Show Posts - Inject OH 4


Messages - Inject OH 4

General Gaming Talk / Re: Age of Empires II HD update
« on: 08 Mar, 2013 19:44 »
Sorry, not paying $20 for a game from 1999 that I already have.

With a small graphical enhancement. This doesn't make up for killing Ensemble Studios... Microsoft! -_-

Still worth my 20 bucks.
I don't see how.

In The News / Re: Hugo Chavez is dead
« on: 08 Mar, 2013 18:42 »
He's gone. Hopefully his future replacement will actually make some progress in Venezuela (highest murder rate in the world if I do believe)
Yeah like Kim Jong Un.

This could really make a difference. What a heart warming story.

*minor bits of sarcasm may be found in this post*

It seems rare that places like that wont just have the next ass hole be on top, hopefully I'm wrong though.

There's a difference, as that dictatorship has been run by a single family for the past 70 years. Hugo has no sons to take over, and because of his sudden death, he has no hand picked successor.
I'm sure he has many strong people that worked under him though.

Theirs always room for failure.

Admin Time Away Forum / Re: Blackllama
« on: 08 Mar, 2013 18:40 »
So back?

General Gaming Talk / Re: Age of Empires II HD update
« on: 08 Mar, 2013 18:37 »
Sorry, not paying $20 for a game from 1999 that I already have.

With a small graphical enhancement. This doesn't make up for killing Ensemble Studios... Microsoft! -_-

In The News / Re: Hugo Chavez is dead
« on: 08 Mar, 2013 18:22 »
He's gone. Hopefully his future replacement will actually make some progress in Venezuela (highest murder rate in the world if I do believe)
Yeah like Kim Jong Un.

This could really make a difference. What a heart warming story.

*minor bits of sarcasm may be found in this post*

It seems rare that places like that wont just have the next ass hole be on top, hopefully I'm wrong though.

In The News / Re: French mother in court for 9/11 Shirt
« on: 08 Mar, 2013 18:19 »
The mother was using the birthday in a negative connotation, otherwise why would the FRONT say I'm a bomb. The way she linked it all up, made it highly offensive and intentional.
Sure, but since when was it illegal to be rude?

In The News / EA Attempts to buy out Valve (tad old)
« on: 07 Mar, 2013 19:08 »

EA actually attempted to buy valve in September of 2012.

However Gabe said "Valve would sooner disintegrate than sell out to a major publisher."
And then also saying, "the likelihood of his fiercely independent company selling to an Electronic Arts, or one of the other major multi-national publishers like Activision or Ubisoft, is about as likely Nintendo selling off the Mario brand."



Zombie Master / Re: ZM Server fixes needed!
« on: 06 Mar, 2013 02:19 »
zm_spacestation_b1a - Done
zm_bman_battle1_110112a - Done
zm_cagefight_b11 - Done *(Uploading In Progress)*

CG Community Suggestions / Re: Adding a New Forum Rule
« on: 05 Mar, 2013 14:31 »
- Misuse of the Iron-E-Meter will result in a CG wide perma ban with no chance of appeal.

I wan't to know what you guys think of adding this rule to the forums. Its a bit to lenient so it may need to be changed a bit ,but I think most people agree it should be added.

Maybe it should be perma if people use it for a bad example  parrot  parrot

We should also permaban people that don't know how to spell right. (goodbye Inject)
Good luck, I run the site

BAM jokes on you. XD

CG Community Suggestions / Re: Adding a New Forum Rule
« on: 05 Mar, 2013 13:28 »
Delete All Smilies
Actually the more correct term would be Emoticons. They don't all smile.

Introductions Forum / Re: I'm back.
« on: 05 Mar, 2013 09:55 »
Welcome back to cg!

Introductions Forum / Re: I'm, new, but I'm not.
« on: 05 Mar, 2013 09:54 »
welcome back!

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Lo_Ol UnBan.
« on: 05 Mar, 2013 09:53 »
UnBan Approved.

Lets make sure we don't see it happen again ok?


General Discussions / Re: Gaming/Computer Setups
« on: 05 Mar, 2013 09:40 »
I'll post mine later but I was pretty sure their was a big thread on this from before.

Either way posting Battle Stations soon.

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