Show Posts - Christovski


Messages - Christovski

Ban Appeal / Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« on: 23 Oct, 2013 23:10 »
All porn of any kind is banned from the entire community, bar freaking none.  All of it, any kind, banned.

Permaban seems harsh but regardless what you did was bannable.  Maybe if the head admin feels its too harsh he might reduce it, but its a pretty valid ban seeing as how you did it multiple times.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Xbox one and PC cross play
« on: 23 Oct, 2013 13:30 »
Nice tags, might wanna fix those :P

"wearing black make-up, curly wigs and with large, painted on red lips."

That is something generally perceived to be racist in general, for hundreds of years that was used as the caricature for black people. 

Japan has gotten in trouble even in the last few decades for this kind of portrayal, for the character Mr. Popo in DBZ, as well as Jynx in Pokemon, which were later edited to different skin color. 

So while the original intent behind that character may not have been particularly offensive in nature, the blackface makeup is generally in poor taste, and borderline racist per todays standards of decency.

TL;DR: Doesn't seem to be that intentional, but it is a little racist.

The Art Forum / Re: Dubstep thread #43: The Wub-ening
« on: 22 Oct, 2013 11:50 »
I need to wake up this morning.

So how bout we get back on topic an post some dubstep mmmk?

Like more Knifes and Lasers

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Pew pew wub wub

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Picture Wars? Picture Wars.
« on: 22 Oct, 2013 10:30 »

CG Community Suggestions / Re: server box upgrades
« on: 22 Oct, 2013 10:29 »
Well Hair Slut also thought he could get away with breaking the rules as long as he paid us money so maybe we don't want one EXACTLY like that guy. :P

BBC is consistently known as the most unbiased news source

This, it still is gonna have some bias, but it is much more trustworthy than most of the other sensationalist shitty news sources.

And as has been stated, We've had these near misses in the past, it is nothing new and nothing to panic about.  With that good of a chance of missing, it would be easy to knock it the tiniest bit off course if it comes that close.

CG Community Suggestions / Re: server box upgrades
« on: 21 Oct, 2013 00:54 »

Considering we're apparently $70 below goal for this month, and there's eleven (or ten,) days left of October, I'd say covering the base fee needs to be done before upgrading happens.


Bitch I will cut you

with a


I now have a team that makes no sense, it started out with a plan to use unusual types that all cover each others weaknesses, but then it just turned into 'the game is giving me these cool guys I HAVE TO USE THEM' so its just a free-for-all but surprisingly I haven't had issues so far at lvl 34.

Honedge (Steel/Ghost)
Lucario (Fighting/Steel)
Quiladin (Grass) who will soon be Chesnaught (Grass/Fighting)
Charmeleon (Fire) who will soon be Charizard (Fire/Flying)
Amarua (Rock/Ice)
Lapras (Water/Ice)

So yeah soem serious repeating typing but still they are all AWESOME and I don't want to give up any of them.

The Art Forum / Re: Dubstep thread #43: The Wub-ening
« on: 18 Oct, 2013 23:54 »
Chillstep is like 30 clicks better the wubbershtep.
Although its pretty much just relaxed dubstep, its still a mile better IMO.
I may have posted this before.
This other one is more dubsteppy, go to 1:13 for the dropping of the wubs.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Chillstep is boring and makes me falls to asleep.

Also RE: the second song this is all I can think of when that drop happens at 1:13, this is all your fault that this is in this thread now:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


Looks like someone is trying to steal the looks of Pillz and I!  YOU CAN'T HAVE THEM THEY ARE MINE AND PILLZ'S TM COPYRIGHT REGISTERED

The Art Forum / Re: Dubstep thread #43: The Wub-ening
« on: 18 Oct, 2013 23:14 »
ZMiX is my favorite for the Wubs.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

2:25 to 2:40 for max eargasim

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

In case you guys not know, this post is winning right now.

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