting in the gmod board asking for admin.

Maybe if you could stop people from posting in the application board until they have a certain amount of posts.

That's what I/he just said. They can't SEE the board till they have 10-15 posts.

GarrysMod / Re: Server Lag :'(
« on: February 02, 2013, 05:33:45 PM »
I didn't even think a good portion of our players played from across the ocean lol

Sounds like OP probably is though, and if Tendovvi isn't having problems with Lag this kid has to be further away than he is. Or have shittier internet.

Admin Department / Re: Admin Post Count Requirement
« on: February 02, 2013, 05:28:29 PM »
Even if you set it to fifty they can just drop off the forums after they get that far; so again we should make the post count a requirement AFTER they get admin. I'd be down to drop the current trial admin app requirement to 5-10; limiting their access to the application section. To get Regular they have to post 50+ and to get Vet they need 150-200+; and CL requires 300+ posts. I also enjoyed a time where completely worthless posts were simply deleted; which I find funny happened in a world without post counts. Probably because we still took their posts into heavy consideration, and I doubt that would go away if we removed the rule.

Then like I said we could have thread in the forum set up to encourage more posting, instead of telling people they should apply for admin only after they get 20 posts; and then they start posting with almost NO direction because they just want their 20 posts. They're not doing so with malicious intent as we often act like they are and usually their first posts are just hilarious anyway.

Whatever though, raise the post count to 100 and ostracize anyone who ever gave a fuck about being admin. I'm trying to get us away from making admins close-knit family members before giving them admin because you might as well promote them straight to regular admin; and I'd rather see us get more people on the forums and servers in general.

Cadaver says people who won't actively post on the forums are unwanted admins; in my world they'd be unable to "not post" but whatever. We'd have revenue from ads and everything, and we wouldn't be gaining admins we didn't want unless our Head Admins are fucking morons. Oh well though I tried, I guess I'll just take my ideas somewhere else one day. Raaage

Admin Department / Re: Admin Post Count Requirement
« on: February 02, 2013, 04:28:53 AM »
Well, this way it protects us from looking like complete unjust dicks. We ask currently for a minimum of 20 constructive posts. And constructive can be something as simple as 'Hey, I see your point, and I disagree because of simple reason inserted here.' We aren't asking for eassays or paragraph's. We just want to see what their mindset is, and how they approach things, which is another aspect to this. It helps us get to know them as a member of the community without being so blunt about it.

We wouldn't look like unjust dicks for not having a definite number to the post count rule but I get why people would rather have it lengthier so they can feel like they have more insight on them first; but the whole point of trial admin is a month period where they learn the ropes and posts ban appeals on the forum to get used to it with hardly any admin powers at all. The "IDIOTS" that try to apply will disappear faster instead of lingering around for a while trying to get 20 posts, and we get more forum traffic while the people that are worth being admin will probably know to post around first, say what's up, make an impression and then apply; those who just showed up and nobody knows we can deny no problem.

Again if we changed the rule not many people would really notice; and we'd probably see little change till later down the road when people get interested and we can tell them if they should apply or not. TTT can even say it's roster is full at this point; other servers might need some help though.

Admin Department / Re: Admin Post Count Requirement
« on: February 02, 2013, 02:21:10 AM »
I think someone needs to stop reminiscing about a pass system with an entirely different playerbase. Incase you haven't noticed the majority (and by that I mean at least 95%) of admin applications that come in are for TTT. Although there are a lot of good people that play TTT there are also a lot of total fucking morons. Every once in a while we have a person come in and spam posts to try and get admin even though they never would anyways but this is a rare occurrence. Personally I would support raising it to 30+ just for the sake of getting to know that person better but hey, it's fine where it's at now. If we didn't have it all of those morons would be applying.

Also read the literature quoted in my signature.

Would they really flood onto the forums the second we change our rules? I doubt the amount of players interested would increase THAT much, mainly because they're not on our forums to even find out. People either ask admins or other regulars on the server or come to the forum to find out how to become admin and maybe we could even restrict the admin application section to people with less than five or ten posts. Regardless, if more people really do come in that's more forum traffic for Inject and more denial AND approval opportunities from the head admins if they're really that retarded. Though the TTT server isn't in dire need of more and more admins so you could simply say the roster is full; or not if it's someone who really has time and good will to contribute to the community and server.

I also feel like it'd make us feel more like a community, and would make the input of others on admin applications more valuable. Instead of everyone talking about what was in the context of their posts, they're talking about them as a player and admin on a server, which is what should be at the core of every reply on an application that isn't the Head Admins.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Nuzlocke
« on: February 02, 2013, 02:13:05 AM »
Well i already have a budew named boodoo ive been using cause it is the ONLY grass type i have seen, so sadly if i use it i will have no one names pillz :P

You could rename it once it's a boss; or fulfill my wish of catching a Ghastly unless you plan on having another ghost type. Found in: Eterna Forest (Night)/Old Chateau.

Budew is your best Grass type bet though, stick with it; it evolves into Roselia with friendship and sunlight. Train it during the daytime, use other Pokemon at night. Then if you're really sick of Roselia you can swap it with a Snover/Tangela/Leafeon when you come across them later.

Admin Department / Re: Admin Post Count Requirement
« on: February 02, 2013, 02:06:16 AM »
I feel like because we make being an admin more than being an admin; less people are inclined to want to help out.

My point is if they are interested in simply being an admin for the server, let them do so.

Then, as they do good and get to know people, they can start progressing the ranks we have set up. A trial admin who does nothing but play the server they have admin for occasionally and refuses to post much ever will simply not progress to regular admin as fast as others might. Ideally these kind of people won't really get admin to begin with unless it's a server like ZPS who needs people interested in playing it to keep it alive.

What helped get admins on the forum back in SKG was the Banlist thread where you reported anytime you banned a player; which we have no real need for with Sourcebans as a reference for that. We also had a thread trials had to reply to with a link to the rule threads saying they promised they've read them all; and basically every admin had to post on the forum to do their job.

If we did the same thing, every admin would have to use the forum and we get our revenue and they then have an option to be further involved in the forum while they're logged in. They might see a thread on Pokemon, get interested and reply; etc.

TLDR: There are ways to get our admins to post, but not have people to post to get admin. The revolution is coming.

Admin Department / Re: Admin Post Count Requirement
« on: February 02, 2013, 01:07:13 AM »
I think everything would be fucking perfect (from past experience) if we had NO post requirement and simply required they were active members of the community both on the forum and server. That leaves the Head admins and CL's to decide whether or not they should be admin, which we do anyway. Really you don't need anything else other than the HA's approval to know if they're worthy or not. If shitty admins keep appearing, find a new HA. When I first got admin I rarely posted on the forums despite constant invitations from other members and already had a reputation as a decent admin before I started posting on the SKG forums. They needed the help so they gave me a chance on a dead server, and here I am today.

I wouldn't be here today and we would never of had a ZPS server if SKG had a post requirement.

You're going to have the same number of people, IF NOT MORE, interested in admin, and it eliminates the whole stupid fucking repeating issue of "Oh he's just spamming to get his 20 posts". NO FUCKING SHIT, WE TOLD THEM TO DO THAT. THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT FUCKING SPAM IS, THEY DONT KNOW WHAT THE FUCK TO POST YET; THEY'RE TRYING THEIR BESTS TO HELP OUT AND DO WHAT WE TOLD THEM TO DO. Then we nitpick and tell them to make more informational and useful posts; AS IF ANYTHING WE SAY IS USEFUL.

Again, simply remove the number from the post requirement and ask that applicants thoroughly read the forum+rules and spend a lot of time on the server; and that they have the personality for admin we're looking for. This way we can just deny and approve as we see fit; OR you can also appease me by changing it from a REQUIREMENT to a GUIDELINE.

I understand it helps show the dedication and it shows they really want to help us; but most people who've played on our servers simply want that also. They just don't want to go out of their way to try and write essays on the forums when they don't even know what to say; which usually results in us telling them they're necroing and spamming then they run away with their tails between their legs.

No post count means no spam(aside from the useless retarded bullshit WE ALL generate every day), and contrary to popular belief might actually increase the amount of traffic to the forum of people interested in admin. The daunting task of constantly posting on the forums deters many intellectual decent admin-worthy people who simply don't want to spend extra time outside the game from applying for admin, and they later may find themselves posting there constantly after they get admin like I did. Some people simply aren't as good at typing in english as they are speaking it and might just clutter the forum with confusing and strange posts.. I think caboose would be a fair example of that, Finnies pretty good at english to but at times I feel like his posts make no sense.

All we have to do is deny the apps we don't like, and approve ones we deem worthy. Why that's not complicated enough as it is, I don't know. SKG worked perfectly with no post requirement and I feel like we had more admins per server than CG ever has; and while people seemed to come and go more often that was simply a part of life. Not everyone who plays video games wants to dedicate their fucking existence to the group of the server they play on; they just want to play and help the servers they like out. I will always consider the post count a big flaw in CG and I doubt it will ever go away; so we'll never get to experience how things would work without it.

Everyone knows I hate it so might as well try to explain why more where it's on topic. I still agree they're somewhat useful I just feel like a gated community because of it, and feel we'd be more successful without it.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Nuzlocke
« on: February 02, 2013, 12:20:27 AM »
I have to have a team of 4-6 all roughly at the same level, powerleveling just one or two is just asking for trouble.

Flexibility is key.  Also Pillz, I think I will name my next grass pokemon after you.  If I find one worth a damn.  Friggin Platinum no good water or grass yet.

Jeez, there really aren't many grass pokemon in Platinum.. My top choices off the top of my head are Roserade(evolved from Roselia/Budew) and Abomasnow. Abomasnow is more of a physical attack/defense based grass/ice pokemon where Roserade is a Sp. Attack/Defense based Grass/Poison type. So Aboma will learn the amazing Wood Hammer which has 120 attack power along with Blizzard and the 1-hit KO Sheer cold along with Ingrain or whatever other moves you choose. Roselia learns your standard Poison and Grass moves with Petal Dance being its strongest and last attack move learned. It attacks for 2-3 turns in a row dealing 90 attack damage, unless Platnium counts as a GenV game where they buffed the attack to 120 attack power and decreased the PP to 10.

Your other grass choices are: Leafeon, Carnivine, Tropius, Tangela/Tangelgrowth, Cherubi/Cherim, or Turtwig.

Leafeon has insane defense for some reason, decent attack and  basically normal other stats. Carnivine has a half decent attack power but nothing much else going for him, and Tropius seems lamer than the rest but also has flying abilities so he can learn grass/flying moves. Tangela's evolved form tanglegrowth looks fucking retarded but honestly it's my 3rd suggestion next to Abomasnow and Roserade because it's stats are pretty wicked with HP, Attack, Defense and Sp. Attack all being above normal but in return it's sp defense and speed are below average. Cherim is just pathetic when it comes to its stats but it looks cute at least.

To get Roserade you'd have to use a "shiny" stone on a Roseilia but only do so after you're 100% satisfied with Roselia's current moves because Roserade doesn't learn attacks upon leveling up; but the stat boost is what makes the pokemon so awesome. Requires a little work but eh. Especially if you want an awesome maxed out Roserade, then you have to start from the first form Budew and train it up from there just because you might get some wicked awesome Egg moves and if you're as serious as my friend used to be you'll breed the same pokemon 30 times until you get one with the perfect ability and personality so it gets an extra Sp. Attack boost every level up.

Roserade is tied with Exeggutor for the highest Special Attack of all Grass-types.

So yeah; Roserade it is, in my expert opinion. Easiest way to do this, catch Roselia, train it until it's level 40 and knows the moves you want it to know; then use the Shiny stone on it.

CG Community Suggestions / Re: The Arcade Request Thread.
« on: February 01, 2013, 07:15:52 PM »
How about just regular Tetris? All the tetris games we have have some kind of annoying enemy that destroy blocks.

Why the arcade is dead to me

I wonder what else in the world effects people..




In other news GTA: V has been delayed to September; I wonder why..

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