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Introductions Forum / Re: Hi i'm Klondike bar
« on: 17 Apr, 2012 03:21 »
Ohi Mark welcome to CG

Solved Applications / Re: Sejo's TF2 Admin App
« on: 16 Apr, 2012 03:43 »
+9001 :D :D


Old Time Aways / Re: Chocolate Moose's Time away
« on: 15 Apr, 2012 06:15 »
Burn in hell.

Team Fortress 2 / Re: Saxton Hale Glitch/Hack
« on: 15 Apr, 2012 06:14 »
Will do.
Sounds pretty annoying.

+1 i saw you on TTT a couple of times, cool guy

Only mute is not possible because there is no mute flag, muting comes with admin flag.
I recommend you as admin. Yes +1

Rules / Zombie Master server rules
« on: 09 Apr, 2012 07:28 »
Follow these rules while staying on our server, enjoy and have a good time. :D

1. Racism is strictly prohibited and will be punished harshly.
2. Treat everybody with courtesy and respect.
3. Be conservative on mic use. (No spamming, screaming... etc.)
4. You can use HLDJ in the server (look at rule 16 for more)
5. Do not recruit for other communities.
7. Ghosters will be slayed (Telling where the ZM's traps are...etc.)
8. No porn sprays, you will be warned and if you don't comply to change your spray you will be kicked or banned.
9. Do not take anyone's names, Tony Swans will be renamed because of management issues.
10. Don't troll
11. Respect the administrators
12. As ZM, do not rejoin the server to go around being ZM, Press ESC, Go to the Zombie Master Game Information and change your participation to prefer as survivor.
13. If your voice is deemed to be annoying you will be requested to stop talking, if you're still talking you may be muted.
15. Favoritism is not allowed, everyone will be treated equally.
16. Everyone will get a chance to play their HLDJ Clips, but if it is only to troll, shock, or if the quality is bad you will be warned/muted depending on the severity.
17. Prop jumping will result in a slay or slap.

Map specific rules:

On zm_banana:  Do not close the airlock unless everyone is inside (Slay)

On zm_asdf & zm_random: Don't camp at traps and don't force the ZM to activate traps for you just try your luck and run across. (Slap)

Zombie Master / Re: Incredibly abusive admin
« on: 06 Apr, 2012 17:15 »
I mean I changed your name, like 5 seconds before you got banned, and before that Spadie spammed the whole chat with racism, though I forgot what you were talking about.

Zombie Master / Re: Incredibly abusive admin
« on: 06 Apr, 2012 15:00 »
The most recent ban isn't with the same name because I changed it before he got banned.

Nice, I think it's a pretty good idea, will fix issues with people being trial for too long n' stuff.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Play more ZPS please?
« on: 06 Apr, 2012 11:18 »
I'll play more for sure, it's just when like I play GMod or another game I just don't want to quit because mostly I'm having fun with friends that I only see in weekends.

Zombie Master / Re: Incredibly abusive admin
« on: 06 Apr, 2012 11:12 »
this ban is legit.
I wasn't present at the first ban, but I was present when arbys banned him for the second time.
I checked sourcebans and you had been banned before with a 1 day lenght, that whole time you had the oppurtunity to change your name but no, you came back with the same name.

Good luck Pillz, you know I love you.
Also tell your girlfriend she should harass me more, kinky...
Pyro are you cheating on me again,thats it we are through!!!
Say good by to you're money and shit...

OK! Goodbye money and shit, we will meet again!!!!  Meme5

Zombie Master / Re: Map problems.
« on: 05 Apr, 2012 03:33 »
I probably know the issue, you will get this error when you don't have the map, but the .ain file and the .cache file is already present in the graphs and soundcache folder, next time you get this error try finding the mapname in those folders, delete the .ain and .graph and try reconnecting. If that doesn't help you should just download it from gamebanana but first try the first thing, I'm sure it helps.

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