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Messages - TowerSheep

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Solved Applications / Re: [MAU5]_V_'s Re-Adminship
« on: June 12, 2012, 03:09:47 PM »
-1 Because it's not proper format

I don't make rules and formats for people to laugh and not follow them.

-_- It's getting ridiculous and out of hand. Here is what you need to do:

Name of Server your apply for in title of your Application.
Mau5_V_'s TTT Re-Application

For your case you can say Application because it's a readmin app. I know you think I'm being an ass and stuff but it's annoying. Don't be lazy. HA's are suppose to ignore applications which don't follow the format. I'm not super worried about all of it but at least redo your title or put your old admin app in quotes within this application on your first post.


I will +1 you.
I do disregard apps for those reasons. Here is why:
1. If you don't follow a simple format I have no interest in you. I assume this means you will not follow the punishment standards I have set.
2. I have reasons for not accepting more right now. The "not accepting" thread is there FOR A REASON. This show you are unaware of how the forums work, something admins need to be aware of.


GarrysMod / Re: [Complaints 2.0] Trouble in Terrorist Town
« on: June 12, 2012, 03:03:56 PM »
What kind of complaint?: Missing map
Why are you complaining?: steamlab isn't download from fastdl
Suggested solution?: I DLed it off fastdl manually and unzipped it and it worked.  Might need a re-zip idk.
I cannot remove it from the server, i don't know why. It's NOT supposed to be there.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: constant random call outs every round
« on: June 12, 2012, 01:36:24 PM »
RDM + Trolling + Player Disrespect = Perma.
This is an individually analyzed case and should not be used as a punishment standard or president.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Tower
« on: June 11, 2012, 09:34:57 AM »
I'd like to keep my admin but it's not my call for a reason.

I've sent a PM to the CL's. Hopefully they'll close this out.

Introductions Forum / Re: HI everyone
« on: June 09, 2012, 01:12:14 PM »
I like you kid, you got dem jokes

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Tower
« on: June 09, 2012, 12:27:02 PM »
I expect me to have my vent admin take away. It was a clear case of abuse. Not gonna argue or lie because a man should own up to his actions.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Towersheep
« on: June 09, 2012, 03:09:54 AM »
Yeah I didnt Make an Abuse Thread Against Tower Sheep Because Thinking About Making One Makes Me Feel Dirty/Bad/Guilty and I really Didnt want to cause Drama, but now I just... idk. I think Tower Needs A Brake, Hes Perma-Gagged 2 people and Perma-Banned one. Two Of which were obviously Joking Around Or Talking To Somone Else. Another Thing This: Im Only Human reason is Bull, Being Human Shouldnt Be the answer to alot Of Abuse Stuff, But For Some Reason it is. And For Those That Dont Know What Happened in vent, this is what happened.
1) Talking To Liam, Artix, And Irish, JOKINGLY saying Doom 3 and League Of Legends Deserve To Be Game Of The Century.
2) Start Countering their arguments with Worse Arguments(On Purpose)
3) Start Saying How Doom 3 Is Beast And Better Then Half-Life and Resident: Evil
4) Get Kicked With Response of: Fix Your Fucking Mic And Shut The Fuck Up. In Ventrillo General Chat/Lounge Mind you.
5) Go figuring Towa Or Inject Did it, then find out multiple people were kicked so I figured, Glitch or accident.
6) Start Talking With the again With them again when Liam(?) Finnaly states that I should get Sarcasm Of The Year Award For Being Sarcastic For So long.
7) Me (After I short Delay when everythings quite) Said U mad bro towards Liam(?) But I can See How He Could Have Thought I was Talking To Him.
8) I try to talk to him in steam chat to figure out Why he Permad me From Vent To a Reply Of basically "Fuck Off"
9) He Then Set Himself To Offline Making It so I cant Say Anything.
10) He Then Removes Me, And In the morning When I try to talk to him he stays in Offline Mode, and denies my freind request.
11) I beg Jorgen to Unban Me.
12) I get back on and hang out
13) Tower Gets On, Me Feeling Guilty (IDK Y I WAS) say "Im Sorry For Pissing You Off Yesterday" To Which He Said I hate you and fix your mic.
14) I leave Getting A Head Ache.
15) Log Back On With a massive headache to hear about this thread, Then Go Play D&D To Try and get rid of it. Now Reading This its back...

The things that are wrong with your post
1. I perma-gagged 1 person. I have not perma-banned anyone in quite some time. (I just check source bans and I haven't pbanned in a bit)
2. I said I was sorry to you soon as I joined. I said it to both you and Artix. I asked you again to fix your mic and after you did I said "I have nothing against you now"

The reason I didn't want to talk to you was because I wanted to calm down rather than continue to yell like an idiot. (Yes, me being the idiot).

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Towersheep
« on: June 08, 2012, 10:33:58 PM »
@Alec: Last night was a terrible night for me personally (more stress than I was able to handle). I've apologized to artix and dante about the whole thing. Again, I admit I was wrong. I am a human with emotions, I do fuck up. It's funny because I heard no one (including inject) complain. In fact someone even said he deserved it. Also you, Irish, Artix, and Dante were doing nothing but trolling each other over the same damn points.

This isn't the first time you've decided to tell people off in ventrillo first off, secondly losing your temper is one thing we all do that its normal , but to lose your temper and then use your admin powers for personal gain is a different story entirely and no one complains because it would just add fuel to the fire and cause more drama.

Again, I admit I was wrong. I apologized to him. I actually tried to unban him but I don't know how to unban people on vent. I also left the room to prevent me from doing anything else stupid.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Towersheep
« on: June 08, 2012, 10:22:56 PM »
Since most of the admins want it, I will change it to 2 rejoins. Next time Finnie is on, please ungag him. If we are changing the rule I'm not going to hold the punishment against him.  However, Finnie the next gag will be perma. As I've gagged you several times now and I'm tired of the trolling.

@Alec: Last night was a terrible night for me personally (more stress than I was able to handle). I've apologized to artix and dante about the whole thing. Again, I admit I was wrong. I am a human with emotions, I do fuck up. It's funny because I heard no one (including inject) complain. In fact someone even said he deserved it. Also you, Irish, Artix, and Dante were doing nothing but trolling each other over the same damn points.

@Waff: I posted that AFTER he made this thread (To be fair) because I didn't realize I had not posted it.

I still await CL's to put their opinions in to if this was abuse or not. As far as I see, he broke a rule and was punished.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Towersheep
« on: June 08, 2012, 09:16:41 PM »
I was out of line. Not gonna make excuses.
I may have mixed up which was your friend but thats why there was a mute and gag so close together. This thread is about finnie. Amd the pgag. If you think i abused feel free to make a thread.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Towersheep
« on: June 08, 2012, 08:55:26 PM »
@Waff: It's always been a 1 rejoin. If you want to give the person another chance that it your call as an admin. I have never said warn then pgag. Now I know where the idea of that comes from. I let admins who want to be nice do so, I am not a dictator. That said, I've told finnie not to troll several times (not today) and gagged him some of those times.

Your CvG friend was mic-spamming the whole preround into the actual round about it. He would not drop it, so I yelled (maybe I shouldn't have).
Another guy called me a douche for the gag, I warned him not to do it again, he called me a douche again. he was gagged.
I have been quick to admin because there have been a lot of people breaking the rules since the MOTD broke. I'd rather the trolls rage quit the server than our regulars see admins do nothing about blatant trolling.

@You have every right to suspect that I abused because the rule was not posted, I honestly thought it was there but I am human and make mistaked. TTT admins who are active know the rule and have been pmuting/pgagging for it.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Towersheep
« on: June 08, 2012, 08:36:59 PM »
You're not supposed to follow it. This is just proof that this rule was not made for you. You just happened to break it.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Towersheep
« on: June 08, 2012, 08:28:17 PM »
I see your argument and raise you Dec 19, 2011.

The ACTIVE admins seems to know the rule.
Look at the dates, I did not make this rule up today. The first RECORDED pgag/mute was on DEC 19 2011. Many admins have logged their punishments here.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Towersheep
« on: June 08, 2012, 08:06:11 PM »
Admins don't need to know what all the standards for punishment because they may push the limit but not cross it.
I assume that's also a new rule you just made...
I see your argument and raise you Dec 19, 2011.

The ACTIVE admins seems to know the rule.

Solved Admin Abuse / Re: Towersheep
« on: June 08, 2012, 07:50:50 PM »
Look at the earliest date on that thread. Are you implying I traveled back to Dec 19, 2011 (look at Cortez's first post) and added the rule?

It has been around for a long time, I just forgot to put it in the thread. Admins don't need to know what all the standards for punishment because they may push the limit but not cross it.

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