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Zombie Master / Re: Map discussion
« on: 06 Jun, 2012 20:36 »
I'm Waiiiitinnng,  hope it comes back soon :c

Solved Applications / Re: Hair Slut for Saxton 2012!
« on: 21 May, 2012 08:49 »

Always been a nice guy to me, and has helped the community a bunch with financial issues it seems, I say give him a chance!

Introductions Forum / Re: Hello all, i'm Taba.
« on: 14 May, 2012 12:27 »
Welcome to CG :)

Zombie Master / Re: Map discussion
« on: 11 May, 2012 09:05 »
Was random the Mountain One. I think we took that one out because it crashed the server when people spam the Giant Box thing. Also we can also ask Inject if we can take the map out or another person who controls the server. So How long does one think till the fan comes back.

Naw the mountain one was deathrun, Random was the one with the Ima firin' mah lazor, barney or a car as the first trap, and with the dora box to, Also i expect you also know Arby is back now to.

Zombie Master / Re: Map discussion
« on: 10 May, 2012 20:04 »
Donkey Kong is a fun map if you have decent players + a fair zm, Just saying.

Introductions Forum / Re: Hello, ConJoint.
« on: 09 May, 2012 09:23 »
Welcome to CG :)

Introductions Forum / Re: Hi everybody!
« on: 08 May, 2012 09:23 »
Welcome to the forums, Remember to play ZM alot for cookies!

Zombie Master / Re: Zombie Master 2
« on: 30 Apr, 2012 21:22 »
What are they actually fixing with this? And nothing is as bad as Black Mesa....

So far seems to be smoother animations, a better netcode, new weapons, I expect they'll announce more stuff later on.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Day Z (Arma 2 Mod)
« on: 30 Apr, 2012 14:59 »
Looks like so much fun, dont have arma 2 though gonna try and get it soon

The more people playing the safer we all should be, You're welcome to play with us whenever these plans happen :D

Started thinking of a little plan to if any of us gets killed / seperated, Gotta find a meeting spot on this map

General Gaming Talk / Re: Day Z (Arma 2 Mod)
« on: 29 Apr, 2012 19:55 »
Does anyone actually have this mod i need to play with someone

Me and Arby will soon be playing this, i just need to buy it.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Day Z (Arma 2 Mod)
« on: 28 Apr, 2012 22:24 »
I bought arma 2 a week or so ago to play with some people, haven't tried many mods, but this looks awesome.  Game has so much potential, and it's very realistic.  Learning to play is a bitch though.  Confuses the hell out of me.

@Smiffy its free to try!

Black we need to play sometime then, i have nobody to play with 0.0

Free you say? Welp guess i can test if my comp can run it well then!, to play Day Z you need Arma 2 and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead, I'll certianly try the normal game though.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Day Z (Arma 2 Mod)
« on: 28 Apr, 2012 22:13 »
I bought arma 2 a week or so ago to play with some people, haven't tried many mods, but this looks awesome.  Game has so much potential, and it's very realistic.  Learning to play is a bitch though.  Confuses the hell out of me.

Welp guess I'll have to try learn on the go, plan to play this straight away, would be awesome if we could get a little group going, that way bandit players probably won't attack us and surviving will be a bit easier.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Day Z (Arma 2 Mod)
« on: 28 Apr, 2012 15:34 »
Arma 2 is an amazing game in itself and it seems like this mod work well as Arma 2 is a simulation more then your standard shooter.

I've always wanted to try Arma but never got around to it, right now i sorta just want it just for this mod, but i'll be giving the game a try to.

General Gaming Talk / Day Z (Arma 2 Mod)
« on: 28 Apr, 2012 14:22 »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

I just saw this video, then read the forum post, My god this sounds amazing, Sounds like a realistic zombie survival sorta, Having to find food and feed yourself, scavenging for guns/equipment, if you're damaged it seems like you bleed, if you don't bandage yourself, you're going to bleed out.

 The game even goes by realtime,  Example:Say if its 00:00AM where the server is hosted, In game is going to be 00:00AM and completely dark.

This mod is still in alpha and already tempts me into buying Arma2, I just hope they make the zombies look alittle more zombie like and so they don't sound like L4D's Hunter.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Players stealing stuff from players.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Someguy getting trapped in an apartment area, Zombies are being alerted by the sounds of his gunshots and flares.

The Art Forum / Re: The YouTube channel?
« on: 26 Apr, 2012 20:47 »
so just make our 4th youtube account and make it finally permanent?

I am going to try to get access to the old account and at least list it as being the old account and provide links to the new account

I say yes, OfficialConjointGaming just sounds alot better, It's a shame we can't use just ConjointGaming though

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