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Messages - Tictactoe360

Pages: 1 ... 33 34 [35] 36 37 38
Debate Forum / Re: Black Ops 2 a waste of money?
« on: November 29, 2012, 07:17:52 PM »
Sigh, they are two different gameplay styles, there's no use even vaguely trying to compare them. They only share the military theme and first person shooter aspect in common.
Different styles or not, I think Bf3 is way better.

Your opinion, but as Dark said they are two extremely different games, sure they both have pewpew and boom buttons, but the gameplay is very different, Bf3 is more open and tactical (And is open to ranged fighting) while CoD is more like an arcadey, kill to win kind of game - there's not a lot of skill involved, and sometimes that's the kind of game you need to play once in a while.

In any case I love both franchises, and they're both hecka fun (But if I play too much of either It makes me want to dropkick the producers in the throat.)

How is there no skill involved?? Sure it is much easier to pick up but have you seen some of the good players, they are nuts how good they really are, so I beg to differ that there is no skill.

Also I would consider CoD more tactical (small firefights, very fast paced, limited objectives) while BF3 is more strategic if you want to win a game (much bigger maps, objectives are much more important then killing people)

Aha, pardon my poor wording x)

For the average game of CoD, you don't really have to THINK about the game - at least from my perspective, and skill (Which there is, again, poor wording) comes naturally to the player.

Again, bad wording, I was aiming for strategic for BF3.

I'll agree with you partially here (I have not played Battlefield three) If I were asked to legitimately  describe Call of Duty nine as a "Game" the first thing I would say is "Mindless", the second word would be "Stahp"

Call of Duty require very little thinking on the players part. A no, camping in one spot and watching a door for an hour waiting for a kill is not "strategic" or "Skill testing" in fact, Automatic doors use the same technique when waiting for a person to enter their domicile.

The only time you'll find "Teamwork" or "Strategy" in Call of Duty (one - nine) is when you're playing with your friends. The rest of the time it's a rather large Fluster Cluck of people climbing over each other in a desperate bid to get that "Super 1337 rolfocopter" that also doesn't require any skill to operate.

In my honest opinion, if they put some harsher penalties in the game and removed that horrible "Kill streak" system, which I believe is the main source of "Kill whoring" it would raise team work and easily improve the game.

But as it is, Call of Duty 9 and 3/4 lacks any elements of Team play and any shred of Skill requirement that might have been had, was tossed aside when people learned, that if they ignore everyone else and don't help the team, they can get enough kills to fly a helicopter and look good.


Debate Forum / Re: Black Ops 2 a waste of money?
« on: November 29, 2012, 04:38:22 PM »
I like the adrenaline wich bf3 proccures me, it's so intense, team work is nice and you never get bored because theres always something to do.

Teamwork? Does it have teamwork cause Bad Company 2 sure as hell didn't (and CoD never has)

Only game I have seen teamwork was TF2, cause its required.

Once again, I bring up Serious Sam.
Do you know how many more things you can kill when you have 4 people shooting at them instead of 1?

A lot

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Feels thread?
« on: November 29, 2012, 03:22:05 PM »
i cri evr tim

den gurl teks deep breff. den gurl sais "bf i am pregnent will u stay ma bf" n he seys "no".
gurl iz hertbrokn. <////3
gurl cried n runz awaii from boi wiffout eatin poptart n she has low blood suga so she fols.
boi runs ova 2 her.
she ded </333333333
boi crie "i sed i no b ur bf...cuz i wona b ur husband!"
he screems n frows poptart @ wol....a bootiful diomand ring wus insyd.

Debate Forum / Re: Black Ops 2 a waste of money?
« on: November 29, 2012, 02:41:14 PM »
How about we put all the Babie shooters away and pick up a wheel game

Serious Sam
Now that's a game that requires pure skill

You have to train yourself to never let go of the trigger or stop moving.

And for all you Call of Duty fanboys it even has a kill Counter in the story mode
That's right, you can brag about you 700/0 kill death ratio.

And for you Battlefield three fans, I know you love your planes and cars. But, how about a Fire breathing Dinosaur and a Chicken mech.

That's right This can be yours if you just put down the Babie game and pick up a wheel gun.

Just don't shoot the wockets.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Duke Nukem Forever
« on: November 28, 2012, 02:06:10 PM »
Duke Nukem Forever was the greatest game I've played in the last 3 years! I'd love a free copy - Said Nobody, ever.

For about three seconds my Jimmies were so rustled it physically hurt.
Well done.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Feels thread?
« on: November 27, 2012, 11:29:08 PM »
I can't find anything besides low level feels right now

I know what you mean, on a daily basis I stumble across so many feels.
But now that I need to find some, I can only find the basic feels.

Team Fortress 2 / Re: Operation Lets Populate
« on: November 27, 2012, 05:36:02 PM »
Play with me it's funner more fun.

Definition for funner:
Web definitions:   
comparative form of fun: more fun.

Last time someone asked me to play with them. I ended up with a three day court hearing and was eventually sentenced to Sixty days in a minimum security prison Two hundred hours of community service and a restraining order.

I think the only reason I got off so light, was simply because I was the one to invite myself over to play with me. So in the end, I guess they charged me for attempted self sexual assault.

Needless to say, if my hand goes below the belt I blow the stranger danger whistle and call the cops as quickly as possibly.

However, sometime I'm not fast enough or alert enough. I once woke up and some how during one of my many sessions of limited sleep (I'm like a badger that way, did I ever tell you guys about Chirstmas badger? He's a pretty great guy. Sometimes him and I go onto the ZPS servers late at night and populate them. Speaking of which, you guys should really get some organization up for populating some of the empty servers.) but as I was saying. When I woke up the next morning.
My hand had some how picked the lock on my blanket and was currently in the process of violating me.

It was after that incident that we really had to discuss our relationship. I decide that I would accept him for who was, my right hand, and he would accept me for who I was. A surprisingly easy target to violate.

We got married three weeks ago and had our honey moon a couple days later. However I had to kill him three days ago, when I woke up and fond him cheating on me, both literally and figuratively. When I woke up, I was greeted with the sight of my left and right hand making sweet love to each other on top of my chest.

I drowned them in the sink and hid their bodies where no one would find them.
In my gloves.

I cried a little

Thank you, I pride my self on my abilities when it comes to writing. Though typing this on my iPod is a real bitch.

Team Fortress 2 / Re: Operation Lets Populate
« on: November 27, 2012, 04:21:10 PM »
Play with me it's funner more fun.

Definition for funner:
Web definitions:   
comparative form of fun: more fun.

Last time someone asked me to play with them. I ended up with a three day court hearing and was eventually sentenced to Sixty days in a minimum security prison Two hundred hours of community service and a restraining order.

I think the only reason I got off so light, was simply because I was the one to invite myself over to play with me. So in the end, I guess they charged me for attempted self sexual assault.

Needless to say, if my hand goes below the belt I blow the stranger danger whistle and call the cops as quickly as possibly.

However, sometime I'm not fast enough or alert enough. I once woke up and some how during one of my many sessions of limited sleep (I'm like a badger that way, did I ever tell you guys about Chirstmas badger? He's a pretty great guy. Sometimes him and I go onto the ZPS servers late at night and populate them. Speaking of which, you guys should really get some organization up for populating some of the empty servers.) but as I was saying. When I woke up the next morning.
My hand had some how picked the lock on my blanket and was currently in the process of violating me.

It was after that incident that we really had to discuss our relationship. I decide that I would accept him for who was, my right hand, and he would accept me for who I was. A surprisingly easy target to violate.

We got married three weeks ago and had our honey moon a couple days later. However I had to kill him three days ago, when I woke up and fond him cheating on me, both literally and figuratively. When I woke up, I was greeted with the sight of my left and right hand making sweet love to each other on top of my chest.

I drowned them in the sink and hid their bodies where no one would find them.
In my gloves.

Team Fortress 2 / Re: Operation Lets Populate
« on: November 27, 2012, 03:59:31 PM »
Last time I played Old Crow lied to me.

"Join the server" He said "It'll be fun he said"

Bullshit, all of Textures were messed up and a Half Naked flying Australian man descended from the heaven to punch me.

Quite literally, my experience consisted running in terror and shouting to every single deity I could think of begging for them to save me.

Sadly none of them responded, so I was left to die horrifically.
Needless to see, let's see who's responding when they need someone to show up and do some stupid fetch quest.

"Oh hey Nathan, three of my temple priests ran off and decide to drink my wine and get hammered could you go get them?"

And I'll look at him and be all like "No fuck you Dionysus, Where were you when the giant angry Australian man was trying to kill me."

And he'll be like "I was also Hiding from the giant angry Australian man. Did you see him, he was almost completely naked."

and I'll be all "I know right and did you see all that Chest hair?"

And he'll be like "His Chest was so hairy it almost put you to shame."

and I'd walk away sadly until about 2 weeks later another god will be all like
"Shit man, I pressed the button."

and I'll be like "What button?"

and She'll be all like "The apocalypse button, I was trying to get a cold one. But my fingers hit both the buttons by mistake."

And I'll look at her and say "Well shit Ninkasi, why would you put the Apocalypse button right beside the beer button. Aren't you like drunk all the time?"

and she'll nod and be all "Well if I was sober I wouldn't have fucking put that there."

And then well both decide not to do anything and instead get drunk

And that's why I can't help fill the server.

Debate Forum / Re: Do you even know what's MSG.
« on: November 26, 2012, 04:08:15 PM »
I weigh god damn 255 pounds at 5'6 at 15, I'm obese and there is no blame on the MSG on the food I eat, I just eat a metric fuck ton!

Jesus , even I don't weigh that much. Like I said, most foods you eat that contain msg that lead to obesity, besides , I eat more than you but that I dont get fat from it because my body needs more food to function, you just more than you can and thats why you get fat from it. I only weigh 75 kgs and i'm 6 feet tall. I don't even know what you eat so what's the point of saying that if I don't know you're diet?
And I weigh less then all of you. Big Woop.

I love Chinese food and consume tons of MSG. Am I fat? Brain damaged? Dieing of Cancer? Nope, nope, and uhh let me think.. nope.

I'm 6'3, 18 and weigh 135, what do you weigh?

The Art Forum / Re: Brony Music
« on: November 24, 2012, 01:10:29 AM »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXxAMeYStDg" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXxAMeYStDg</a>

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo8awujLA1Q" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo8awujLA1Q</a>

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2z5eizH0u1I" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2z5eizH0u1I</a>

The Art Forum / Re: Songs you listen to!
« on: November 24, 2012, 12:57:40 AM »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wA5epxSJsOU" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wA5epxSJsOU</a>

I like how you all are just now figureing this out. I warned you all from the start.

I watched rinos first video and showed u all and your just like AHhAHHAHHA BS.

Now you know its true.

I didn't even hear about this game till this thread.
What I'm getting is they stole content from other games, stole concepts and planned to ban people for shits and giggles.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Random Screenshot time!
« on: November 21, 2012, 12:35:25 PM »


Bethesda tier animations

I laughed, I hadn't realize how bad their animation was till I played through New Vegas
My personal Favorite moments were when these events would occur

-Mouth didn't move, but sound continued
-Sound stopped, mouth didn't
-Legs bent the wrong way when walking
-Heads turned in horrific ways

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