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Messages - TowerSheep

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Corrupt-a-wish!!!
« on: 01 Feb, 2012 12:14 »
granted, but now they cost you 100$ per wish and you cannot wish for money

I wish Inject loved me

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Corrupt-a-wish!!!
« on: 31 Jan, 2012 19:05 »
Cannot leave bathroom... must be pooping....I LOVE POOPING. I have no more wishes.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Corrupt-a-wish!!!
« on: 31 Jan, 2012 18:13 »
Granted, but you are now bad pokerface

I wish I could do the trollface in real life.  trollface
Granted, but you had a stroke and cannot do it again.

I wish I had a sandwich from waffuls's super power

Team Fortress 2 / Re: TF2 Trading Thread
« on: 31 Jan, 2012 18:10 »
I want hats and paint.
I will trade metal, vintages, strange jag, crates, assorted reg guns.

Before the internet restrictions I was all  meme2
but if these pass I'll be  Meme5

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Corrupt-a-wish!!!
« on: 31 Jan, 2012 11:22 »
Granted, you can choose whether or not they do the actions naked.

I wish I was out of highschool and had a college degree.

Granted! You are now a physician for teen-aged boys. Enjoy the fondling of balls and the $200k debt.


Granted, you can make sandwiches better than anyone and you don't need to leave the bedroom to do it.

I wish I was a meme.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: FORUM GAME
« on: 26 Jan, 2012 16:00 »

< Meme3

v Meme5

Solved Applications / Re: Minecraft?
« on: 26 Jan, 2012 15:25 »
This is one hell of a +1

I was giving it time before I made a decision.

For the record all I've said about admin apps was I was not accepting them for a little while. We have a bunch of trials so I was waiting for a bit.

This app is denied because not enough of the community wants to see you as an admin.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: FORUM GAME
« on: 26 Jan, 2012 12:26 »
^ not a dovakiin
< Dovakiin FUS RO'H DAAAH
v kahjiit
^ cannot solo a wolf (needs Lydia)
< the hero Skyrim deserves, not the hero Skyrim wants trollface
v a chimpanzee

Solved Applications / Re: Sejo's AoC Admin App
« on: 25 Jan, 2012 17:29 »
 Meme10 This server shouldn't exist.
 Meme3 Since it does this guy will make a good admin!

The Art Forum / Re: what to draw?
« on: 25 Jan, 2012 14:58 »
You should do admins and CL's
 Meme3 He will put my name if he doesn't want to get raped.

What type of suggestion?: Admin Skin

What does it do?: A special skin for admins, nothing too fancy, pretty self explanatory

Why should it be added?: Well, for one, less rdms would occur since people would know there were admins there, because IMO I think it's better to avoid a rule-breaking than fixing it (i.e I'd rather have someone not rdm than slay him for rdm, if that makes sense). Also obviously it would make admins easier to identify so people wouldn't spam the admin chat with unnecessary questions.

Link to download/addon: N/A

Note: I know about the whole "ninjadmin" thing, BUT if the skin could be toggled that would be awesome. (like an on and off button lol)

No. The point of ttt is to look the same.

Not saying it. Meme3 I'm thinking it.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Linkster Fucking With Gravity
« on: 22 Jan, 2012 00:01 »
I would just like to add for the record Linkster has confirmed that it was not him. I received reports that he was acting differnt. It was not him, but a friend. He understand that he will not be getting admin back and even said that he did not want it back because the same thing could happen again.

I thought it seems off that a guy who was so mature during his admin app would do something so strange. I am writing this so you know the linkster we all know and love is still being mature about it and he messaged me with the whole story. I wanted to clear his name because he is a good player and a nice guy!

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