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Messages - Live Bait

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Ban Appeal / Re: Perma Ban Appeal
« on: March 09, 2014, 02:10:36 PM »
Musix, I have ALWAYS appreciated your Victory/Defeat music.

However, I recall one time you came into the lobby and I saw you had a previous Ban and I could have sworn telling you that you can't TK in retaliation. That when no admin is present, the TK manager will handle assholes.

After you were banned for TeamKilling/teamshooting the first time, you'd figure out that it's not the way to go.

People are assholes for not remembering that there's a Player Mute and teamkilling you, but you should have picked up on it sooner.

I would LIKE to see you come back. I have NEVER seen you teamkill myself, but I trust Red did.
I would like to vouch for Musix. The moment I see him misbehave, I would INSTANTLY re-permaban him. That's it. After permabanning, I will resign as Admin because my word would no longer have any meaning.

However, this is only if you are seen fit to be unbanned.

Hidden: Source / Re: Hidden Screenshot Thread
« on: February 27, 2014, 03:50:32 AM »
Sooo, I might have crashed the server with this one, BUT the Hidden mutated into, well, THIS

Admin Applications / Re: admin application
« on: February 27, 2014, 03:46:30 AM »
am not trying to be asshole or anything but you guys should accept over 15 years old Mature once, The guy cannot barely write understandable sentence...

Pot: Oh my God, Kettle. You are so black.

Admin Applications / Re: TTT Admin Application!
« on: February 26, 2014, 12:27:42 AM »
Hard to argue with a recommendation from Inject himself. I won't be standing in the way.

Good luck out there!

Ban Appeal / Re: Ban Appeal.
« on: February 24, 2014, 01:17:09 PM »
We decided against votekick because it was easier to abuse than Anti-TK.
Make sure you have your Console enabled in your Advanced Keyboard options. It keeps a chat log for your client. It's extremely useful in making ban requests. I always checked the status of players (for their SteamIDs) and I would take a screenshot of the multiple TeamKilling and highlight it in paint. It's a little tedious, but it provides without a doubt proof that some asshat is to be banned.
Damage logs are in the server log itself, which only Inject has access to at the moment. He'll be able to verify baiting.

Ban Appeal / Re: Ban Appeal.
« on: February 23, 2014, 11:08:11 PM »
Unfortunately, I don't have access to the server logs to verify the story.

The ban is for 3 days. Without more evidence, I cannot justify reducing or lifting. In the meantime, keep in mind that the CG servers have an auto-ban. So with no admin, let the asshat TK and do your best to say "No" to forgiving the player. I know sometimes it auto=forgives. Man, that's annoying.

If you can remember his name or next time, type status into your game console and get a SteamID. It really helps us out! :)

Hey! Good to see you finally made it here!

Yeah, I believe there are open positions for Hidden Admins. We could use a little more muscle around here.
When the time's right, feel free to apply for Admin and we'll get you started on trial.

General Discussions / Re: OP shotguns in Hidden, need nerf for CG?
« on: February 17, 2014, 02:30:43 PM »
This is absolutely incorrect.
The shotguns have ALREADY been altered.
For the 9 pellets in a shotgun blast, each did 17 damage.
The damage has already been reduced to just over 11 damage per pellet, requiring all 9 pellets to connect to their target.

Think about it, if you're getting shot by a shotgun at point blank (5 feet away), any living thing should NOT survive. If you do, count yourself lucky.

Maybe if you played more on CG servers, you'd notice shotguns AREN'T doing 100 damage from over 30 feet away.

What you're asking for is to make shotguns useless, which is a whiny, selfish thing to ask.

Admin Applications / Re: MegaMans app.
« on: February 15, 2014, 11:48:35 PM »
Yeah your application is missing some critical information.

How about we double check the Admin Application form because I'm seeing a trend of certain information missing? Yeah? I think that's a good idea.
For example, no one's seeing the point to make clear what server they're applying for.
Take it out of the wall of text it's hiding in and make it it's own billet. I say this here because that thread is LOCKED.

Admin Applications / Re: Dr FLUFFAISSSS application
« on: February 15, 2014, 11:46:07 PM »
-1 Absolutely not.

A) Failure to link to a Steam page.

B) Only 1 post? Really? Is this where the bar has dropped to?

C) How about telling what you're applying for? Wait. You know what? Doesn't matter. I'm still saying no, anyway.

Admin Applications / Re: admin application
« on: February 15, 2014, 11:41:56 PM »
Inject what i have said is ok rigt and it is for the TTT server the new one

I realize you're barely a teenager. I realize you're still learning words and grammar. As an admin, you're gonna need to be CLEAR with what you need to say to people. When someone's RDMing, Ghosting, etc, you have to tell them CLEARLY no.

I have NO CLUE what you tried to say here.

Kid, make sure you pay attention in English class and learn grammar. I don't say this as an insult, but rather if you can't communicate well, you WON'T be taken seriously against some jerk breaking the rules.

Don't turn into a moron who thinks it's okay to type like one.

As for your application, I cannot properly assess you as an admin. I'd have to get to know you more.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Back to School
« on: January 13, 2014, 05:14:06 PM »
OH Back to School
Back to School
To prove to Dad that *I'm* not a FOOL
I got my lunch all packed
My boots tied tight
I hope I don't get in a fight!
Oooooooh Back to School
Back to School...

Introductions Forum / Re: Hello there :)
« on: January 07, 2014, 05:34:10 PM »
The two people over my head are the FIRST TWO friends I made playing on CG servers last January. A year ago.

Keksas has already been a wonderful addition to the community. Now we get to share her with the forums.


Hidden: Source / Re: Hidden Screenshot Thread
« on: January 05, 2014, 03:46:38 PM »
Kwarte, I'm pretty sure that is a Hidden-only area.
And unless Red recently ruled that IRIS can access Hidden-only areas, I'm gonna say please stay out of there.

Introductions Forum / Re: Hey, I'm Hannah! :)
« on: December 31, 2013, 03:36:16 PM »
Aw, thanks you guys :) You all seem so sweet! I look forward to getting to know you guys!

Nevermind. I take back what I said. You're a poor judge of character.

As Fast As You Can.

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