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Messages - otterfiend

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Help Section / Re: Zombie Master
« on: July 03, 2013, 01:58:06 AM »
not sure why steam even has that page anymore, it used to redirect to the website, but not anymore apparently.
get it here

Thats what he gave me, but its down now for whatever reason.

That site you posted isn't a real rep site. The site he's trying to impersonate is http://forums.sourceop.com/
Sorry to say, but you really goofed on this trade.
Best of luck.

Rules / Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town Rules
« on: June 25, 2013, 12:46:14 AM »
18: Not shooting at or around an unquestionably confirmed traitor. [does not permit teamkilling if you are a traitor yourself.]
A few players have taken this to their advantage, shooting people who don't shoot a person who starts a gunfight. It's hard to tell who shoots first sometimes, and it isn't fair to get shot because you couldn't tell. Could a note be put in to specifically exclude scenarios where the person shoots but wasn't considered a traitor before then?

Oh boy, I remember Fratricide from a year ago. He was disrespecting me and my admins back then, too. I say just perma-ban him, he always came back from kicks/bans back in the day doing the same crap, skirting around the rules, disrespecting admins, and just being an ass in general. However I do not think this was handled very well.
Perma-ban sounds like a good idea to me too. I would like to update my previous recommendation to match Arbys'.

Using a thesaurus won't make your claims any less full of nonsense. We have multiple server admins and even a non-admin witness posting to verify either past or present issues with you. Also, I have muted you myself in the past for sound-clip trolling via micspam.

My suggested action for Inject is to have Frat wait it out like anyone else who breaks the rules.

This guy has been muted and kicked a few times for trolling, mic-spamming, as well as trying to rally players against the admins over rules he doesn't like, and is already on the "players to watch for" thread in the admin section from previous offenses.
This. Frat is always a problem. He wants it his way and if he doesn't get it, he can't accept it.

Help Section / Re: Because F#ck you that's Why... Said the world.
« on: May 30, 2013, 04:14:28 AM »
Tell me more about how your camera doubles as a toaster.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Ok so what happened?
« on: May 28, 2013, 07:56:20 AM »
Just for local reference in this thread(spoiler tag for size):
Spoiler for Hidden:

So as to not hang you out to dry without any proof

GarrysMod / Re: CG DarkRP Server
« on: May 21, 2013, 05:21:18 AM »
Why would you minge. It's supposed to be a good server, right? Not a bullshit server with a  micspamming owner. This is why why WE should host a server and not just leave it to some individual who can just drop/shut down the server when he feels like it.
Calling a server you set up the "CG DarkRP Sever" doesn't automatically make it offcial. From what I can tell from this thread, it isn't very well managed anyways.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: You rage, you lose!
« on: May 20, 2013, 12:58:02 AM »

Team Fortress 2 / Re: CG TF2
« on: May 03, 2013, 09:00:42 PM »
i don't know man, another mod like...
seems pretty legit

Solved Applications / Re: Zombie Master Tictac's Admin App
« on: May 01, 2013, 09:16:47 PM »
He's more active than a lot of other regular zm players. +1

He left before we could ban him. sm_addban needs adding ASAP.

Zombie Master / Re: Zombie Master 2 Release Date: 3/17
« on: March 17, 2013, 11:10:34 AM »
It's out! download is in first post.

Zombie Master / Re: Zombie Master 2 Release Date: 3/17
« on: March 12, 2013, 06:56:48 PM »
It could be good, but we should hold out until we are sure people like it, since even with this early mapping stuff, there are going to be WAY fewer maps than the original has right now.

edit: looking closer there isn't really much showing that this will actually work and play well, there are ZERO videos that I can find of a working build other than a couple "leaked" gameplay videos that look pretty fuzzy and hack.

Skeptical Chris is skeptical.
It was closed testing for a reason, chris

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