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Messages - Jorgen

Pages: 1 ... 27 28 [29] 30 31 ... 122
Solved Applications / Re: Ghast's Re-Application (TTT)
« on: July 28, 2011, 04:21:50 PM »
Denied, trolls to much outside of the game and has been known to create drama within the community.
Still love you but sorry, don't wish you as an admin right now.

Solved Applications / Re: Shikaru TTT App
« on: July 28, 2011, 03:53:40 PM »
Denied - not capable, constant complaints for RDM, been banned i think twice now for karma and might be banned soon again.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Ban Request on Shikaru
« on: July 28, 2011, 10:53:58 AM »
another either way is, he got under 600 karma soooo yeeee, 1 week only in that. anyways we will hear from others then when I get home I will deal with things.

Debate Forum / Re: kratos vs dante
« on: July 22, 2011, 01:28:40 PM »
I must say he looks like a complete **** in the new one they are making, so Kratos wins because his younger self wasn't ****gy.
Dmc 1-4 Dante vs Kratos would be a tie or Dante would win.
still you catch my drift, maybe the original Dante stands a chance, but the new one hasn't got a chance in hell.

Debate Forum / Re: kratos vs dante
« on: July 22, 2011, 01:17:02 PM »
Dante just cause Dante's Infernal is a way better name than God of War. My point being every ancient race has their own God of War IE. Greeks...Aires, Romans...Mars. Besides historically there is no Kratos where as there was a Dante Alighieri who was a famous Italian poet who wrote the epic poem, "Divine Comedy". The game is based on just one section called "Inferno" otherwise known as Dante's Inferno. This section is about the recognition and rejection of sin. In other words, hell. This section of the poem has 9 circles, in other words 9 verses and they are f***ing long.

A fictional character is a fictional character nonetheless if some1 has had a belief that involves said fictional character.

We can't get rid of our nukes, not because we're greedy, or want the upper hand. Simply because everybody else has them. I read this thread and it's all just bashing the USA, but pretty much the same could be said about every other country. I'm tired of reading shit and people can't seem to get the point, and instead think the US is this big bad country that's greedy for power. Which it isn't, we just happen to be at the top right now, so everybody picks at our flaws. We could do the same to any other country, but we don't.

Anyways, we can't disarm ourselves unless every other country does it first, not only because we have 300+ million people to protect, but because we still follow the motto of ask and you shall receive, so if another country is under the threat of nuclear war, we would step in, and keep the conflict away from such disastrous outcomes.

So, lets get this thread back on topic, and away from bashing the USA for having nukes, and back to whether or not we should get rid of ours, and what conditions would have to be present to do so.
No1 is bashing USA for having them, I am merely bashing on the principal that they are bringing upp, we need them because if any1 wants to wage war against us we will nuke them. That is what I am mocking, USA isn't a bad country, buuut some of the people who have ruled it have made some ridicolous decisions.

Debate Forum / Re: kratos vs dante
« on: July 22, 2011, 07:14:30 AM »
Since we arent talking about world of darkness lucifer nor scion, killing lucifer isnt a challenge...
Also kratos would win, I mean he has fucked or killed the entire dodekatheon(greek) pantheon.
Dante fought a super toned down version of lucifer.
Dante is HUMAN, Kratos is a GOD.
Now if it was dante from devil may cry....
If this was DMC dante, It'd be a pretty even match...Until Master Chief Petty Officer John-117 showed up and shit got real.
No. Just no. John is rediculessly easy to kill compared to a god and immortal half-devil.
Even lady could kill him.
I must say he looks like a complete **** in the new one they are making, so Kratos wins because his younger self wasn't ****gy.

Like somebody said earlier America wouldn't be the first to use nukes. I know their Army is not 1.4 billion strong but the standing Army is about 12 million and they can call up reserves of 100 million. 100! That's a third of the US population and there's no way a third of our countrymen can fight. Remember Korea? The Chinese would just send waves of people to get mowed down and they still ended up taking back half the country!
Hence why the nuclear option is the only viable one in the event that china attempts to invade.
well good luck fending off the world that is now united with USA, after you defy one of the biggest rules. The united states isn't some kind of lone wanderer who can take down the entire world -.-

Debate Forum / Re: kratos vs dante
« on: July 21, 2011, 06:41:44 PM »
Not to mention he defied pretty much all the gods and killed one, becoming a god in the process
Then he killed a bunch more.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: FORUM GAME
« on: July 20, 2011, 09:08:08 PM »
^ is shit at some game I don't know
< Is every colour
 v Is a giant ant

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: (=CG=) Finniespin Complaint
« on: July 20, 2011, 12:40:35 PM »
This has been dealt with, Finnie is removing the problem and it was a misunderstanding.

To another matter, Quarelin you will most likely be banned from the forums due to personal attack. Also driving the thread away from it's original purpose just makes a problem way worse and can get both of you in more trouble than what is needed.

Admin abuse dealt with.

Solved Applications / Re: Old Crows admin app
« on: July 20, 2011, 08:47:21 AM »
1 thing... APPROVED
Inject do yar thang because I can't do it here.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Post a picture of your self here because....
« on: July 20, 2011, 07:54:51 AM »
im naked.
your avatar, are you a crossdresser?

Did you miss the last 8 or so pages of this thread?
lol it wasn't 8 pages, but me and travis managed to fill a few pages up with our sexiness

7-8 pages, AGO, not a whole 8 pages of it, lol
now I am scared D= and yes I did miss them because I am on a fucking vacation  XD

Admin Department / Re: Admin Training
« on: July 20, 2011, 07:52:25 AM »
sure i'll bite, and try to type upp some questions for apps, and some tests when I come home.

I'll also have to make a thread in which regs/vets can nominate themselves.

Solved Applications / Re: Admin app Minecraft
« on: July 19, 2011, 09:25:38 PM »
umm jorgan you never asked me or told me that so ya dont say its my falt when u dont say anything to me you asked rehab not me
I asked both of you, Rehab said ask you, I asked you, you said Okey. I then asked you again when nothing was done nearly an hour later, you ignore me. I stop playing all together because I am an impatient man when it comes to that.

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