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Messages - Cadaver

CG Community Suggestions / Re: Addressing Forum Noobz
« on: 10 Jan, 2012 22:15 »
Hmm. I think this is in the works...

And yes, pm WG this suggestion, as he was working on the idea.

Zombie Master / Re: Somebody do something!
« on: 10 Jan, 2012 20:48 »
Original Poster, please go to the correct section of the forums:

And follow the Ban Request Format.   


Zombie Master / Re: Need a Mod?
« on: 10 Jan, 2012 20:46 »
Um.  We have a section for admin applications:

However, as the Head Admin for the ZM server has stated no additional admin are required at this time, I suggest checking with him at a later date, to see if there are new openings.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Cry of Fear
« on: 10 Jan, 2012 20:44 »
kinda turned off by the total idiot failing gun safety on the link.   Seriously, even if it is a toy, dont point it at your skull, with your booger puller on the trigger.

Admin Department / Re: Admin Inactivity
« on: 10 Jan, 2012 20:27 »

Ok.  Here is the deal Sammy: It is a requirement in keeping your admin.  If you don't want to do a simple check in, say once a week, which won't take 2 minutes to do, then why keep you?
ZM is "different" in some aspects.  So?  TTT is very different, yet, admins there have to check in.  ZPS?  Different, but they have to check in.  TF2? Yep, different.  And they have to check in, too.

Further, the soon to be new forum will have more impact on the day-to-day admin, even with ZM. 

Do not want to post here, or even check here, as several of your ZM admin also do not check in?  Congrats, you are negatively impacting the ZM server!

Oh, and simply this: Want the ZM server back up after it crashes? Log in and post in the Shoutbox.   This way more people who CAN restart it, see the server is down...
Gee, another negative impact from NOT using the forums.

Normally, I would say, please add your steam i.d.   I know minecraft is not a steam game.  However, the steam i.d. would be a "good thing to have," so you can search the i.d. and see if the person hacked, trolled, minged in the past...
But, well, you are a known entity, aren't you? :P

So. Up to the Head Admin for Minecraft, if he does not want the steam i.d., but I would recommend it, so those less known can be better "vetted."

Sheesh, I gotta go lay down, a feeling of being forgiving, plus all these quotation marks...

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Permamute appeal
« on: 09 Jan, 2012 21:50 »

Yeah I get it. There is no nonoffensive way of saying the n word. I simply meant I wasn't one of those trolls that join and start dropping N bombs every other word. I realize it's wrong and it won't happen again.

Hmm.  How about give the guy the "benefit of the doubt?"  With the knowledge we can easily re-mute?   Just my suggestion.   Gee, I must be in a forgiving mood today.  I think I will go lay down, and let the mood pass...

Admin Department / Re: Admin Inactivity
« on: 09 Jan, 2012 21:41 »
Ok.  If you are an Admin on ANY server, and have had the length of time required to be Vet, and have NOT brought it to the attention of the Head Admin for that server, then why should you be automatically given Vet?
Not pointing out you should be  Vet Admin smacks of not caring. IMHO.

Oh, and if you are not dropping by  the forum and logging in, you might miss important Admin related info, which means you could make mistakes as an Admin. Rare, but it can occur.   In the future, you WILL be missing important info, by not logging into the forum.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Permamute appeal
« on: 09 Jan, 2012 18:45 »
" I said the N word in a "nonoffensive" way."  Incorrect. There is NO 'non-offensive' way to use the N word.  A lot of people do not understand this concept.  You may intend for it to be 'non-offensive.'
Intent does not always show itself through the spoken word.

And when you are asked not to, and do it again, it smacks of poor intent...

Alcohol with game, and a lot of other things, do not mix.  But I would rather you be gaming than driving, by a very large amount.

And PLEASE listen to the Admin.  When we warn you, we are trying not to punish you. We are trying to give you the option to not violate the rules again, or learn not to do the violation.
We like to give you the opportunity to say, "oops, my bad," instead of hammering you.

And unlike other communities/ clans, we do not charge you $ to get a mute /  ban lifted.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Sorry to bring this up!
« on: 09 Jan, 2012 18:36 »
Yes, play HL1 first.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Sorry to bring this up!
« on: 05 Jan, 2012 21:22 »
Valve cannot count.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Abuse admin no name
« on: 03 Jan, 2012 16:35 »
I corrected the forum of the admin abuse report to include showing evidence.  I thought it was in there, and wasn't.

FYI: We do not condone favoritism on our servers.  Hopefully, this can be resolved quickly.

Solved Applications / Re: Lynxys App For Admin
« on: 01 Jan, 2012 15:00 »
Doc., The post count is a requirement, so say the Community Leaders, read Inject's post as to why. Pillz may not agree with it, but the rule stands.

Head admin do have leeway in picking admin.

Lynxy, please private message me when you get the number of posts. Locking this thread.  I suggest starting a new application, after contacting me you have hit the post limit.  FYI:  Please, do not spam, or necro, posts to get your limit.   You are already 1/2 way there, it isn't a very hard requirement to meet.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Picture Wars? Picture Wars.
« on: 01 Jan, 2012 01:31 »

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Envy admin abuse
« on: 31 Dec, 2011 23:45 »
I believe the specific server he is talking about is the ZPS server.   Please redo your post with the proper format:

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