Show Posts - Cadaver


Messages - Cadaver

In The News / Re: UN Veto
« on: 08 Feb, 2012 20:30 »
They did not want the precedent set.  So it could not be used against them, in the future, if they have to crack down on their population...

Team Fortress 2 / Re: Saxton Hale Mod Suggestions
« on: 07 Feb, 2012 19:11 »
um.  that will be on the Saxton ppl. We are waiting to update the server to the next level of Saxtoon updates, after they figure out what to do with the new Engi wrench.

So, probably next update, this will be fixed.

Know of any maps good for Saxton?

Star Wars Duck Rampage

Hardcore Beach Palace

Way Off Topic Box / Re: FORUM GAME
« on: 06 Feb, 2012 02:48 »
^fakes me modding her posts
<Cadaver does not rage
V Needs a twinkie

Solved Applications / Re: Jad's admin application!
« on: 05 Feb, 2012 15:31 »
I vote no.


Well, lets go thru the requirements, according to the Application Format:

Please follow this format when applying for admin after fitting these basic qualifications:

-Must be at LEAST 15 years old.  You are 13, going on 14.  Too young.

-Must have at LEAST 7.5 hours in the server you are applying for every week. (15 per 2 weeks look on your steam page to see how much you have played) Do not know, personally.  However, it seems, from the other posts, you may have met this for, what a couple of weeks?

-MUST HAVE A BARE MINIMUM OF 20 NON-SPAM POSTS ON THE FORUM. You started this application before getting your 20 posts.  Some of your posts are spam. We do require our current admins to be active on the forums as well. It lets us know "Hey, I am here, and up to date with you guys". Plus, it's good way to get to know more of the community.  Please do NOT necro posts (post to threads that are "dead," or have not been posted to in the past few weeks.)  Doing so will have consequences, like having your application denied...

-Also, we highly suggest that you get a mic. Well, you have a mic, of dubious quality. If you don't have one, it isn't a requirement, at this point, but it is highly recommended, and will greatly improve your chances of getting admin.  Head Admins have the right to REQUIRE MICROPHONES for their specific server.

-Application should be clear and easy to read, and follow the format below. Don't use an unreadable font. Be professional. FYI: Font =/= language.  English is a language, font is color, size, and face (type of letters used.)

So, due to the fact you do not meet the minimum requirements to apply, I am locking this. You are DENIED until you get to the age of 15.  Towersheep has the right to overrule, as he is the HA of TTT.   However, I do not believe TTT is looking for additional admins at this time.
Note: Head Admins have the right to adjust Admin requirements for their specific servers, including adding to, or removing, requirements in the Admin Application Format.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Picture Wars? Picture Wars.
« on: 03 Feb, 2012 20:22 »

Old Time Aways / Re: F#cking Up
« on: 01 Feb, 2012 20:49 »
Been on that train before, its not fun.  Good luck.


Please use this format and correct your posting, thanks!

Team Fortress 2 / Re: TF2 Trading Thread
« on: 31 Jan, 2012 17:25 »
Thread stickied, so the necro rule does not apply...

General Gaming Talk / Re: Bunnyhopping
« on: 27 Jan, 2012 01:34 »
Its annoying as Fvck, and you can quote me.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Picture Wars? Picture Wars.
« on: 27 Jan, 2012 01:33 »

Solved Applications / Re: Minecraft?
« on: 26 Jan, 2012 19:58 »
Actually, this IS a rule violation.  PICK which account you want, and let Inject know.  You cannot have mulitple accounts, or alts, on the forum.  So, Pick ONE, and only one.

The others will be closed.

Glowing Pancakes?

Debate Forum / Re: What is the meaning of life?
« on: 24 Jan, 2012 01:19 »

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