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Messages - Pillz

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Minecraft / Re: Minecraft 1.7
« on: September 09, 2013, 11:13:21 PM »
#1 Pillz relax this isn't exactly the second coming of christ.

#2 The new biomes really interest me, that was what made the game's world so fun to explore was finding new cool areas.

#3 I kinda wish they would bump the sizes of each biome in a world down a little bit so it would be easier to find new ones instead of like walking for hours and still nothing quite interesting in some generated worlds.


Honestly I'd be a lot more interested in MC than the second coming of JC. Unless JC played MC while he MC'd and DJ'd MJ songs at the local BK.

Also normal biome generation is pretty decent and usually biomes are 60-250 blocks apart from one another, with exceptions for ocean and plains biomes. Our server has Large biomes which literally quadruples or even octuples the size between biomes. I really can't wait for the new biomes and hope they add even more with this update, I'm really stoked for fishing though.

With these new updates does the mc server reset or does it keep the same world?


We'll have to see. It's going to be a few months before we see the update, I'm guessing they're either going to shoot for post-halloween or Christmas time. wjerererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererere

Sorry, my kitten likes to type too. We just might reset the server, but if we do we'll try to save everyone's buildings with worldedit and maybe we could place it all in the same kinda area as a museum of the past kinda town area.

There's also an option to re-generate the current world, but that'd probably wipe everything so we'll see.

I feel like wiping the server is fun, and for everyone to start from scratch with the new update will really help everyone get the full force of the update, instead of already having everything done basically and checking out what's been added; like when horses were added I kinda looked around and everything was about the same; aside from a few things I could do in creative.

With how much we've already explored and had the map generate I don't think we'd see any new biomes unless we reset the server.

Again it'll take some time though, so no worries yet. The update's release date is still "unknown".

I'm wondering if they know it's supposed to be "Dancing with Molly" instead of Miley.
It could be either how would you know?

Miley can't sing so it's hard to tell what she says but if she sung it her version might be Miley. I don't have the leryics.

Either way better then hers.

Me and my girlfriend had a heated argument which resulted in googling. I didn't think it was Molly but there was an interview with Miley Cyrus where she admits calling it Molly. Which wasn't a surprise after learning she says "All the people in line for the bathroom, trying to get a line in the bathroom, we're so turnt up gosh we're so turnt up" referencing cocaine.

In the interview she's like "No I say Molly, but the producers didn't like it and keep trying to censor my song on the radio-" blah blah. At some points in the song its more clear but like Miley said you can hear it how you want to hear it.

She says she's "grown up" now and people are going to have to get used to it.

Yeah.. we'll get used to it by ignoring her maybe.

Minecraft / Re: Minecraft 1.7
« on: September 09, 2013, 03:44:05 PM »
I've been dying for some changes to world generation. Maybe with this I can finally stop using buggy "more biomes" mods and the like.

I'm hoping they fix those annoying glitchy shadows in this one, though. It's been a while since that bug was introduced and it'd be nice if they finally fixed it.

Looks like it!

    Several lighting issues fixed.
    A lot fewer "black spots" in the terrain generator.[12]
    Torch bugs in strongholds and mineshafts have been fixed


    Changes to fishing mechanics
    Items other than Fish can be obtained by fishing.
        There are three different categories.
            Fish: 4 items total, including Raw Fish, Raw Salmon, Clownfish, and Pufferfish.
            Treasure: 7 items total, including enchanted fishing rods, enchanted bow, enchanted books, name tags, tripwire hook, lilypads, and saddles.
            Junk: 11 items total, including damaged fishing rods, Water Bottles, rotten flesh, string, leather, bowl, sticks, boots or damaged boots.
        New enchantments for Fishing Rods that can change your luck when fishing.
            Lure - reduces wait time to catch an item.
            Luck of the Sea - increases chance of getting treasure and decreases chance of getting junk.

            Restores Half Hunger.svg
            If eaten, you will be given Poison IV for 1 minute, Hunger III and Nausea II for 15 seconds.
            Used to brew a water breathing potion
            Can be cooked and eaten
            Uncooked: Restores Hunger.svg
            Cooked: Restores Hunger.svgHunger.svgHunger.svg
            Usage still unknown besides being eaten
            Restores Half Hunger.svg

What else?

    Packed Ice
        When broken, does not turn to water like normal ice blocks do
        Does not melt
        Opaque, rather than translucent like normal ice
        New grass variation
        Only found in Redwood Forest Biomes
    Grassless Dirt
        Grass can not grow on it
        Only obtainable through /give
        Curved jungle trees with oak leaves. Found in savannas.
        Thick Spruce Trees (2x2)
        Red, Orange, White and Pink Tulips.
            Can be crafted to Red, Orange, Light Gray, and Pink Dyes, respectively
        Blue Orchid
            Can be crafted to Light Blue Dye
            Can be crafted to Magenta Dye
        Azure Bluet
            Can be crafted to Light Gray Dye
        Oxeye Daisy
            Can be crafted to Light Gray Dye
            Replacement for the rose - roses no longer exist
            Replaces rose on the "Decoration Blocks" tab in the creative mode inventory.
        All flowers can burn
    Two blocks tall Flowers
        Applying bonemeal to them causes them to dispense a flower item that can be collected. Therefore, all two blocks tall flowers are renewable.
            Typically face East
            Can be grown, unlike Roses and Dandelions.
            Can be crafted into 2 Yellow Dye
        Pink Peonies, called Peony.
            Can be crafted into 2 Pink Dye
        Rose bush
            Can be crafted into 2 Red Dye
            Can be crafted into 2 Magenta Dye
    Two block tall grass
        Double Tallgrass
            Can be made by applying Bonemeal to Tallgrass.
        Large Fern
            Can be made by applying Bonemeal to Fern.



Mega Taiga

Roofed Forest/Black Forest

Sunflower Fields?!





This is why Minecraft will never die.

I'm wondering if they know it's supposed to be "Dancing with Molly" instead of Miley.

Either way this is really good, my girlfriend showed me this the other day and I was just like OH GOD NO PLZ but it actually sounded pretty good.

We need more songs Doo-wop'd these days.

The Art Forum / Re: What Does the Fox Say?
« on: September 09, 2013, 02:55:36 PM »
Better lyrics than Blurred Lines and We Can't Stop; so it's fine by me.

The music is spot on, you could throw on some lyrics about sex and love instead and it's ready for the radio.

The Art Forum / Re: The Music Scene (Song and Video)
« on: September 08, 2013, 01:21:42 PM »
Massive Attack FTW, I completely forgot the name or any songs, and was looking for a song (teardrops) for years and years without finding it, until me and my bf were searching for music and he just randomly played it, and god, you know the feeling of finding a song that you loved, and finding it years later?

I shit you not I was the same way with "what's up" by three non-blondes (the he man song), cause I heard it as a kid at a gym and always sung it in my head and the heman version came on TV and I was like OOH MY GOD.

And Orinoco Flow by Enya, mom used to play it in the car for me to calm me down, then I heard the Celtic women version on a Zelda amv and was like SUPER HRNGG OMG CHILDHOOD MEMORIES SO MUCH FEEL UNGG.

The Art Forum / Re: The Music Scene (Song and Video)
« on: September 08, 2013, 04:43:13 AM »
I don't really like Ratatat, the songs are too simple for me, and they only have like 2 instruments per song so its kinda dull.

Tycho is amazing Dive is in my top 10 albums of all time, the old stuff is good but more like Boards of Canada with the creepier vibe.

What's Massive Attack like, I've heard the name but not their music

Hugh Lauries House uses their song Teardrop for it's intro, but their music is really neato.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7K72X4eo_s" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7K72X4eo_s</a>

Debate Forum / Re: :READ: Read if you want to be in on the truth. :READ:
« on: September 08, 2013, 04:29:27 AM »
We can have meetings before announcements so everyone's aware of what's going on, when it happens. IE the money issue or other subjects as they come up. We get a new server or help is needed doing X, Y or P; it can be addressed to everyone and whoever misses it reads it on the announcements. Let's even have the meetings in a different server for each meeting for the sake of everyone checking out the game; it's not like more than 20-24 people will show up anyway.. but idunno.

Just random fun ideas, and I wish we could do fun nights the same kinda way; and encourage people to post on the forums to join fun night. Events varying to bizzare maps outside the normal rotation; in TTT perhaps different weapons or player skins, if possible; Karaoke, death runs, supr goofin, slapabuse.. you know, the works.

We could advertise this all to encourage people to join, try CG out, maybe donate.. etc. As long as HA's put in a lil' effort.

General Gaming Talk / Re: GTA online
« on: September 07, 2013, 11:37:45 PM »
I was thinking about picking it up for PS3 but I might get it for PC given my HDMI doesn't work on PS3. I could play it with A/V but that's booooring.

Yeah eff that, I just moved my xbox to my HD monitor and it looks so bad with just AV I'm buying an HDMI cable online to solve the problem augh!

I tried HDMI for the first time in a year on a small LCD TV, with a cheap cord too (derp) and my PS3 spazzed the hell out and stopped working, took a few minutes to get it to boot right and switch to AV, and ever since HDMI doesn't work. Old PS3 is old. lol

Debate Forum / Re: :READ: Read if you want to be in on the truth. :READ:
« on: September 07, 2013, 11:36:35 PM »
You know what we need to bring back, and almost make mandatory for Regular-Vet-Head-CL admins?

CG Meetings.

What would we discuss? Well that's up to yall, but to have everyone required to come in vent(TS now) and talk to each other about things would really alleviate tensions to a degree.

Then we can talk directly to inject and speak to one another, instead of playing message tag.

The Art Forum / Re: The Music Scene (Song and Video)
« on: September 07, 2013, 11:33:26 PM »
It's dope, I posted this somewhere a while back.

Christovski introduced me to Blockhead a long time ago and I've been jamming to him ever since.

If you haven't downloaded all of his albums yet, get to it.

Blockhead is king of chill beats.

My Pandora is becoming purely chill beats.

Recent obsessions include Tycho still, Ratatat and Massive Attack. If you don't have those as pandora stations you're slackin.

Debate Forum / Re: :READ: Read if you want to be in on the truth. :READ:
« on: September 07, 2013, 10:22:04 PM »
Acting calm 1 min and freaking out the next is like it never happened.
And like I said there were disagreements among the CL's on who the HA should be. In the end we had to pick one that most or more then 1 CL Agreed to. Like I said before this so called "secerate hidden CL magic" is so we don't hurt peoples feelings, Would you like me to tell you who hates/ like who? To bad. That's not how management works.

My only issue is that it shouldn't of been completely up to y'all who got HA. A lot of us were pushing Death a few months ago and I can't imagine why you or anyone would have anything against that. I didn't even get a response to it, but I imagine you've had enough at the time and kind of ignored it. That doesn't really bother me, but again it should of been more of a community decision and it should of happened way earlier than it did.

The community's say doesn't matter as much, because the community can vote someone into a position when they have no fucking idea what they are doing, and the CL's have another candidate who they think would do a good job but the community doesn't necessarily support. Honestly, if we are going to compare CG to being anything it is a Federal Republic just like the US.

Well in this situation all candidates for HA have had experience with FTP and whatnot before. Death was SKG's HA for ZM after the fall of Tictac, and Chris ran SKG while I'm sure Otter and whoever else has had experience also.

The community wouldn't vote someone in who has no idea what they're doing, while I'm sure it could happen; but the communities say should matter more. In the end we all got to vote on it which was good, but it it should not of taken so long. There's no getting around how ridiculously long it took, people were decently calm about it at first, but as nothing happened for weeks than months people became very irate about it. Everyone was probably PMing Inject pissy messages which isn't how to get things done but if it was "my" server I would of been just as mad.

I don't think the community should hold all the power but if everyone's QQing because there's no head admin, it shouldn't be a 5 month venture to obtain one. That's some shit I expect from congress, or the people who fix roads; but not CG where accomplishing that takes a few clicks and conversations.

I don't know. I've always felt like CG operates weird and never really understand why. I can't really explain it all because I don't really know all the issues; but I feel like most everything is up to Inject and I just don't feel like he should make all the calls. I believe he knows what he's doing, but with his busy schedule I really think he needs more help. I just want to see him willing to make that happen really. I know it's hard and complicated to run things but it's not impossible to pass that knowledge on.

Idunno; I'm spent on the subject. *poof*

Debate Forum / Re: :READ: Read if you want to be in on the truth. :READ:
« on: September 07, 2013, 10:00:36 PM »
Acting calm 1 min and freaking out the next is like it never happened.
And like I said there were disagreements among the CL's on who the HA should be. In the end we had to pick one that most or more then 1 CL Agreed to. Like I said before this so called "secerate hidden CL magic" is so we don't hurt peoples feelings, Would you like me to tell you who hates/ like who? To bad. That's not how management works.

My only issue is that it shouldn't of been completely up to y'all who got HA. A lot of us were pushing Death a few months ago and I can't imagine why you or anyone would have anything against that. I didn't even get a response to it, but I imagine you've had enough at the time and kind of ignored it. That doesn't really bother me, but again it should of been more of a community decision and it should of happened way earlier than it did.

General Gaming Talk / Re: GTA online
« on: September 07, 2013, 09:30:56 PM »
I was thinking about picking it up for PS3 but I might get it for PC given my HDMI doesn't work on PS3. I could play it with A/V but that's booooring.

The Art Forum / Re: The Music Scene (Song and Video)
« on: September 07, 2013, 09:28:35 PM »
It's dope, I posted this somewhere a while back.

Christovski introduced me to Blockhead a long time ago and I've been jamming to him ever since.

If you haven't downloaded all of his albums yet, get to it.

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