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Messages - Jorgen

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Solved Ban Appeals / Re: RebelMaster
« on: October 16, 2012, 10:47:28 PM »
Well I had talked to U about him annoying me and asked if I could Mute him. The ban I didnt ask u about cause It was late night where I was.
that you did do, different story though =) Also if I recalled I said if he is disrespecting you, personally atacking you or trolling then go ahead. So I gave you the go ahead to mute him.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: RebelMaster
« on: October 16, 2012, 10:25:33 PM »
@Leomire: So his constant harrassment, admin disrespect, Trolling, Releasing Private Information (I had set my Facebook to private) and several Rdms for a week strait did not warrant a perma?

And I know he fucked with my FB because it was originaly private, and suddenly was public, plus the fact he said himself he hacked it.

YOU leo were only there for the Last Straw.
I had already talked to Jorgen, Johny, Alzine and a few others before I permad him, Days in advanced.
Umm, I would like my name striked from that as I was not informed. The others you might've but I know I was never informed, mainly due to me having no idea about it until I woke up that morning having heard shit hit the fan.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Post a picture of your self here because....
« on: October 16, 2012, 10:15:44 AM »
Are you people seriously arguing about shirts? rofl

shirts are serious business

damn box you are as white as me mate XD

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: RebelMaster
« on: October 15, 2012, 12:05:14 PM »
Yeh, RebelMaster is cool as long as he keeps his inner troll at ease.

Admin Resignation / Re: Bye
« on: October 13, 2012, 11:23:03 AM »
thanks for your service, and hope to see you around =)

As we saw in the thread discussing the Komen foundation rejecting the donations from pornhub, there was an underlying debate that was waiting to flesh from this, and Crypto helped inspire this one too.

Various countries around the world have legalized prostution, and a small part of the united states has it too. Is it morally wrong to allow it to happen? What about pornography?

Heres how I feel:
A person's body is their own, and it is not within your right, or anyone elses to tell them what they can, and cannot do with it. If I were wanting to sell my body on the street, it should be within my rights to do so, and if I wanted to watch or be in a pornography, it should be within my rights to do so. Holding such things as being negative is a set back, because it keeps old world thought process' around. We are in an age where personal freedom's are growing.

It also goes to say, that if you don't want to see these things, you can stay away from them. Nobody is forcing you to participate.
I agree fully but I would also wish to add.
Prostitution is going to happen no matter what we do or say, the question is only its legitamecy and how that person will be treated. The way we have it now is the cartel sex trafficing stuff going on, and the same goes for prostitution as with marijuana. If people have easy access to something that is more legit, more safe and better why would they go for the other option?
I beleive the oposite would happen to what Dark Emo proposes I would think bordellos (non-dangerous) would become normal instead of the take a prostitute to a location of your choosing (dangerous). Also with proper police checks and health checks of the girls working in a bordello, you would not have such giant problems as you have now.

Debate Forum / Re: Komen rejects donation money from Pronhub
« on: October 13, 2012, 11:06:22 AM »
a discussion of how certain taboos hinder charity and what we should do about it might be more productive.
Fine. Morals shouldn't come into play when accepting donations. If a man walks up to me with a fucking joint in his hand (me, being anti-420) and he notices I've been starving half to death, so he decides "HERE'S $15, GET SOMETHING TO EAT!"

Am I going to reject the money because he smokes weed? Fuck no... I don't think image should come into play. Also, Pornhub has been VERY generous with breast cancer awareness for a long time.
wait though I think more of that comes into play do we have the same system as hinduist India? A cast system that makes it so that you are unable to even touch or be close to people who you deem on a lower cast?
Also if a person you think is a bad person tries to do a good thing why would you hinder him from doing so? Is a good act all of the sudden bad because that person does something you deem bad?
I agree it is purely upp to them who they want to accept and who they want to decline but claiming moral superiority as a reason to not let some1 do a good thing is sorta stupid.

Introductions Forum / Re: hello all you beautiful faces
« on: October 11, 2012, 02:29:14 PM »
Well hello there Matthew.

Introductions Forum / Re: Look who came crawling back!
« on: October 08, 2012, 08:54:03 PM »
hello and wb

Team Fortress 2 / Re: Saxton Hale "The Aussie Returns"
« on: October 08, 2012, 11:47:49 AM »
Once again thanks for taking time out of your schedual to help us regain our balance as a community.

Team Fortress 2 / Re: MvM Up
« on: October 08, 2012, 11:42:02 AM »
Wooley, you are a god. Thanks mate.

Debate Forum / Re: limitations on free speech
« on: October 07, 2012, 07:30:55 PM »
It is a very hard question to answear, but I believe you should be able to say anything you wish, however you should not be able to force it down peoples throats.
An example on what I think should not be allowed is westboro baptist minister church (maybe I have typed that wrong or something I dunno) what they do is picketing showing up at locked events and expressing their beliefs in a very intrusive way.

I would type out an essay but I think this should be sufficient.

Introductions Forum / Re: AbkaFlab
« on: October 05, 2012, 11:01:44 PM »
Welcome to CG

for those posting near personal attack messages please try being the bigger man

... guess they better start eating; a lot... fuck I'm hungry now.

Okey, for those posting near personal attack messages please try being the bigger man even if those are your thoughts. Being a vindictive dick only reflects poorly on yourselves.

Anywho, welcome back and enjoy your stay =) Also as per usual your food looks absolutely delicious DX

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