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Messages - Waffuls the Huntress

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Introductions Forum / Re: Bow down to the Child-King
« on: 03 Feb, 2012 07:37 »
I change my name too often. I must be on there hundreds of times.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Picture Wars? Picture Wars.
« on: 03 Feb, 2012 06:05 »

Introductions Forum / Re: Hello Everyone!
« on: 03 Feb, 2012 06:00 »

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Corrupt-a-wish!!!
« on: 03 Feb, 2012 05:58 »
Granted, but they farted in your face, and now you are dead.

I wish I had some stuff.

Granted, now you have some stuff. W00t!

I wish I knew parkour. (You know, so I could steal cop hats and Mario jump up the sides of buildings to get away like a BAWS!)

Admin Department / Re: changing name
« on: 03 Feb, 2012 03:06 »
Waffuls you change your name liek three times a week :P

Only when I'm looking for a new name to go by.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Picture Wars? Picture Wars.
« on: 02 Feb, 2012 19:32 »
^ Lmao, we are all about LOVE AND TOLERANCE. If you choose to love Trollestia, then that is your choice and I accept it. (I LOVE HER, TOO! :D)

Admin Department / Re: changing name
« on: 02 Feb, 2012 19:29 »
To make sure that everyone knows this as well: I change my name so I can spy on EVERYBODY. NO PONY IS SAFE.

Old Time Aways / Re: Ashes's School Time Break D:
« on: 02 Feb, 2012 00:09 »
maybe i should finally apply to temp admin while everyone is gone eh? anyway good luck with school, it sucks


Way Off Topic Box / Re: Corrupt-a-wish!!!
« on: 02 Feb, 2012 00:08 »
granted, but now they cost you 100$ per wish and you cannot wish for money

I wish Inject loved me

Granted, but now you're the bottom.


Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Fun Nights
« on: 01 Feb, 2012 19:53 »
Add the command sm_exec. NO ABUSE LIKE SM_EXEC ABUSE!

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Moose Munchies - Abusive Mute
« on: 01 Feb, 2012 04:22 »
Not to be against you but.. An admin does not need to "warn specific players." If an admin says "stop," then the entire server is warned. Spamming something that is vital to the game so players can't game as well.. along with the annoyance.. it's against the rules. Besides, one warning is enough, even if it was for a different round/map.

Another thing to point out -- Don't go "around" warnings like you did. It only tugs the chain. For an admin to say "stop spamming states," and then you say a German providence? It's the exact same thing, and you deserved the mute. Sorry.

Don't act like a smart ass.. and listen to the admins.

Honestly don't remember. Give some more info, please.

However, I do remember a few players coming on yesterday, RDM'ing and what-not. Day before on Island we had the same issue with a few players mass-RDM'ing. Your name rings a bell, which is never a good thing. But as they said up there, put this in the correct format please. And try to add a little more beef to the explanation. Right now it just looks like you're confessing to mass-RDM.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Corrupt-a-wish!!!
« on: 31 Jan, 2012 18:57 »
Granted, but you are now bad pokerface

I wish I could do the trollface in real life.  trollface
Granted, but you had a stroke and cannot do it again.

I wish I had a sandwich from waffuls's super power

Granted, but it's radioactive and you have terminal cancer now (and you cannot leave the bathroom, HAH HOW DOES IT FEEL?).

I wish I had da moneyz$$.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Corrupt-a-wish!!!
« on: 31 Jan, 2012 03:38 »
Granted, you can choose whether or not they do the actions naked.

I wish I was out of highschool and had a college degree.

Granted! You are now a physician for teen-aged boys. Enjoy the fondling of balls and the $200k debt.


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