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Messages - Liam Neeson

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We're not demanding results so much as we just want acknowledgement. We want them to show that they're even looking into the problem and so far all I've seen is distractions to keep us off their backs while they continue to avoid the subject.
This is really what it is about, we just want to know they actually intend to do something, so far we just get excuses and putting it off for even longer.

This has been put off for something like 6 months, how much longer should we have to wait for them to appoint an HA?

It's not that big of a deal, we just want to fix our server, all they have to do is give someone HA and access so we can get it fixed.

I mean its just an admin position, its not like voting who is going to be the president of CG, its just an HA position
Did you bring up the server issues to people who do have access while you waited for an HA? HA is a high ranking position in CG that is nearly as high up as CL(at least for some HAs). So if there is no one that all the CLs feel is right for the job then they won't be voted in. Not saying I agree with CG's system ,but you have to try to see it from their perspective.

As for acknowledgement, I think we both know that if Inject posted anything in this thread that wasn't the name of ZM's next HA nothing would solved.

Okay, its about time I put in my two cents on this. I know it seems like your plight is exclusive to ZM ,but it really isn't anything new. I had to deal with the same stuff on Minecraft and to an extent Saxton. Even if you do get an HA it won't make all your troubles disappear unless they are actually committed and are taught the technical end. My point is, it is hard to find a good HA for a server and even if you do there is no guarantee they will be interested in that server for any amount of time.

That said, I do think ZM should get an HA ,but you guys should try to be a little less pushy. The CLs aren't payed to run CG nor do they have to, you should try and cut them a break and see where good faith can get you.

Also Old Crow you should discuss this thread with the other CLs before throwing them under the bus like that.

The Art Forum / Re: Favorite Game Tracks?
« on: 10 Jul, 2013 03:40 »
Mass Effect's Vigil theme
Spoiler for Hidden:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Morrowind's Main theme
Spoiler for Hidden:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
and Halo CE's theme song(Haters gonna hate ,but tis theme be kickin)
Spoiler for Hidden:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Edit: dang https was breakin mah youtube links

Help Section / Re: PC won't power up
« on: 10 Jul, 2013 03:19 »
My machine ussually won't start after there has been a power outage. Try leaving it unplugged for a while then reconnecting it to the power then starting it up.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Good mods for Morrowind
« on: 23 Jun, 2013 16:10 »
If I were you I would stick to mods that mainly deal with aesthetics, fixes, atmosphere, and possibly rebalance. While there are a lot of mods that are fun themselves you should try to keep the game as vanilla as possible then screw around with silly mods later when you get bored. So while the two i linked originally are fun I wouldn't recommend them starting out.

The most recent mod list I've been following is BTB's mod list ,but as its kinda riding the line on the whole NSFW rule so I won't link it.

Just my thoughts are, if everyone agreed to it, then thats fine. BUT once you say "good thing no admins are on" and leave, thats Crossing the line. It is up to Cortez at this point, but i think even though he has been a reg, he should know better.
How is that crossing the line? Maybe he didn't want admins on because he was worried about being banned and rightfully so.

I don't really see any issue with him being unbanned if he wasn't bothering anyone.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Good mods for Morrowind
« on: 21 Jun, 2013 21:23 »
Really cool mod that I always enjoy having:

Really fun to screw around with:

A good list to pull from:

Note: I'm tired, so if I remember any other mods tomorrow I will edit them in.

The Art Forum / Re: Songs you listen to!
« on: 20 Jun, 2013 12:58 »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Help Section / Re: Building a PC
« on: 07 Jun, 2013 20:44 »
Dude, no game uses an 8 core processor. It's a waste of munies.
Unless you want to run a server...

Again, to much money on the RAM.
You're paying to much for a motherboard IMHO.
SSD needs to be bigger.
I think the wattage of your PSU can lower to 600 maybe 520 wattage... idk for sure.
How is it a waste of money its 70 dollars less than the 3570k?
Also the per core performance on the 8350 is only slightly less than the 3570k and its still 30 dollars less. The eight core overclocks the cores being used when you're gaming so in the end its about the same. The difference comes in the price and the performance on certain CPU intensive games or any program that takes advantage of more than 4 cores.

General Gaming Talk / World of Tanks thread
« on: 07 Jun, 2013 00:22 »
Found the forums severely lacking in world of tanks threads.

Feel free to share your replays or anything WoT related.
(this thread isn't just for inflating my ego I swear)

Edit: Filesmelt is back up posting my replays

Help Section / Re: I need to fix a motherboard...
« on: 06 Jun, 2013 23:47 »

Help Section / Re: Building a PC
« on: 04 Jun, 2013 16:49 »
The motherboard you chose doesn't appear to support the FX-8320
It says when it doesn't support something, it wouldn't let me use the other motherboard I had on it because that didn't work with it, you sure? They both have AM3+ sockets.
It wasn't on Gigabytes list of supported CPUs, the highest it went was the FX-8100.

Help Section / Re: Building a PC
« on: 04 Jun, 2013 15:41 »
The motherboard you chose doesn't appear to support the FX-8320

Help Section / Re: Building a PC
« on: 04 Jun, 2013 14:49 »
I'm really like how this is looking:


Edit: Changed Motherboard.

Edit 2: Added a Wird Network Adapter, and changed the power supply. Is that power supply powerful enough?
You probably shouldn't skimp the motherboard to much, also a 1000 watt PSU is overkill even for a machine running multiple GPUs. You should also make sure the motherboard you get supports your ram.

Edit: a 700 watt should be enough

Help Section / Re: Building a PC
« on: 04 Jun, 2013 12:14 »
Get whatever GPU is best for your price range, also if you aren't going to get the i5-3570k you shoud probably get the FX-8320 its in the same price range as the CPU you have listed ,but would probably be a better choice for gaming. Also I have to manage with a 600GB hard drive which also houses my OS, if you keep your system organized and clean you can easily manage with 1TB. If you really need more space adding another HDD later isn't hard.

Seeing as you are getting an OEM version of windows I highly recommend you get a small SSD, it will heavily speed up your boot times and will have a way smaller chance of failure seeing as you can only install OEM on one storage device.

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