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Way Off Topic Box / Re: Picture Wars? Picture Wars.
« on: 26 Mar, 2014 09:27 »

Introductions Forum / Re: I'm back!
« on: 24 Mar, 2014 23:25 »
An extra ZM player! Woo!

Welcome back - looking forward to meet you on the servers :)

Ban Appeal / Re: Ban Appeal. Robert Swan... Again...
« on: 24 Mar, 2014 07:40 »
Depends, I'd rather not play with someone spraying child pornography/bestiality/gore. Which WILL spoil the fun for others + having that sickening picture still engraved on your retina.

But yeah since there's no way to see what he sprayed, I guess a second chance to prove that you've changed is no problem to me, since the admin who banned you left a long time ago, I don't see why not.
True, there are indeed scales when it comes to sick sprays (the worst kind I had the unfortunate privilege to witness are .gifs of male gay porn) - though I meant to say that between someone TKing teammates, blocking passageways or hiding key items, and someone spraying disgusting stuff, there's quite a few miles, even if both are fun-damaging. But I'm all for second chances, especially after such a long time.

Ban Appeal / Re: Ban Appeal. Robert Swan... Again...
« on: 23 Mar, 2014 18:01 »
This isn't my decision to make, but I'd like to mention that "putting a bad spray" is the least gameplay-disturbing offence of all the "common" offences regularly happening on the server. Pragmatically speaking, I'd much more rather have one extra player actively contributing to the completion of the objectives even though their spray doesn't conform to the rules, than no player at all - or worse, a player continuously griefing or otherwise impeding the survivors' progress.

So as a regular player on the ZM server, I'd have no objection at all concerning the lift of this ban - I'd even vote for it.

Ban Request / [ZM] "A Girl" griefing
« on: 23 Mar, 2014 17:52 »
Your name in-game: Futeko

Offender's name in-game: A Girl

Date/Time of the offence: 22/03/2014 - around 19:18 CET

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:18504641

Server: Zombie Master (ZM)

Any administrators on the server?: None

What was the problem/offense?: Griefing in general, namely:
- Blocking objectives/passageways so that no further progress can be made on the map

I have recorded one Demo files illustrating the offence:
- GirlGriefing.dem: in the map zm_sinking_ship, she kept blocking the door passageways, preventing the survivors from progressing in the map. Since the whole idea of the map is that survivors have to fight their way up the compartments as the boat sinks, blocking passageways like this ultimately results in the death by drowning of all survivors.
In the demo, we can unfortunately only see that behaviour for a brief moment - people threatening to call admins up on the server apparently had some effect during the round I started recording. However, from the people's reactions we can see that it wasn't the only round she did that.

Other comments:
This continued until enough people rocked the vote to change the map. Again, she was making use of that common "griefing" tool which forces people to change a map by griefing until everyone RTV. When the map changed to that one, she got displeased with it, and proceeded to grief until the map changed. After enough people RTV'ed, the map changed to zm_redqueen, which apparently also displeased her - so she started griefing again by getting hold of the Keycard - an item required to open doors and make progress in the map - and hiding it in unreachable areas. When the map got RTV'ed once more, she apparently got fed up and left as it still wasn't the map she wanted to play.

Thanks in advance for considering this request!

Ban Request / [ZM] "The Muslim" griefing
« on: 23 Mar, 2014 17:41 »
Your name in-game: Futeko

Offender's name in-game: The Muslim

Date/Time of the offence: 22/03/2014 - around 18:42 CET

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:36548609

Server: Zombie Master (ZM)

Any administrators on the server?: None

What was the problem/offense?: Griefing in general, namely:
- Blocking objectives/passageways so that no further progress can be made on the map

I have recorded one Demo files illustrating the offence:
- MuslimGrief.dem: in the map zm_random, he blocked the "bridge" passageway after the first set of traps, preventing people from progressing further in the map. While players were trying to get past him, a trap got activated right in front of the bridge, which resulted in the death of most players.

Other comments:
This continued until enough people rocked the vote to change the map. This is actually a common "griefing" tool to force people to change a map someone doesn't like, as it holds the players "hostages" until the griefer gets what they want - i.e. everyone RTV'ing.

Thanks in advance for considering this request!

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Get the forums active?
« on: 21 Mar, 2014 23:08 »
It seems there are many people checking in on the forum, but new posts are quite scarce :<
Also, are we sure that the number of "guests" is accurate? It seems strange to me that so many unregistered users are constantly browsing the forum; it looks more like robots or in-game gateways (e.g. looking at the server rules displayed when you join a Source game counting as an "unregistered user").

Ban Request / Re: [ZM] CoolGuy420 griefing
« on: 16 Mar, 2014 22:01 »
Hey there!

Do you have any updates regarding this request?

Introductions Forum / Re: Hey!
« on: 12 Mar, 2014 23:24 »
Thanks :3 !

Well I'd certainly like to help however I can; there regularly are griefers/hackers plaguing the server, though most of the time it's a bit of a self-defeating activity (you can't exactly grief a server to oblivion, then jump onto another one to rinse & repeat, since there's only one of them active; if you kill it for the night, you kill your "hobby" on that game for the night).

Right now, I'm trying to produce .demo files to expose griefers/hackers, but it's not always possible to catch them red-handed - it'd require recording whole rounds and editing the video to extract the moments where you can see them griefing. It's easy when someone just blocks a passageway and prevents further progression in the map, but it's much harder to catch in a .dem when it's about setting up "TK Traps" with props/explosives, or just speedhacking around a group of zombies.

About ZM, I'm quite certain that what's killing the game is a definite lack of publicity. The project got orphaned a long time ago if I'm not mistaken, so one really is promoting the game anymore. Which is a shame, really - because the concept is original and very well achieved. For instance, I recently tried "No More Room in Hell" and ZPS, and while both games were more "fleshed out" than ZM, in my opinion they felt more like feature-creeps compared to the pin-point design of ZM.

I'm quite sure a polished, promoted version of ZM would be a real killer; I'm told ZM2 was to be that, but sadly they botched it so terribly that it had the opposite effect on the game.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Feels thread?
« on: 12 Mar, 2014 22:38 »
Long but oh-so-worth it:

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Really Bad Jokes
« on: 12 Mar, 2014 22:30 »
Why do astronomers call the Sun a star when it's clearly circle-shaped?

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Corrupt-a-wish!!!
« on: 12 Mar, 2014 22:28 »
Granted, you now have a row of B1 to B12 keys, which appear as F1 to F12 with your second wish. I guess your Binds are now harder to Find D:

I wish they'd make a cinnamon-flavored version of all candies :<

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Random Screenshot time!
« on: 12 Mar, 2014 22:23 »
That fart was a little bit tool foul D:

(sneaks in)

Introductions Forum / Hey!
« on: 12 Mar, 2014 21:49 »
Hey everyone!

My name's Futeko; I got here through the ZM servers - which by the way I have to thank you for running it, since it's basically the only ZM server that is still alive out there!

I hope to meet some of you in-game; if you haven't tried that mod yet, I advise you to do so - it takes a little bit of time to get acquainted with the concept, but it's pretty unique and makes for very dynamic, challenging and interesting gameplay :3


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