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Messages - TowerSheep

Pages: 1 ... 24 25 [26] 27 28 ... 69
General Gaming Talk / Re: Arma 2 DayZ
« on: June 17, 2012, 09:53:45 AM »
Ask Arbys I tried to find people once.... I spent 3 days in a forest. Haven't played much since then.

Admin Department / Re: Still perma-gagged
« on: June 16, 2012, 10:11:51 PM »
Sorry again. Thanks for helping to update the rule!


GarrysMod / Re: [Suggestions 2.0] Trouble in Terrorist Town
« on: June 15, 2012, 11:57:46 AM »

GarrysMod / Re: [Suggestions 2.0] Trouble in Terrorist Town
« on: June 15, 2012, 11:20:10 AM »
What type of suggestion?: Weapon
What does it do?: This suggestion asks that the damage and/or damage radius of the headcrab artillery be increased.
Why should it be added?: The damage and damage radius of the artillery is too small. I've seen the headcrab pods hit people dead center and they still survive. I think the damage should be increased to something higher than a semtex and lower than a C4. Something about there. I'm not sure about the damages, all I know is the Headcrab artillery one needs to go up.

Link to download/addon: None

-Red John

It is meant to scatter people in case the innos are all grouped up. Not all things are meant for killing.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: ummm dont know why im banned
« on: June 15, 2012, 09:30:40 AM »
So I'm gonna remove the ban, I didn't notice it until now but tree even says he's in the blue house. That would explain how he "saw" the guy...

I don't play on full screen so I didn't see the legs, since I was wrong the ban has been removed.

#Appeal Granted, Ban Removed#

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: ummm dont know why im banned
« on: June 14, 2012, 10:47:47 PM »
i was trying to say in a more polite way that your wrong but if you want to act like that. your evidence is either called iffy or not convincing. you said that you had a second demo but you dont. so thank you come again
Constant disrespect is not going to help your case. We don't need trolls / minges on the server.

You are trying to use a quote about getting evidence for aimbot in a thread about wall hacking. It's not the same.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: ummm dont know why im banned
« on: June 14, 2012, 10:34:10 PM »
It is not 1 kill, it is about 4 minutes. Thank you come again sir.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: ummm dont know why im banned
« on: June 14, 2012, 10:10:22 PM »
No he died the next round really early then left

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: ummm dont know why im banned
« on: June 14, 2012, 08:27:56 PM »
i tried to open the video with bitTorrent and windows media player i had no luck, when i am actually able to open the video il give a narration of what is going through my head. but if you said that im inno and that im constantly looking back and forth like im paranoid i hate to break it to you but thats what people do when they are inno.
Save it to your "garrysmod/garrysmod"
Open console (default bind is `)
type "playdemo stewie"
I do not claim to be 100% accurate in my claims but you'll see my other admin agreed that it looked like wall hacks. This was not me saying "well, fuck him" You just switch back and forth between the two people at about 2:08 even though they moved since you last saw them.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: ummm dont know why im banned
« on: June 14, 2012, 06:30:24 PM »
Since there are problems with the demo here is a direct dl link

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: ummm dont know why im banned
« on: June 14, 2012, 06:22:37 PM »
I posted the demo. I don't see how it is abuse, but knock yourself out.

I like how you follow crazy around without ever seeing him. You always know which part of the building he is in. This is what made me think you were walling. Not saying you following him directly but you seemed to know when he moved to a different side of the building.

I'm gonna go play some TTT now so my responses might be a bit slow.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Corrupt-a-wish!!!
« on: June 14, 2012, 10:12:25 AM »

I wish I had a unbreakable car that couldn't run out of gas and ran on water.

(P.S) You can't corrupt my wish so ha i beat you!

Granted, but you car can only go a mile because it runs on water. You also locked your only set of Keys inside the car. (Have fun breaking the window lololololol)

I wish Shikaru was happy. (Nyaa!)

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: ummm dont know why im banned
« on: June 14, 2012, 10:03:46 AM »
I bet I forgot to save it after the upload. I'll upload the demo when I get home.

It's a nice video of him looking back and forth between 2 people when there are only 3 left. He was inno and they were behind walls. There is no way he knew they were there so often. Be home in 8-ish hours.

Maps Area / Re: Making new map, need advice on t tester
« on: June 12, 2012, 06:46:09 PM »
Don't do it. Gimmicks ruin maps and cause rdm

Solved Ban Requests / Re: GuitarPlayingTimm - Ghosting
« on: June 12, 2012, 03:18:31 PM »
You have shown rdm but no actual proof he was ghosting.

However you have shown multiple rounds of rdm, enough to constitute a perma-ban.

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