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Messages - Ozborne

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Zombie Master / Re: Offences and resulting actions
« on: March 28, 2014, 10:30:07 PM »
I was once told by a old coder here named Vincent, he always told me to make myself revealed to keep the situations calm.. With your situation, lets say you're in a bad neighborhood in Detriot and you have 3 guys with guns beside you, I know I'd like to have a cop beside me protecting my ass and make himself visible all the time so people know not to fuck me.. With Sputkin he did indeed order me around ingame, he kept making his "Suggestions" to stay low and not to make myself visible..

Zombie Master / Re: Offences and resulting actions
« on: March 28, 2014, 08:18:15 PM »
I've been talking to extremely old administrators for the community for the past hour or two, and they all believe in what I said.. One for example said

"People need to know a admin is on or shit goes south".

Zombie Master / Re: Offences and resulting actions
« on: March 28, 2014, 06:37:57 PM »
Theres no need to flare up.

I think these must be talked in public, admins arent holy oracles who cannot be questioned or instructed.

You seem not really got the whole point of my last post. Now calm down and read it again later. Night changes many thoughts.  :-*

- SPUTKIN 2000 [RUS]

I never said we were holy oracles, can you stop the shit?  I mean, I have no problem with you two, but Sputkin you're starting to act like my boss.. I got the whole point you were attempting to call me out saying I was "Advertising" & "Boasting" I was a administrator to people..

Zombie Master / Re: Offences and resulting actions
« on: March 28, 2014, 06:07:54 PM »
Listen, I never "advertised" I was a admin, a guy asked if I was a admin and I replied.. There is nothing against saying I am, if I chose to leave and change my name from (=CG=) Ozborne to something different so people don't know I am admin I will.(Unless I am told not to by a Reg+).. I am not going to sit here and argue with you guys, I suggest waiting for Inject/Zombie to get here and say whether what I did was wrong or if I shouldn't have done it..

Zombie Master / Re: Offences and resulting actions
« on: March 28, 2014, 05:22:53 PM »
Congrats Futeko and Osborne!

Futeko summed servers situation perfectly: you need to be extremely careful. Listed rules sound good to me.

I dont know is this best place to give feedback to admins, but it is you to necessary hear whats on the players hearts.
I haven been mistreated or anything, just some notifications I made:

You really need to low your profile. Like I said earlier, good admin is almost invisible to other players. No one, even the most law abiding citizen, wouldnt want cop behind window watching steps you make. Would you?
I cant relax if I know someones watching my ass, and relaxing is reason why I play games. Could you?

I know its hard to be unseen, but least try to make the illusion of it. Last time we played, after 15min everybody certainly knew whos the boss. Or tried to be.

I dont want to get Admin vs. Players situation:
When admin is online, people keep focusing on him (by fooling and trying the limits). And when The Law is offline, players make all fun of it by messing around "yolo admins not around, lets block the map lol".
You know what I mean.

And for the last, I dont want to hear you flaming to your friends, how you can achieve gatling with your admin rights. Thats immature and putting yourself on a pedestal.

All above may sound bit harsh, but I really mean it. Im not tryin to smoke you out or something. We are on the same side, and I give you my 100% support. Forget your past admin experimence and handle ZM like special kid.
Every Player is weight value of gold.

- SPUTKIN 2000 [RUS]
Flaming my friends? None of my friends play on the ZM server, and those who do are nearly acquaintances. Again this is not my first rodeo don't get me wrong I like the suggestions, but I am 100% sure if I needed help with anything I can contact someone I know that is a admin or has experience.. I've been in the admin game for years, and I can't stand it when people tell me how to administrate and I will put out if I am a admin if people asked, like someone did earlier while asking me if I was a admin.. If I choose to go secret I will.. People will find out I am a administrator some way some how, it is just a matter of when, they can check the forums and my name is poofed..

I am not meaning to flame but if you have any of your "suggestions" pm me them, don't make them public and try to call me out on things you think I will do.. Like I stated in game and above, I am not a newbie admin I am a veteran.. I've been there done everything you've put..

Zombie Master / Re: Offences and resulting actions
« on: March 28, 2014, 11:00:52 AM »
I completely agree with this!

Ban Request / Re: [ZM] Shiro Senshi & Adolf Hitler - Racist Music
« on: March 28, 2014, 08:54:18 AM »
At the bottom you may see that it says "I know it is a mute", this being said there is no "Report a Player" there is just Ban request so I have no other area to report him..

Ban Request / Re: [ZM] Shiro Senshi & Adolf Hitler - Racist Music
« on: March 27, 2014, 09:23:27 PM »
How about you listen to the link titled "racistsongs", you will realize it is extremely racist..

Ban Request / [ZM] Shiro Senshi & Adolf Hitler - Racist Music
« on: March 27, 2014, 06:59:26 PM »
Your name in-game: Ozborne

Offender's name in-game: Adolf Hitler - Shiro Senshi

Date/Time of the offence:3/27/2014 - 4:30-5:00

# 98 "Shiro Senshi" STEAM_0:0:40631940 44:38 113 0 active

# 113 "Adolf Hitler" STEAM_0:0:22903302 18:52 149 0 active

Server: ttt, hidden, etc Hidden

Any administrators on the server?: Nope

What was the problem/offense?: Both of them began playing music, which I was fine with for 10-20 minutes, then I began actually hearing the lyrics and most of them stated N*GER multiple times and at one point in one of the demos they had played a song that revolved around slaves.

    • Proof:
http://filesmelt.com/dl/annoyance3.dem - Shiro begins playing on of the 100 songs he plays, not sure if this one was the racist one, but it seems to be they are a team of trolls.
http://filesmelt.com/dl/annoyance.dem - Adolf is playing his music for awhile, then after me warning the person in game to stop antagonizing him to continue.
http://filesmelt.com/dl/racistsong.dem - Shiro begins playing songs about slavery, and the song states the N word every other line, this is very disrespectful.

    • Other comments: I know this would just be a mute, but I guess it could also fall into the area of racism.

Admin Applications / Re: [ZM] Ozborne
« on: March 27, 2014, 06:14:38 PM »
It had popped up the pornographic sprays are not allowed and not to spray them. We tend to have younger kids playing the game, and I tend to have younger kids watching me, and I would rather not have them be exposed to pornographic images that are being sprayed everywhere..

Admin Applications / Re: [ZM] Futeko
« on: March 26, 2014, 11:07:52 PM »

Tonight was the first time I have ever played with you, you're also extremely active on the forums and report any rulebreakers you see! You're extremely cool ingame!

Introductions Forum / Re: I'm back!
« on: March 24, 2014, 11:36:04 PM »
I won't be playing, I'll be spectating until I finish my vacation! ;(

Admin Applications / [ZM] Ozborne
« on: March 24, 2014, 11:06:39 PM »
Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: If any of you oldies want to recommend me hmu!

In game name:Ozborne

Link to your steam page: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ozzyborne/

What helpful qualities do you possess: I am mature, responsible, smart, sexy, and I am able to be on 5-6 hours daily!

What country are you from: United States of America


Microphone: (yes or no): Yes

Do you have past admin/forum experience: Yes, I've worked with multiple Garry's Mod hosting companies, along with servers as highranked admins + a few Zombie Master servers!

Do you use our TS server: Yes, I do.. (I hop on when I can tbh)

Additional Notes:I know I have not been totally active within the past few months, it is because I took a break from the community to increase my maturity because I learned that I had a extremely low maturity rate when I followed Wholegrain.. I know a few of you oldies may remember me and may not like me, but please realize I am not the same anymore, and I don't plan on being anything like my old self. I was also very active on the old ZM under a old name of course I am sure some of you remember me by my avatar!

Introductions Forum / I'm back!
« on: March 24, 2014, 08:03:32 PM »

A few of you may remember me from the olden times in CG, but if you don't you're free to hit me up anytime you wish! I've been a member of the community for awhile like most others! I plan on dedicating most of my time and money to the community, mainly playing Zombie Master and a lot of Garry's Mod!

Kind Regards,


Way Off Topic Box / Get the forums active?
« on: March 19, 2014, 08:16:00 PM »

Not sure if many of you remember me, but I'd love to see the forums active again.. It has been a extremely long time in my opinion since people actually posted on here. Just a few months ago, there was tops  10-20 people on usually at a time, now the max I've seen is 5..

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