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Messages - Wholegrain

Debate Forum / Re: Your views on Marijuana 2
« on: 02 Nov, 2011 21:39 »
Also Cadaver it is just our friends, like Tim and so who are complete morons and doing it =P

I've only smoked pot once, although I do sound like I'm stoned alot

General Gaming Talk / Re: Mappers
« on: 01 Nov, 2011 22:25 »
There need to be conditions for the contest, such as "No hidden weapon spots" or "must be optimized" and the such. Or we could have a judging session then vote on the forums, but we need to make this a serious thing that people will want to get into.

Fifty dollar reward to the player who makes the most awesome map, the entries will be judged and voted on by CG members.

So everyone start working!

I could also post on the NMRIH

I am in contact with one of their people although not sure of his position in the team or community

General Gaming Talk / Re: Mappers
« on: 01 Nov, 2011 15:26 »
I of course would make restrictions like if it sucked dick you wouldn't get money even if you won and it was just dev textures

honestly can someone port over some maps like objective zps maps even? I may have a few OLD OLD version of zpo_subway (before it released to steam)
those types of maps would be hella fun in nmrih

General Gaming Talk / Mappers
« on: 01 Nov, 2011 12:20 »
We are going to need a lot of mapper to help us get a few custom kick ass maps

we may have a community wide competition with a prize (still need to talk to a few others first though)

I would love for some maps to start churning out for nmrih

anyways cg mappers UNITE! (for $50?)

welcome to cg ^.^

nobody was taking care of the server

if we find someone who will at least maintain it

I will set it up and teach them the basics of how to manage it like add maps, fast, and admins (first time I ever used commas in any post I have ever made)


pretty much but I would have to talk with the other CL/HA staff to see what their input would be.

You still would have to have a good head on your shoulders and be dedicated to be trained and put on trial to see how you perform
Speaking of trial *cough*
talk to your head admin about that issue

nobody was taking care of the server

if we find someone who will at least maintain it

I will set it up and teach them the basics of how to manage it like add maps, fast, and admins (first time I ever used commas in any post I have ever made)


pretty much but I would have to talk with the other CL/HA staff to see what their input would be.

You still would have to have a good head on your shoulders and be dedicated to be trained and put on trial to see how you perform

pub/pug gaming was a long time ago.... lmao (the interactions between the two and all the bullshit)

it has all pretty much past since than so no worries we can co exist together peacefully

nobody was taking care of the server

if we find someone who will at least maintain it

I will set it up and teach them the basics of how to manage it like add maps, fast, and admins (first time I ever used commas in any post I have ever made)

Debate Forum / Re: Your views on Marijuana 2
« on: 20 Oct, 2011 19:43 »
Please stay on topic.

I think it should be legalized. I agree with the "do to yourself what you want" theory. I do not believe in parental laws (seat belts, no drugs [of any type], etc) I a man wants to kill himself, let Natural Selection do it's things. I think the anti-drug laws should only prevent others from being effected (ie: no smoking in resturants / public places, no smoking around minors, etc).

I agree 100% on everything you just said have a good day sir you are smarter than most of these people.  parrot
fuck the police

Old Time Aways / Here it is
« on: 16 Oct, 2011 17:39 »
It is finally here

I have felt less and less apart of CG for a while now and when I come on I feel like an outsider

I have done nothing for CG over the last 2 months

Basically put like this

We are in the stage of transfering over leadership once again as for


will be the succesors that will carry on CG

I am not away permanently but enough I feel I should at least post this

Now is the perfect time for me to take "an extended break"

we are most financially strong (2-6 year supply to keep us going at our current rate)
we are most socially sound (the great drama wars of the summer are gone and same with those ppl)
we are doing pretty well with our servers

I have the utmost confidence in leadership and even without any supervision they have all surpassed my expectations.

I will still be around for consultation and here for emergencies

as well as be in contact (msg me on steam and wait a few hours or days till i come back home)

CG is my legacy and I will not let it fall back into a state of near collapse

I am leaving at a time when everything is optimal

my return date is unknown but it may be months or a year before I return

This is what I love is servers and this community

you are my second family and you know I love you all
I just need some extended time away to do my own things

If I wasn't having the time of my life in college than I wouldn't be away so much

The last 2 months I haven't done shit it has been the other leadership members that have been hauling ass to see that  CG stays healthy

anyways I will still be around but not as often

Announcements/Information / Re: T-Shirt Talks Assistance!
« on: 11 Oct, 2011 13:16 »
a shirt that says

"fuck the police and fuck anyone who tries to censor me"

Announcements/Information / Re: T-Shirt Talks Assistance!
« on: 10 Oct, 2011 15:06 »
I am probably going to have my friend ship me up a shirt from his place if this store doesnt open soon

and a hat

well I think we all know who is going to be taking over CG in 5 minutes XD

welcome to CG ^.^

also I have been trying to get into coding but been partying too much lately to actually sit down for a few hours and take a crack at it

Im about to go back and just start html5/css again and go from there to php and c++

but yea you have some pretty kickass skills and I look forward to working with you

Introductions Forum / Re: hey guys
« on: 06 Oct, 2011 18:39 »
2 parts sexy and 1 part russian

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