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Solved Ban Requests / Karma Ban
« on: 29 Sep, 2012 02:07 »
    • Your name in-game: Multigrain

    • Offender's name in-game: Roxas

    • Date/Time of the offense: Sept 19 , 2012 12:00 AM Eastern (GMT -5)

    • SteamID: STEAM_0:027185567

    • Server: TTT

    • Any administrators on the server?: No

    • What was the problem/offense?: Karma < 700

    • Proof:

    • Other comments:

Solved Applications / Multigrain TTT
« on: 27 Sep, 2012 20:30 »
Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: Blackllama

In game name: Multigrain

Link to your steam page:

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:20238872

Do you have past admin experience: CG ZPS admin

Why you wish to be admin: To help handle the rdm when I'm on the server

What are some good qualities you possess: Calm and can handle stressful situations

What country are you from: Canada

Age: 19

Microphone: yes

Additional notes: Idk if the TTT server is still taking admins or if I need to make a formal app since I have vet from cg but putting this on here so tower can see :D.

Just to add this here that he was weekbanned for karma. Also when I came on I heard you two arguing about something.

Solved Applications / Re: No Names admin application
« on: 15 Sep, 2012 21:31 »
Edit: Also I was talking to Arby's about this a while ago... isn't the minimum age 16?
That rule is since the average maturity required is 15 imo. We have had ZPS admins in the past who were much younger and do very well, like Lyssa.

Hes applying for ZPS I've seen him on server for past couple of months and he seems like he doesn't care too much by his post but I know from playing with him that he really wants admin XD.

 That doesn't rule out the requirements though and I feel that it would be worth giving him a shot since trial admins on ZPS have only kick/mute/gag pretty much. At the moment ZPS is really down on admins and players and it couldn't hurt to try him out, if he fails then can just remove from admin.

From what I see atm I don't think he'd make the greatest admin but he can always prove everyone, including me wrong that he is capable of being an admin.
Whats everyone's thoughts on this idea?

I changed my thought on this. I think that he should stick around on server and re apply in a couple months. At the moment I don't think you are ready to be an admin based on how you been responding in this post. The people who are responding to this are admins on other servers and they have the right to post here also no name. You should spend some more time in the community before applying.

Head Admin nomination / Re: Multigrain ZPS head admin
« on: 15 Sep, 2012 19:21 »
Thanks for the support guys :D. Love you all  Meme6

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: ZPS Hour Logs 2.0
« on: 05 Sep, 2012 23:56 »
Yeah and LoL about your comment for me pillz it made me laugh. Though I been very busy with running school events this past week and with school starting up this week my hours are meh. Can't even play my guild wars 2 or Dota 2 I'm so busy.

I wouldn't mind a lot of the maps if most of the zombie spawns weren't mostly placed somewhere behind the human pack. I wish more maps were somewhat like hideout tbh (hideout being one of my fav maps),where the spawn points are extremely dynamic where each area has up to 4 spawn points and you can choose the area to spawn in. On maps like this I love being zombies because of the depth of strategy brought from it.

We had this discussion and I've already stated that how the zombie team's experience is, is based off of how good they are. If the whitey does not get anyone for 5 minutes into the round then yes, the zombies will have a difficult time winning and it will not be fun. The zombie experience depends greatly on the first few zombies and the first few minutes of the game. If you can kill enough humans (and I feel this is more than possible on most maps, churchseige perhaps being the hardest that comes to mind) before they become well equipped and barricaded then the zombies should have a fine time. If not, then I cannot guarantee anything.
If the humans are any way competent enough to land headshots then killing people in the first couple minutes becomes quite the problem. Whenever I play against Pillz or Doc when I'm a zombie for example it makes winning a lot of the times near impossible for the fact that they both have good aim and a stockpile of ammo. I'm using them as examples since they are ZPS admins but there are other players that are able to hold quite well.

However it is not a map's fault nor the fault of the players if a particular group of zombies lack the minimal skill to make any kills so I personally find only the skill of the players in whitey can be to blame for "boring" zombie rounds.
Actually it is the mappers fault since the whole design phillosophy of the map is to massacre tons and tons and tons of zombies before they have a chance to kill you. I'm going to continue to use church for consistency. The generator house and crypt supply enough ammo to hold off against the normal spawn amount of zombies for easily half of the map. Which then all's they have to do is walk to church which has more than enough ammo to hold off the map.

You also argue that experienced players "really ruins the experience as a zombie when all you can do is run into death over and over with no progress." However as we discussed in the server you said that we are indeed a smaller playergroup compared to other games these days and that we do not have a ton of experienced players. Therefore 1 or 2 experienced players in a round should not make a difference in a team of 12 because as a zombie you have a bit of advantage over humans until they are well equipped,
On a lot of these maps it takes about less than 10 seconds to find a primary gun and tons of ammo, so for rushing them before they are equipped it becomes impossible unless its like the persons first time on ZPS or like the map and just is confused about whats going on.

and thus you can either go after the lonewolfs who venture off, the people who are not as good as some, or perhaps ambush a experienced player offguard.
On the linear maps catching people offgaurd is possible on some maps, but on a lot if not most, a player will see a lot of these ambushes since 99% of the time the spawnpoints are behind the humans but occasionally you can catch a stragler who isnt as good. This is for linear maps though, on maps like church or lake it isn't really possible to ambush since you have to break down the doors.

Either way it again falls upon the zombie to make of the round what they will, getting "lots of gun and ammo and u kill lots of zombies" is irrelevant and cannot be to blame for this because generally in most maps you must search before finding "lots of guns and ammo" and thus being able to "kill lots of zombies". This window of time gives zombies apt opportunity to kill humans.
On maps like church, lake, or even cabin the guns are literally laid on a platter in front of you when you spawn, so I don't get where you're getting that from. The round starts and it literally takes a couple seconds to grab a gun, it takes the zombie more time to even get to your door. On linear maps this is understandable but on most zombies still spawn behind you which gives you time to grab the guns and turn around.

Now it can be argued that some maps (churchseige comes to mind, so that is what I will use as an example) may give the player good weapons off the bat and perhaps set them up in an easy position. However it is not the picnic you make it out to be. Many spots humans spawn (crypt, powerhouse, or GODFORBID the outhouse) are not adequate for holding off all round if zombies are smart and attack early on (and there is no reason they shouldn't, it's their motherlovin jobs) The crypt, for one does not have much furniture to barricade with, and wooden barricades can quickly be broken by zombies dumber than a 5th grader.
The crypt gives you enough ammo to hold off for about half the game, though should move to church where enough ammo for whole map. When there's only a couple zombies it's quite easy to move to the church. Also if you feel the need to drop the panic door it gives enough time to ammo up and move to a more secure place.

Also I have be killed many a time because a teammate decided to hit the explosive barrel button, letting zombies blow our cades to shit and having them flood in. That brings up another point ENTIRELY; people are stupid and you can be willing to bet atleast one human per round is stupid enough to fuck up somehow and give the zombies a tad advantage.
This is the point that I made where I referred to the skill level of the human team. In maps like church if the player is able to kill the zombie decently and doesn't do stupid stuff like what you said, it remains to be difficult for the zombie to get the kill.

As for the outhouse, for those of you who have not played church seige, it is as good a place to barricade against endless waves of zombies as it sounds. And power house is easily broken into period. The church is perhaps the hardest part for zombies, however, if done right is not too big a headache for zombies. The success of the zombies/enjoyment of being zombies relies on zombie using their half eaten brains and working as a team, nothing else.
As for the Gen house you can easily hold it off for half of the map if your team is able to aim. All's they have to do is go on the roof with all the ammo and look down, there's heads of zombies as they punch the doors/windows; easy head shots.

Also the zombies do get any players that join in late, only adding to their power in numbers. So do the math Xzombies=Xtime statistically.

This shouldn't be a deciding factor when making the map. The map shouldn't be balanced around having zombies late join. If they wanted more zombies at the start the ratio at the start would be different. Also maps like churchsiege and lake maps are not properly made for the amount of players. If there are 2 players for example there will still be the same amount of ammo and guns. The current state of the map is designed for a full server which still results in zombies throwing themselves into humans until they run out of ammo or don't aim as well. Though for lake maps they aren't as bad as church since it doesn't take you like 30 seconds to break down a entrance to a place, which gives the humans optimal time to position themselves.

The game is more than balanced in many ways, maps have no relevance in determining how a zombie's round is.
This statement is completely wrong if your going to apply it to all maps. Since maps do have a good affect on how a zombies round is. An example is if the map is loaded with tons of guns and ammo, odds are the zombies going to die a lot vs a map where the spawn points are dangerously close to where the humans are going to be which would result in the map being easier for zombies. I for one don't enjoy dieing like 20-30 times before any progress is felt to be made.

I can tell you this though, some of my most memorable experiences were on the dev maps. I don't mind playing church siege, lake, or even redqueen every once in a while. They just lose there fun value very very fast for said flaws in map design. I wish mappers would spend more time thinking about how much weapons/ammo they place on a map, since that aspect of mapping has seemed to gone in the years.

I for one can live with playing the maps I never said go and remove them all, I just saying that they are ruining what ZPS was and what made it what it is. Running yourself into a slaughter fest over and over isn't fun for zombies. The only reason I enjoy playing maps like that is talking to people. Also the map gets a lot more fun when occasionally as human I lower the ammo supply. The result I noticed was humans struggling to hold off having to keep falling back, which at least made a more enjoyable round. I'm looking forward to the fresh start in contagion again with dev only maps for a while, before it starts getting church sieges on that too >_>.

O yeah, TLDR; Running into death over and over isn't fun with no progress to be made, but if it keeps the server populated then meh. Though I don't hold the massive ammo grudge against linear maps as much, the fact of there poor spawn points and how linear they are detracts from the value. Power to the devs for keeping things real :D

Zombie Panic: Source / Aint no ZPS like the good ol days
« on: 20 Aug, 2012 02:00 »
So I've had this debate with people on the ZPS server before and I thought I'd make a post about it here to see what everyone's opinion on the matter is. So the purpose of this thread is whether you prefer maps like churchseige or lake map types where it involves humans getting tons of weps/ammo to hold out or the classic style of zps maps like aquatica or kerreti.

I personally prefer the classic style of zps, most of those maps being the ones the devs make. What I feel a lot of these new maps lack is the the how linear they are and the design philosophy. I'll start with the how a lot of the "popular" zps maps usually involve the human team going down the same if not similar path every time. This wouldn't feel so bad if maps re-used the same areas over again to make it feel more dynamic.

Now about the designs, most of the "popular" zps maps are based on a simple concept, u get lots of guns and ammo and u kill lots of zombies. Sounds fun right, well it can be when you're human, but if you're a zombie it is just a bore fest of u running into humans until they run outa ammo. Though when you have good players that can headshot with magnums in 1 shot, running out of ammo usually doesn't happen till last 30 sec of map, if not at all. I have played games where Pillz and doc single handedly held off the zombies on their own; it really ruins the experience as a zombie when all you can do is run into death over and over with no progress. Where in contrast if you look at the classic style of zps maps which are rarely played as much and feel much better of an experience when played as human or zombie. Humans are limited on ammo and actually have to scavenge around map, this gives zombies more of a fighting chance. Also adding on to the issue with church maps or even redqueen is that the zombie spawns are mostly somewhere far behind humans making it where you have to run into there wave of ammo, rather than having a variety of spawns that allow for a strategic approach. Though with linear maps setting up spawn points have always fallen into this trap for zps.

What are your thoughts, do you prefer the maps where its a zombie slaughter fest or the classic style zps maps?

From how I have seen you on forums, I'm going to have to say -1 from me. I'm not really active in the tf2 community so I can't really say much about you but you haven't really been involved in the community that much. Also you say how your not going to make "spammy" posts and you do. From what whole says you seem like a good guy, just would like to see you more active before I consider giving u a vouch.

Hopefully will see more of you around in following months. If you ever want to have some real fun you should try out the ZPS server or the TTT  server. Also applying on same day as registering on forums lol; Goodluck though.

Old Time Aways / Re: Multigrains away time...
« on: 14 Aug, 2012 15:39 »
Easier to make a new post on phone than edit. Currently lost internet ontop of pc not working, tech won't be here till 2marro. After talking on phone with them though they believe the line to my house is broken.

Old Time Aways / Multigrains away time...
« on: 09 Aug, 2012 20:33 »
Name: Multigrain

Time you are leaving: Now

In Which server you are admin on: ZPS

Additional Comments: Pc been acting up crashing randomly a lot lately, gonna start trying to figure it out. I think my graphics card may be dying or something, hopefully its not. Going to start with a new format to rule out OS though so Ciao!
*update* Im pretty sure it's my graphics card, gonna swap in an old one soon and test

Zombie Panic: Source / ZPS Server Wtf?
« on: 09 Aug, 2012 02:33 »
@ Like 12:27 Eastern like half of people on server all "Timed out" at same time. Experiencing it me and docs game both crashed at the time it timed out. Followed by it happening again a couple times until most of server population is dead. Also Doc told me it happened on the previous map also. Not sure whats really going on but should be looked at why this happened; maybe restart the server and check logs about what was happening at time or something?

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Custom Crosshairs
« on: 07 Aug, 2012 00:15 »
U dont open the .vmt with the .vtf modifyer. The .vmt just contains a couple lines of code for the .vtf.
Code: [Select]
$basetexture VGUI/images/hud/crosshair
$ignorez 1
$nomip 1
$nolod 1
$vertexalpha 1
$translucent 1
Ill make ur xhair now tho. Your supposed to use the .vmt i posted in this tutorial not the .vmt from the other game XD.
Just put the .vtf file from there into the folder with the .vmt in OP above and should work, the sizes of the DoD crosshairs were 64x64 so I just cropped them in and your good to go. Added link also in OP.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Custom Crosshairs
« on: 06 Aug, 2012 23:42 »
I'm sure the size is 32x32. I took the image out of the vft file and it was 32x32. The .vmt is fine on its own, it shouldn't need modifying I believe. The picture file should be the .vft. Try taking the image of the crosshair from the DoD:S and use the creation method I used. If you can give me a link to the img file i can make the .vft and get it to work :D.

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