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Messages - JohnCyKlopZ

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The Art Forum / Pogo
« on: 25 Sep, 2010 00:56 »
Pogo makes relaxing music.
Relaxing music is relaxing. Listen for yourself.
(His real Youtube channel is****ottron but not all of his songs are there, only 11.)

Pogo - Øÿn
(The real name is "Pogo - Walking on a Dream Remix")


Pogo - Go out and love someone

Toyz Noize

Help Section / Re: Recordings
« on: 24 Sep, 2010 22:47 »
Give me the demo and I'll see what I can do.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Nothing but a troll
« on: 24 Sep, 2010 22:28 »
You guys do realize you can ignore people. If you can't, you can always mute people with the PLAYER LIST mute button.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Nothing but a troll
« on: 24 Sep, 2010 22:16 »
Alzine, how did you mute him before he posted an admin abuse thread? You just muted him, no warning?
Because when I mute people because of popular demand, even when I'm opposing it, I usually WARN the person or, if he's not stopping, I tell the person "Sorry, but by popular demand, I have to mute you. I hope you understand, now let's have a hug." or somehting, THEN I mute him.

And when such arguments arise, don't people just tell the two to stop and chill? And what happened to that PLAYER LIST mute? Do you always have to get the last word?

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Nothing but a troll
« on: 24 Sep, 2010 22:00 »
Can you describe what happened?
Sometimes Phantox says stupid stuff just to be funny and all. All of you should know him, he's just joking around. You can tell that by the way he talks. He's called me "stupid" and a "dick" and "damn it john, get out of my friend's list, bitch!" and "a stupid African", but we all laffed and he was never serious.

The Art Forum / Re: Favorite video game song
« on: 23 Sep, 2010 23:23 »
This is very relaxing, and as some of you know, I like relaxing music.

Oblivion Original Soundtrack - Auriel's Ascension

Solved Ban Requests / Re: The Phill
« on: 23 Sep, 2010 01:53 »
Here's what I think...

You don't usually look at a wall while taking a corner. Even if you do, you won't really expect what's to come behind that corner, since most brains won't be alerted much after looking at a full screen of dirt just before then.

Most players pre-fire when they are alert and are ABSOLUTELY sure that there is someone there. In most cases, it's one second after one teammate dies right in front of the player, or when the player is stupid enough to actually randomly shoot bullets behind obstacles that aren't EVEN HINTED and confirmed opponents to be there.
If a player comes out from a distance to a place where he hasn't gone to yet nor gotten any hint that there was someone there and he pre-fires and kills someone--out of PURE randomness, then he's either very lucky and stupid, or he's using hacks.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: The Phill
« on: 21 Sep, 2010 03:22 »
i got one but it's not spectator, it's from my perspective.

I already posted it in another thread. A lot of people should know what I'm talking about :P

General Gaming Talk / Re: Garry's Mod Update Tomorrow
« on: 20 Sep, 2010 23:37 »
Oh so this is YOUR update? O_O

General Gaming Talk / Re: Hackers?
« on: 19 Sep, 2010 20:38 »
Lolol, I posted a thread similar to this in the TTT section, but a CSS version is always good. ;D



CG Community Suggestions / Re: Custom Models for TTT
« on: 19 Sep, 2010 20:36 »
As long as it's from hl2... I'm already having bad enough fps spikes on the server.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: The Phill
« on: 19 Sep, 2010 14:21 »
You been has inspire me.

Help Section / Re: FUKING CHARGER
« on: 19 Sep, 2010 14:19 »

You're not helping.

Anyway, get a new charger. Or look around for ANY possible interference. Is it just the status screwing up or is the charger LITERALLY not working?

Solved Ban Requests / Re: The Phill
« on: 19 Sep, 2010 01:32 »
Did you make this vid?

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