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Messages - Old Crow

General Gaming Talk / War Thunder
« on: 10 Sep, 2013 01:30 »
I've played this game a little bit. Compared to World of Warplanes it did many things right (graphics, tier trees), some things wrong (*cough* Russian aircraft bias *cough*) but after thinking about it and talking to Liam about it, I'm going to give it another go.

I've lost faith that World of Warplanes will ever leave Beta, or that Wargaming will ever update it since they seem to move only slightly faster then CG when it comes to implementing things:
Spoiler for Hidden:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Jokes aside, does anybody want to join me to play this? You don't need a joystick, actually playing with a joystick is a slight disadvantage (something else that irked me, but I'll play with it cause y'know, I'm a pilot). When I was playing World of Warplanes, I had quite some fun when playing with random people, and Krolin played with me as well.

The game is completely free and is available on Steam.

Admin Applications / Re: Kwaurtz for Global Moderator
« on: 09 Sep, 2013 17:12 »
Alright this has been discussed with the rest of the CL's. While we think you have come a very, very far from some of your older issues, there are still some nagging problems that we need to see more improvement from. You have broken some rules here and there, nothing major but still breaking the rules.

Additionally, while you are better now then in your past, you still need to work on the way you present yourself to others when discussing rules, debating topics etc. There is some negative feedback here as well (minus Arths)

At this time you are denied. If we can see some more improvement from you, feel free to apply again.

Ok, its about time to approve this thing.

The rest of the CL's agree, that Tower would make an excellent GM. There has been no negative feedback as well.


Minecraft / Minecraft 1.7
« on: 09 Sep, 2013 02:22 »

I'm a total slappy for Minecraft, this game just rocks when they add more new things.

If there is any proof of the gun lobbyists having too much power, here it is.


Alright I'm all for gun rights (as long as they are proper) but come on. You honestly think that a blind person should have the right to carry, and possibly shoot a gun, who cannot legally see?? What happens if they hit somebody else?

We do need some sort of reach out to the community as a whole, and the best way is probably in TS or Vent. Messages via the front forum page, or the Steam group only seem to go so far.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Picture Wars? Picture Wars.
« on: 07 Sep, 2013 16:17 »

Well people don't answer PM's, and any time there is a call for a meeting nobody responds, or only one person responds.

Ok. Well since you guys asked for it, the CL's need to be more transparent. This is unlocked, so feel free to state whatever you want. Ask away!

General Gaming Talk / Re: GTA online
« on: 07 Sep, 2013 15:07 »
“Please note, during our Thursday’s earnings call, our investor relations team provided a list of important games that gamers are looking forward to on PC this fall, and included Grand Theft Auto V on that list. This statement was made with the intent of expressing enthusiasm for the games industry in general, and was not intended to represent specific knowledge possessed by NVIDIA. NVIDIA does not have information on any possible PC version release of Grand Theft Auto or its availability. We deeply regret the error.”

Confirmed or not it's coming for PC god dammit. It's just going to be released later. It's always been that way.

My problem is that the port of GTA IV was less then stellar. While the fact that mod support is pretty awesome for the PC version, I'll probably just get it for Xbox.

Debate Forum / Re: Yo, We Need Transparency.
« on: 07 Sep, 2013 12:35 »
I totally agree. CG is not the CIA, its an open gaming community. If there is anything I can do to help out more just suggest it.

I like to answer PM's ASAP, and I usually do too. The way I figure it, its part of my job so if you message me, I should be able to message you back.

Concerning the Unknown stuff. I have no idea who removed it initially. I was told by Yankees that it was removed, so I checked the mod logs to see who did it but couldn't find anything, so I simply put it back to where it was.

General Gaming Talk / Re: GTA online
« on: 06 Sep, 2013 14:43 »
A blimp is the pre-order thing?? SOLD!!

General Gaming Talk / GTA online
« on: 06 Sep, 2013 13:59 »

This article alone makes me want to get GTA:V now. I'm still going to wait for the reviews, and see what my friends say about it, but holy hell it looks real good now. If it is good, I need every bodies Xbox live name so I can play it with you ho's.

The sucky part is I was done with consoles. Done buying the games, done with Xbox live, now it looks like I may not be done lol.

The warning is the 10 day mark. The actual rule says 14 days. I'm sticking with the 14 days.

The rule is 14 days, the waring is just there so you see it before you post (even though most people don't see it somehow -_- ).

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