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Messages - Waffuls the Huntress

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Solved Ban Requests / Re: ICantFapToThis2.0 ban?
« on: December 28, 2011, 05:00:10 PM »
Perm'd before for harassment, right? At least.. I thought there was a fight between him and me, isn't that why Sly stopped showing up? No clue. Don't like him at all. Being pmuted should solve the problem for now, at least.

Solved Applications / Re: Shikaru Admin Application
« on: December 25, 2011, 05:25:23 AM »
When I'm on, you're a cool player. But there are those times at least 1-2x a day where I have to say to you to calm down. It doesn't look good when we there's two people fighting, both almost screaming on the mic, and one is an admin. I know everyone has their moments, but it's a lot easier to just say "why did you kill me?" If you speak calmly, they should, too. (Unless if they're total A-clownhats, then you're probably better off muting them then using admin all-say chat. CAUSE WHEN THEY'RE MUTED, THEY'RE THAT MUCH MORE LIKELY TO USE CHAT! << Fact of the day.) ^ I am speaking about PERSONAL RDM's here.

Also, rubbing it in is a little unprofessional. Saying "ha ha, you were slayed. That's what you get for RDM'ing me," looks really, really bad. If italics doesn't stress that enough, then maybe a mental picture of a gang member stabbing a baby gazelle with big round eyes will. Not to mention how pissed someone would get after that. If someone did that to me, I would hunt their butt down. If I get slayed for RDM, I'm cool with it. I admitted what I did, and I dealt with it. But for someone to laugh at me for it? Bitch is going down.

Shikaru, I like you. You're a good friend of mine, and you don't suck at playing this game like A LOT of people I could name. You call me in when an admin is needed, and I've never gotten a complaint of you. I would say just work on the rage face and try to hold back rubbing it in.

BESIDES ALL OF THAT: I'm on the fence fo' ya. That's better than before! :D

Solved Ban Requests / Al Capwned PermBan Request
« on: December 17, 2011, 11:11:17 PM »
    • Your name in-game: Waffuls

    • Offender's name in-game: Al Capwned

    • Date/Time of the offense: 12/17/11, 18:51 Central Time Zone

    • SteamID: STEAM_0:0:25917251

    • Server: CG TTT #1

    • Any administrators on the server?: Pancake, Mega, Gritz, Cortez, Linkster

    • What was the problem/offense?: Constant harassment

    • Proof:

    • Other comments: Most of it was over the mic. Yesterday when I played with him, he made some sexist jokes about me being a famale gamer, but I ignored them. Today, I joined and he continued with it over hours, saying "get back in the kitchen, computer's in the kitchen, she's probably ugly.." just really pointless shit. I did ignore this, too, until he started using my RL name. I asked for everyone to quiet down to say "please do not use real names in the server." Afterwards, he used it again and I muted. I accidentally RDM'd him the same round as I muted him, and he went off calling me a B in chat. I gagged, then after what Hello sent me, I decided enough was enough.

Yes, the ban reason is "sdsfs" because it was my first time using a personal reason and I was trying to figure out which chat it was talking about. XD Derp on my half.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Waffuls.
« on: October 23, 2011, 02:25:55 PM »
This, is a personal attack. When I told waffulz not to use her powers she didn't except when she had permission. The only people that got banned was you in which she had permission from one of our CLs and another person that we thought revenge rdm'ed and I unbanned later. I had to mute the entire server several times because there were about 15 people with mics and they were all yelling, waffulz was not, she was just trying to explain why she killed people. Waffulz silenced you because you were being sexist which is against the rules of the server. Finally waffulz was not rdming, she had valid reasons for all of the people that she killed which were all traitors that had either tried to attack her or left a room with un id'd bodies in it.

That pretty much sums it up. But let's go on:

1. I don't recall you ever saying "stfu" as simple at that. It was either "bitch get off the mic" "bitch RDM'd and needs a ban" or other people saying "go back into the kitchen" WHEN I WAS TRYING TO DEFEND MYSELF. EVEN WHEN CORTEZ SAID IT WASN'T RDM YOU AND A FEW OTHERS CONTINUED TO HARASS.
2. No one besides you were banned. You were banned for sexism/harassment/RDM > As Cadaver put it WHEN I ASKED IF I COULD TAKE ACTION: "abusive."
3. What rule? No spam rule? I wasn't spamming, I was trying to talk to others and the one time I do admit that I spammed (I was saying hey to a guy I haven't played with in months), CORTEZ muted the entire server and in admin chat asked me to keep it down and I did after that. You, sir, were spamming sexist comment after comment (over a span of 2-3 maps, each time you were unmuted, you went right back to doing it) and telling an admin to "stfu," or whatever you claimed to be doing, when I was trying to KOS someone during a round or defend myself when I was accused of RDM.
4. Lol. The time I did mute you was because you were spamming mic with stupid sexism bull. No admin mutes without a reason unless if they're trolling, and I wasn't trolling. Cortez and I both had a decent enough reason, I believe.
6. They're regulars and my friends. They understand that I'm a girl, and they get over it. They let me play my game and when I kill someone WITH A GOOD REASON, they're like "holy magic carp, dang that was a good shot." Not "you fucking bitch, RDM RDM RDM." You see the difference?
7. I could care less if you call me a bitch. Regulars call me bitch. Friends call me bitch. Serious or not, I really don't care for that name. Cortez and I muted you because of the sexism.
8. Valid reason =/= having proof? Even the people who you accused me of RDM'ing said it was a good reason to kill? I figured seeing people run over unID's or flat out killing people in front of me and not ID'ing the bodies was a good reason. YOU WOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT IF YOU HAD JUST LET ME EXPLAIN AND NOT SAY "RDM RDM BITCH RDM BAN RDM TWAT SPECIAL TREATMENT RDM."
9. The others who complained about it were being sexist, too. But CORTEZ dealt with them and, eventually, they got the point to stop. You, however, did not, and continued to spam unnecessary bull as you are doing so now.
10. Lol.
11. I didn't get to say my side. It was covered by people saying "get back to the kitchen" (I am being serious, I had one player constantly spam it when I was trying to explain something) or "bitch RDM'd and is getting special treatment." BUT AGAIN YOU WOULDN'T KNOW THAT, RIGHT?
12. I AM a decent player. If almost every single time I KOS someone, they end up being T, almost always having the top score (despite my terrible aim), and, a lot of the times, calling out at least half the traitors during a round and being correct? THAT'S FUCKING HAXX MAN. No. I stay out of sight when I can, and I follow suspicious players and watch them. I do live checks, and I keep tract on most of the players. You know that scoreboard thing? You can click it and mark people as "missing, friendly, KOS, ect." In other words, I play the game. I don't just sit around and wait for shit to happen, I LOOK for that shit, and when I hear a KOS, I hunt a mutha F down. Why do you think I'm Waffuls the Huntress? But.. as stated before, you wouldn't know jack about that because you seriously never let me explain my case. (Repeating this over and over because this is how sick I am of it, I mean c'mon, I've had two shitty complaints in the past week because people DON'T LET ME EXPLAIN.)
13. I have full-time college on top of full-time work. I just moved, so I don't yet know people too well to "hang out," and I really don't care for that type of thing. I prefer staying home and gaming with people I know and like. Plus, I'm underage and got a little tipsy. I just got a raise and I wanted to celebrate, so I had a few. Excuse me for gaming and trying to say I have a life. I guess being part of the mainstream and going online negates anything you do IRL. Shit, sorry for forgetting. My bad.
14. This guy cracks me up! XD
15. If you're unbanned, you'd prolly be banned again just because you're sexist. If you didn't want to get banned again, ALL YOU WOULD HAVE TO DO IS LAY OFF. I'm a girl, who gives a flying carp? Being born a certain way SHOULD NOT affect how I'm treated AT ALL. No special treatment, no harassment, no nothing. Just another player.
16. Acting civil? Standards? Are we talking about treating people like people now, or expecting them to act a certain way? Because I don't think that's what's going on. I tried to play a game to wind down after having a good day, and when I'm doing well in-game, you and a few others start on the sexism RDM/special twat treatment bull. I'm nice if you're nice to me. Just ask some of the regulars. And for standards? I DID NOT use my power without talking to another admin/CL first. WHEN I JOINED THE SERVER, I TOLD CORTEZ THAT I WAS DRUNK AND THAT I WAS NOT GOING TO ADMIN. BEFORE I SAID A WORD TO ANYONE ELSE, THAT'S WHAT I TOLD HIM FIRST. So, I was being a good admin. The ONLY time I ever used power was when I ASKED CADAVER WHAT TO DO. After I muted you, Cortez said "I told you not to use power," and I copy/pasted him exactly what Cadaver said. Now, for the second half of standards: I'm a girl. W00t. Who cares? I want to get on and have a good time, kill and get killed. I do NOT expect to be treated like I got admin with my puss, and the only reason why I get away with absolutely everything is because I have a giant mass of pictures in my closet that I brainwash people with whenever something gets dicey. If I could do that with my "twat," I would fucking own this community and have everyone's credit card numbers. But sadly, that's not how it is, and I'm not that type of person.

Personal attack/reverse sexism time. The only reason why you have an issue with me is because I'm a decent player and I'm a girl. I got a little drunk, but I've seen other players play drunk, and they have a really good time with the server. On vent we have a "get drunk and sing" room. I was just trying to have a good time, but it really killed my buzz that I heard from you and a few others stupid sexism bull and constant attack after attack. When I have time, I like to come on and play with people I know, but it really sucks when some asshore is like "h0lee fuk a GERL1 ti3 to m4ke h3r liffe SHITT33." I got more important stuff to do other than hear a bunch of jerks tell me what they think about me. Get past gender, get past how I sound, get past meaningless insults and just play the damn game. This isn't elementary school. Stop acting like a child, I have enough people in my life like that AND THEY'RE TWO AND FOUR. My sisters. Just so if you didn't get the point that I was saying their age, not names.

Oh, and last thing: I don't say "dickless fuckers." I say idiot, moron, asshore, carp fish, or whatever else that's a light insult or is a bit funny. I don't come on just to fight with people, so that's why I use light insults because normally, people start seeing that I'm trying to smother them with my undying love and understanding, and we end up becoming friends. That's how a lot of people are in the server towards me; we all troll each other. Get over it. Who cares for my gender. And damn, I just typed a lot.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Waffuls.
« on: October 23, 2011, 12:24:27 AM »
First off, I never called you a "dickless fucker," did anyone else hear me say that? Don't think so. Second, Cortez told me not to use power if I'm drunk. So, I didn't. I asked HIM to use HIS powers. When he didn't, I ASKED CADAVER IF I COULD USE POWER. I only muted you after you started on with the sexism bull, and you straight up rdm'd me at the start of a round after 2 maps of you constantly saying "this bitch gets a free pass.. this twat abuses her powers.." sexism sexism sexism. THAT is why I kept muting you at the START OF EACH NEW MAP. You constantly spammed sexism comment after comment, and I dealt with it accordingly.

Think all you want, "free pass" or whatever, but I'd rather be a guy than deal with this shit constantly. I do not RDM, and when you, or anyone else accuses me of such, I try to say my half of the story but I AM CUT OFF WITH YOUR SEXISM OR RUDE COMMENTS. For example: I saw two people kill someone and run off and I hunted them both down. When I tried to explain that, you or whoever else would attack me with "bitch did this" "bitch is abusing" "bitch needs to be slayed/banned." And it wasn't just you saying this, it was you, Dude, Dsfar, black on black, and a few others. But you were the one to constantly push it map after map, or after I muted you, you typed away the same stupid things. Seriously. I have a life, and when I come on to play, I don't expect this kind of treatment just because I'm a girl and a decent player.

Glad you are on the forums where I can FINALLY get my turn to say my side.

Old Time Aways / Re: Trollolol.
« on: August 21, 2011, 05:15:36 PM »
The new server is much worse stability Wise, I like the old server better even when it was DDosed.
I feel so too, but it is suposedly just as good.
anyways alitle time away is very needed so enjoy it =)

Nahhh, you should jump in some time -- I used to have 30 ping now it's 4x that. I warp like crazy and lag out constantly + my computer harbors trojans that it doesn't feel like removing when I ask it to? Wat. O well, new one should be here in a few days! C:

As for time to myself.. Well now. I got a new job and there's this mexican guy who works there and has been hitting on me hard. (I GAVE HIM A HUG AND HE KISSED MY NECK. /pda/pda/pda/pda/sexual harassment at work XD) Tbh, I rather just quit, drop out of school and play on TTT 24/7 with trolls because then at least I can do something about that! Bffff I'm not made to be outside.

Old Time Aways / Trollolol.
« on: August 18, 2011, 10:24:57 PM »
Name: Waffuls

Time you are leaving: Wat.

In Which server you are admin on: TTT

Additional Comments: I don't have the time/patience (to deal with RDM's) anymore to play now that I've got school + my second job to worry about. And whenever I do have time to play, I either A) don't have internet or B) I warp so badly it's not even fun to play. I'm not resigning, just going to see if there's any possible way to fix my horrible lag on the server.

If it's at all possible, I would love to have it moved back to where it used to be located, because then I could play without 100-150 ping and horrible warp-lag. If not, then I will see what I can do to try and help my lag, otherwise I can't play here anymore. :( (Not like anyone would miss me. :p)

Way Off Topic Box / Re: The Pet Thread!
« on: August 14, 2011, 09:32:20 PM »

My new pet! C: Named him Ned.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Waffulz admin abuse
« on: August 09, 2011, 12:56:55 AM »
Not only "annoying," but disrespectful as well. I have muted you several times in the past (and I've only been playing with you recently for a few days now), and you attack other players. You spam the mic chat to where it's only your voice, and normally after rounds you complain or fight with a player/admin. I have been wanting to permamute you for a while now, but until now, there was no such command. I don't think it's abuse to pmute if you're constantly being disruptive and not taking the hint after multiple mutes to lay off the mic chat and stop arguing with other players.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Embrace weekban
« on: August 08, 2011, 12:38:31 AM »
Yahtzee wanted me to say that this guy's been banned now (he's in-game and too lazy to tab out and asked me to do it for him XD).

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Ban Requests on Anpan
« on: August 03, 2011, 08:29:51 PM »
This isn't "mass RDM'ing" as you put. This isn't even RDM.. well, for him at least.

When you say "I'm a traitor" it works the exact same way a KOS does -- saying this is a killable (or traitorous) offense. By saying "Spaceman is a traitor too" you got him KOS'd as well, and it looked like you did that on his T round, even though you had no proof/said you and him were a traitor at the start of the round. You RDM'd Spaceman by doing this.

I would like to hear Cortez's side of the story.

Programming / Re: [VB] ATMA: Txt Msg Admin Tool
« on: August 02, 2011, 04:42:49 PM »
Why not just come to me? I have all your numbers. :(

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Post a picture of your self here because....
« on: August 02, 2011, 03:58:19 AM »

You love it.

The Art Forum / Re: Post your fav kick ass songs
« on: August 02, 2011, 12:38:28 AM »
Dis too.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88J74HaB4WY" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88J74HaB4WY</a>

The Art Forum / Re: Post your fav kick ass songs
« on: August 02, 2011, 12:34:04 AM »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3pz5KYKCTQ" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3pz5KYKCTQ</a>

And EVERYTHING from Chicago.

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