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Messages - Billy

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The Art Forum / Re: Post your desktop thread
« on: December 14, 2013, 03:06:37 AM »
Spoiler for Hidden:

Do you approve of it Finnie?

Moms Phone Pictures?


How to Chips:
- Go to store
- Buy
- Open
- Masticate

Alternatively you can replace parts 1 and 2 with:
- Go to nearest occupied house
- Take chips

The Alternative saves much more money!

Chips aren't food, nor is that a recipe. Come on, man.

Cheese quesadillas, yo.

Get some mozz, and flour tortillas. Put cheese on half of tortilla, and then flip the other half over it.

Condition that pan with some butter, and drop that tortilla on there. Cook 'til both sides are golden brown, or cheese is fully melted and/or oozing out. Eat.

You could also add ham, tomato sauce, or anything else you want with cheese. Takes like 2 minutes, super cheap, and cheese is delicious, so bang.

Introductions Forum / Re: The mighty have fallen.
« on: December 12, 2013, 09:25:16 AM »

General Gaming Talk / Re: Project M: Amazing Smash Bros.
« on: December 12, 2013, 01:48:59 AM »
My favorite n64 game of all time was probably Perfect Dark.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Project M: Amazing Smash Bros.
« on: December 12, 2013, 01:40:07 AM »
Look, all I'm sayin is stay true to the original, I guess you guys were maybe too young for that games heyday, but Meelee fucked up the gravity we had in the original Smash Bros game on N64 and Brawl gave it back.

Nuff said.

Explains what everyone's beef is with Brawl.  I played enough Meelee to unlock everything then decided to wait for Brawl and I was rewarded with what I wanted.

But this doesn't make any sense at all. I'm pretty sure everyone here (in this thread specifically) is old enough to have played ssb64 in its prime. I know I am. And I did. I've been playing Smash since I was five. I've had a nintendo 64 for 14 years, and I still have it. I still play the original with my friends all the time -- and brawl was nothing like it. SSB64 was just as competitive as Melee, and that's the reason why we played it in the first place. Their beef with brawl has nothing to do with age or the original. It's the opposite. People don't like it because it's NOT like the original. There's no way to play it competitively. It's a completely casual game -- and you're a casual, so I guess it makes sense.

And before this becomes an argument: No, being a "casual" isn't a bad thing. It doesn't have a negative connotation behind it. I'm not trying to come off as an elitist because I play a game differently than you.

Introductions Forum / Re: Hello CG!
« on: December 12, 2013, 12:56:52 AM »
What's up, Tiki! Glad to see this type of thing happening. Feels good, man.  frogface

General Gaming Talk / Re: Project M: Amazing Smash Bros.
« on: December 12, 2013, 12:25:47 AM »
Brawl was SUPER casual, considering they increased frame delay in hits, making it nearly impossible to combo anyone for anything.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Project M: Amazing Smash Bros.
« on: December 12, 2013, 12:21:06 AM »
Considering Project M's sole purpose was to make Brawl more like Melee again, with updates, it's safe to say Melee is the better game. Far better.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Project M: Amazing Smash Bros.
« on: December 11, 2013, 11:40:47 PM »
Brawl is a scourge on the Smash series.

And thanks for posting that video, oobla. It furthers my point --

Even with items on, if you're good, you're going to win regardless. Items just put temporary brakes on the rape train.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Project M: Amazing Smash Bros.
« on: December 11, 2013, 10:21:22 PM »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXM8FGOQVtg" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXM8FGOQVtg</a>

Most final smashes can be avoided in some way, anyway..

General Gaming Talk / Re: Project M: Amazing Smash Bros.
« on: December 11, 2013, 08:52:43 PM »

But no one is attacking each other. That was like, one post from Chris/Crow, and it was over. Now it's just a debate on items. And if we're not going to talk about video games... What the hell are we doing in CG?

And you're right. We're not being forced to play Project M. We're not being forced to have this discussion either, but we choose to. So why try to stop us? Your post has been less relevant to the topic than all of ours.

On another note -- some characters are strictly better than others, and this is a fact. Items don't help balance the playing field at all. Pikachu is extremely fast. Samus is slow. If an item shows up, chances are the pikachu player (assuming both players are of equal skill level) get to the item faster / win the fight for it, and then proceed to win even harder with the item.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Project M: Amazing Smash Bros.
« on: December 11, 2013, 08:41:21 PM »
I just get better so I can deal with people getting 'lucky' also why would you 1v1 when you could be 1v1v1v1 so its less likely that one person getting 'lucky' would throw the game.

Regardless, I think items are half of what make Smash Bros the game it is, playing without it on a flat stage, timed stock is like playing any fighting game out there only with way less combos, why not play one of those instead if you want that experience?  Seriously crazy maps and items and ridiculous characters are what it is all about, it is chaos and you must master the chaos.

Less combos? What? Smash has tons of combos, probably more than even street fighter. And I play this game instead of others, because  I don't like traditional 2d fighters. They're all the same. Smash is an extremely unique fighting game, with characters I like, aerial combat, maps that are interesting, and an awesome damage system.. And I get to play it competitively.

#Invalid YouTube Link#

Combos. Combos out the ass. High skill. No items. This is fun to me.

Ban Appeal / Re: Passe's (Past.) Perma Ban Appeal
« on: December 11, 2013, 08:03:42 PM »
One last thing, even if you don't read anything I posted before:

Why didn't you just post an appeal yesterday, or whenever you first appeared on the server again, instead of evading your ban and playing on an alt?

General Gaming Talk / Re: Project M: Amazing Smash Bros.
« on: December 11, 2013, 08:01:15 PM »
They don't break the game. There is a difference between playing a game competitively, which is still fun, and playing it casually. I don't know why you guys have so much trouble seeing that.


I fail to see how they "break" the game when anyone can use items, they become another level of challenge and add depth to the game,
I mean I don't see how something can unbalance a game when every player can use them

Regardless.  Items are awesome, tournament mode is super boring and sounds like Street Fighter instead of Super Smash Bros.

Here, I'll give you an example; one that has actually happened to me multiple times because items were on, since we hadn't played 100 vs games to unlock the item switch menu yet.

I was playing against a friend, 1v1, and I was absolutely wiping the floor with him. I knock him into the air and, oh look. A star pops out of the sky, lands right on him and now he's invincible, which means not only does he get to recover from my combo, but now he can fuck me as hard as he wants for as long as the star is still in effect. Or, how about when you get killed, and then while you're respawning tomato/heart appears, and your opponent grabs it and is now back at 0, giving him a FULL stock advantage over you. The items are completely random. It doesn't add depth to the game, it adds luck.

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