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Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Ok so here we go.
« on: 11 Jul, 2011 05:13 »
I know this is offtopic; but I just want to say I missed you Brian, and you should totally come back.

OP is stupid.


He's been back. You should play more often with us. :) I like seeing older players.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Ok so here we go.
« on: 11 Jul, 2011 05:09 »
Ok ok, I didnt revenge rdm you said and i quote "Go ahead rdm him i dont give a shit" and you only said that cause that round you were t and you wanted to help your self out right?

It doesn't matter that I was a traitor or not. You killed him after we said he was not getting a slay. That is revenge RDM.

The only reason why I did not ban was because of what Towersheep said and I really don't feel like fighting Tower in an admin abuse claim over something as silly as this.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Ok so here we go.
« on: 11 Jul, 2011 04:50 »
Okay, okay. Where to start from..

Oh, that's right. So, he's on the server and he's doing fine, but begins to tell us how to do our job. Eventually, we had someone glitching and we were warning them to not do it again and Hesh demands that we ban him. I told Hesh "please stop telling us how to do our job, there are four of us online and we can handle it ourselves." I put it as nicely as I could over mic and I do have witnesses (AK, Fullmetal, Monp, Tower, Brian (Even though I realize he is not an admin, he was there). After I said this, he tells me to stop bitching that that he wasn't telling us how to do our job. A few rounds later, Brian shoots a barrel, which someone quickly tosses it and throws it. However, when it exploded, it killed Hesh when he was a traitor. Brian KILLED himself in console and apologized, but Hesh continued to complain about it to an extent where Towersheep gagged him. I said that it was not worthy of a slay, and if Brian was wanting to kill himself for it, then that was his choice alone. After that, Hesh said that he was going to revenge RDM Brian, and I told him "go ahead and see what happens." Hesh did in fact revenge RDM him, but Towersheep fought me on the week ban because "I told him to do it." Which, I could really care less about. However, Hesh continues to complain we we ungag him, saying he's going to apply for admin just so he can deal with things himself.

I just.. this guy is so unbelievable. Someone accidentally killed him with a barrel (which wouldn't even be Brian's fault, it'd be the guy who threw it's fault.. but it was still a really bad reason for a slay) and Brian even owned up to it and killed himself that round for it, and Hesh continues to complain over and over and over.. He was disrespectful to admins, spammed our chat, and even revenge RDM.

Sure. I oops'd. Please remove my admin?

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Permamute Appeal: Anuv
« on: 11 Jul, 2011 02:28 »
That WoW voice changer thing is pretty easy to forget since if you enable it - It stays on I've had a friend come on and talking like a gnome when people laughed he had no idea why :P

Perma mutes should only be used on OFFENSIVE mic users. And don't "troll" as an admin unless its with people who are regulars on CG and understand that its a joke.

They're the only people I troll. Anuv is a regular and Tennis/Emo are both admins. They understand that I'm just playing around, and so should Anuv. And saying that you weren't being disrespectful on the mic? You were being extremely disrespectful, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the one that pmuted, I believe that was Acecool. I think I only muted you because of the disrespect, and Acecool pmuted you for disrespect/voicechanger.

Solved Applications / Re: Ghast's Re-Application (TTT)
« on: 11 Jul, 2011 02:24 »
+1 I remember him from back when he was an admin and I did like him. Plus, not using his powers when he can is showing restraint and I like that.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Permamute Appeal: Anuv
« on: 10 Jul, 2011 03:31 »
I am having serious problems remembering this at all.

Today, Anuv was asking me constantly to un-permamute him, which I told him many times to go on the forums. Other admins were complaining that he was spamming us about this and were telling him the same exact thing, as well. However, the story was different. He said that he only had the voice changer on for "five seconds," when in fact it was about 2 maps. If he didn't know, I suppose that's fine; but he should have at least checked to see if it was on if he knew that he did have one installed. I personally thought he was a young child until someone brought up that he was using a voice changer. But, I don't think I'm the one that permamuted.. I think Acecool did that. However, he fought and disrespected both of us, and after continuous warning to quit, I banned him for ignoring us as admins.

For the QQ and the RDM thing.. I was saying QQ to others, too. I was just trolling, and if you asked me to stop, I'm sorry if I missed it. But, I wasn't only "targeting" you. I also did it to Tennisballer and Emo (earlier I was even saying that Emo was on his period because Acecool said his name looked like a period to him). I troll everyone, and if I notice that you're asking me to stop, I will. I am NOT trying to ruin your gaming experience AT ALL. I never mentioned the C4 as RDM; I didn't even realize until near the end of the round. I was talking to Slyder via Steam chat about Project Zomboid and I noticed I had died and simply said to him "I totally just died from a C4" and he said back "I did too." I didn't even know I was a T. And, I didn't slay next round for it, I completely dropped it and continued on with my game. Others were saying that the C4 was in the basement (which it's a pretty damn small map, so a C4 can kill anyone from anywhere), so it couldn't have been RDM.

Besides all of that, sure, unmute him. I don't really care. Just as a fair warning, however, if you use a voice changer, you will be warned/muted (I always warn before I mute, so I'm pretty sure it was Acecool who permamuted you). Please check to see if you have it on or not before coming into game.

Yes, glitching traps is bannable even if you're a T. Glitching is glitching regardless what you're playing as.

Since the ban is handled, I'm locking this topic if no one minds.

Old Time Aways / Re: Jorgens time away
« on: 09 Jul, 2011 04:29 »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

what? do u meen by heard of periods?
i am a guy

Roflmao. Period as in ".". Sentences that have an ending marked by a ".". Not the female menstrual cycle of periodically shooting oil out of her elbow and bones breaking and reshaping into the bone structure of the feared Succubus. Men, children, and other women alike are challenged during this phase and fed to the beast. All shall fail. All shall be feasted upon. Not even the chosen shall survive the monster that lies within. Not until after this curse has lifted does she return back to her normal state.. completely unaware of her past actions. You will lie in fear, having an angel sleeping soundlessly by you, her seductive curves and soft voice keeping you prisoner. For the next 28 days, she is sane. You are alive for now.

You might want to study your grammar, I learned that $#!t in 6th grade. Still study up on it occasionally. Just so you know, it makes it a whole lot easier to understand you, and it helps make you more trusting to others and formal. Also, a clear mind starts with good grammar (you can't possibly speak well if you can't even write a clear sentence). Buy some grammar books; they're relatively cheap and very helpful. And, if you don't want to keep them, send them to me. I'd love to have your addre.. I collect them.

furious if u were me u would know why i stay on the computer all day ok? im just a 14 year old kid goin to high school when i live really far out into the country on a farm and have no friends to hang out with

That's okay, I don't have friends either. XD

Round 1: He and kitty were calling each other out. I assumed he was traitor when Kitty turned up inno.
Round 2: I was traitor and he was in Kitty's last words, hell yes I went along with it.
Round 3: I said don't trust him because people that were near to him just stop responding. Someone asked "KOS Malak?" and i said "No" about 3 times.

The round we were traitors (round 3) I said "I don't trust Malak" that is in no way a reason to kill you. You were killed by Vex'd and then he turned on me because we were together.

Also round 3 would not have caused him to loose karma because he was a traitor and didn't shoot any innos. I was asked to ban him after round 3, I said no. (Tendovvi asked).

I waited 3 rounds to allow his 680 karma to go above 700, in 2 rounds it sunk to 637. So in 2 rounds he went below 600 and I gave him time to get it to an acceptable level. 2 rounds later it sunk another 40 points. One of which he was a traitor.

Alright, I'm going to put in my two cents.

Two ways to spin this:
1. (Unban) Towersheep did call him out the first two times, but one was because of a misunderstanding, and the other because he was blamed by a T (which, I never slay for). The third time would be a slay on the person who said "KOS Malak," not Malak or Towersheep. Some people like to take things out of context. So, his karma dropping because of this is not ban-worthy, even though it was below 700. I've had misunderstanding and been blamed before, which my karma has spiked many times, but I always lay low, and even when someone is shooting at me or calling me out, I just let them kill me and have them in my last words so I don't take any more karma-hits. Now saying that, I'm moving on to the second way to spin this.
2. (Ban stays) I don't exactly understand what Towersheep was trying to say (he did not put a number for your karma), but I think it was under 600.. like 597? He did try to give you time to raise your karma, but yet somehow it continued to drop? Even on a T round you couldn't get it back up? From that, it seems as if you weren't being as careful as you should have been, knowing what your karma currently was. I can understand fire-fights and having a T walk into your knife or shot, but if you're cautious and paying attention, you can avoid that easily.

Now, considering what I said first (the karma not being ban-worthy), and looking at how little his karma dropped after Tower had given him a second chance, I don't think he should remain banned. Yes, his karma was low, but there was a reason for that. I don't have any logs or explanation as to why his karma continued to drop the other rounds. And looking at how little it was (40 points or so) over several rounds, I don't think it was anything serious. 1 RDM is like 60-100 karma (not too sure about this, but I know it's more than 40). Most likely some misfires or a fire-fight. So, please unban him.

To Malak: I would recommend being extremely careful if someone is calling you out. When someone calls me out, I ask why, and if it's a poor reason, I KOS them instead. Sometimes saying "if you kill me, you'll be taking a karma-hit" prevents people from killing you, but if they do shoot at you, don't shoot back (IF your karma is low) and leave last words. Also, be aware of your surroundings! NEVER knife a person when there are other T's around you or throw a semtex. Try to be careful when killing an innocent or a confirmed T around others, and always, always, always have a reason behind killing anyone when you aren't a T. If you notice your karma dropping fast, just kill yourself in console at the start of the round to be safe, or have an excellent T round for a karma boost.

Old Time Aways / Re: Jorgens time away
« on: 08 Jul, 2011 11:52 »
Jorgen was supposed to hold a meeting with the CL's about this, but he told me to "wait until after my vacation, then I'll make a forum post over it." He told me his vaca wasn't going to be three weeks tho..

Also, I was only supposed to get reign over the admins, getting all of the other responsibilities he has would be insane for me and I wouldn't know where to even begin.

I'll still reign over admins if that's alright with everyone (XD).. but to be in charge of all of that nonsense? My God, kill me now.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: malaks appeal
« on: 07 Jul, 2011 06:13 »
I was having a map issue as well. But, I wasn't sure if you were, too. All I knew is that you RDM'd three people in one round and weren't there the next map when it changed after round end.

I guess you should be unbanned. You are a pretty decent player otherwise.

Solved Applications / Re: Lakitu's App.
« on: 06 Jul, 2011 14:38 »
Yes, but do you need to do it so many times?
Heard of steam chat? frogsiren


No, I'm kidding. I've chatted with him for a bit on steam chat, and he's a really great guy. I watched him yesterday, and I had no problems whatsoever (and I don't recall anything in the past).. I hope that doesn't change.

I think I already gave him a thumbs up, but whatever. +1 Again.


I think he'd be fine if people respect him. His voice is a bit high and many people would just call him a squeaker and not give a shit. It's nothing against him.

I agree with Towersheep. I already have enough trouble as it is being a female using mic, and it's not going to be any easier for you. However, I haven't played with you enough personally to really judge this app.

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