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Messages - TowerSheep

Admin Department / Re: RDM Spike?
« on: 01 May, 2012 12:39 »
First week ends soon. Still getting average hours played by admins. This way I can come up with a fair amount of hours they will need to pull.

Admin Department / Re: RDM Spike?
« on: 01 May, 2012 12:30 »
Already doing this.
Not that I would know.

Best of luck at finding a way to make certain admins more active.
Game tracker and I'm resetting it per week. This logs hours on the server per week.

Admin Department / Re: RDM Spike?
« on: 01 May, 2012 11:55 »
Actually we have started keeping a stricter track of hours starting last week because I think some admins are not doing what they should be.

That being said, several of our best admins (Old Crow, Arth, etc) have filed time away. They are inactive because they needed time away.

We also lost BlackLlama who was very active but it's good that we have another HA.

Admin Department / Re: RDM Spike?
« on: 01 May, 2012 11:27 »
More like less active admins. This is why I'm enforcing the hours rules. We used to have an admin on almost all the time now we have a lack of active admins. They hit vet (sometimes regular) and just stop showing up. TTT has about 4-5 active admins. The others will barely pull their weight.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: perm mute and gag
« on: 30 Apr, 2012 00:11 »
It stays.

Mute stays.

Solved Applications / Re: GMOD TTT TeH MILKDUD
« on: 29 Apr, 2012 18:10 »
The admins who keep saying "I don't see you enough" seem to be most of the admins who are not on a lot. If he has more hours than you (which he does for several people who are saying they don't see him). He's a good guy but I need you to be around for a bit longer.

I don't think you understand all the rules quite yet. Please reapply in a month or so.


Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Mr. Commodore abusive slay
« on: 26 Apr, 2012 11:11 »
It seems like it was a matter of perception, but the fact that Commodore walked by an un'ided body means it was a legal kill (even if Commodore didn't see it)

Who hasn't been killed for not seeing an un'id body that they walked by.

Another point, Commodore, please try not to curse at people when asking about rdm. I know sometimes we get into the game (Yes admins are humans with emotions) so This is just a request that you try and refrain from doing that.

As for the slay, Seven it was an honest mistake on his part as I believe him when he says he didn't see the body. Minecraft is a very blocky level so sometimes bodies hide against the walls and the person right over them will never see.
I would like to thank you though for reporting this. If an admin is abusive / negligent I would like to know.

*I will lock later. Incase either party has more to add*

Way Off Topic Box / Re: FORUM GAME
« on: 25 Apr, 2012 12:24 »

^ Has no idea who runs the ttt server
< Is testing a new product at work
v A person I now hate even more.

Old Time Aways / Re: Multigrains away time
« on: 25 Apr, 2012 11:04 »
wait... wat.

You have 5 months of summer?

University life buddy. 4 months of hell per semester. 4-5 month summer of fun =D
sir, you have more months than a year. Did you mean 4 weeks of hell per semester or are you going to Hogwartz?

They sounded young. I think they honestly didn't know what ghosting was from what I heard. Crow this is your ban, if you want to give them another chance it's your call.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Picture Wars? Picture Wars.
« on: 17 Apr, 2012 17:03 »

Admin Department / Re: Why am I no longer admin on TTT?
« on: 17 Apr, 2012 14:16 »
You went on leave and as is policy I removed your admin. Remind me when you see me on and I'll give it back since your leave is over.

Old Time Aways / Re: Accan - Time Away once again
« on: 16 Apr, 2012 10:22 »
To improve memory and general mental health:
1. Keep a Journal (good job)
2. Spend time thinking about your day before you sleep.
3. Do simple math problems, anything from Algebra and down.
4. Read a book for an hour a day.

Maps Area / Re: ttt_indianisland_a2
« on: 16 Apr, 2012 00:10 »
I forgot about fast dl and I'm tired of asking for ftp info. I guess new maps will not be uploaded.

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