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Messages - Tictactoe360

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Solved Applications / Re: [ZM] Tictac's Admin App because why not?
« on: March 02, 2013, 09:38:50 PM »
I've read through most of this. I will make a decision by later today or at the latest early tomorrow.

Sorry for the delay!

So what's happening?
Because it's an absolute Fluster Cluck in the server right now

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Snak being racist - WITH PROOF THIS TIME
« on: March 02, 2013, 06:10:31 PM »
Will the ban be for only TTT or all CG servers?

I can happily say, all CG server, forever.
There's no more second chances, no more apologize and no more faking regret.

RebelMaster has been a waste of server slots since SKG. The sheer fact that he was given, I believe a second chance when first joining the group and third chance when he was unbanned from his Permanent ban. Shows his true maturity and colors.

He was is an asshole who believe that some of the few correcting things he's done in life, obviously means he's a mature adult. When really, he's just a child who thinks he can worm his way out of every situation.

He's caused more drama, in the past the past year, than I have in the last five. He continuously tries to manipulate the system by playing the fool and lying.

This time though, there is no lying, there is no "I'm sorry" and there is no more RebelMaster.
This beautiful, beautiful video captures the last four years of this guys actions in CG/SKG

"Fuck the rules, I can break as many as I want."
Good by RebelMaster, please let the door hit you on your way out.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Snak being racist - WITH PROOF THIS TIME
« on: March 02, 2013, 03:03:21 PM »
Damn, it looks like RebelMaster is once again outta here.
A little longer than I had expected, but it happened nonetheless.

I'm a little sad that he's already Forum banned. I was kind of excited to see how he'd try to worm his way out of this ban, like all others.

Good work though Epic, you just helped to cut out a piece of cancer that's been allowed to fester for far too long.

Solved Applications / Re: [ZM] Tictac's Admin App because why not?
« on: February 27, 2013, 11:07:30 PM »
Just bumping as it's been a Week now since I've heard anything.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Speed Hacker
« on: February 26, 2013, 09:36:21 PM »
I was playing with him earlier and he was kind of a dick.
He would rage at me when I threw the radio over the edge of the map. He's reason for being angry is it stopped him from glitching the intro portion of the map.

Following that whenever his buddy got Zombie Master, Eddy had no problem speeding through the map, usually being near the middle section by the time everyone else had finished the intro.

At the time I chocked it up to his buddy just letting him run through. However, Death brought this thread up to me and asked if I had been recording. (Sadly, I was in the Living room unable to record.)

However, there is ONE specific point where I remember him going faster than what is possible even when Bunny hopping. Near the very end of the map there are two roughly 20ft beams you can run across, one will break the other is safe.

When we got to that point, Eddy bolted over one and in roughly a second had cleared over half of it before it broke and killed him.

Everything about this guy stinks. He if Death was dead or near him he always "sucked" at that level. However, the moment Death was at the spawn or pre-occupied dealing with someone else Eddy would make it halfway through the map in an impossible amount of time.

Admin Department / Re: We need to clear something up.
« on: February 21, 2013, 06:13:26 PM »
From all evidence provided, to me seems a clear-cut case of trolling by an admin, who is supposed to be preventing people from trolling. 

Even if Epic has trolled before, the response should be a proper admin punishment on the instance of the offense, not trolling him back later.

I believe that Caboose should receive some form of punishment for this clear case of trolling. Not only as an admin but as a player.

He should know well enough that he was completely in the wrong and he only made it worse by using his admin in a completely unfair and inappropriate way.

However, I believe Epic should receive punishment for his apparent misbehavior. Apparently everyone here and their dog has witnessed Epic prop kill people which 1) Makes him an extreme asshole and 2) Makes him someone who's been allowed to get away with a lot of bullshit.

If everyone here is aware he prop kills and secondly he's admitted to doing it on several occasion. I believe a very strict penalty should be place on him should he even consider doing it again.

Perhaps something as harsh as a week ban if he's caught prop-killing even once. Should he continue, up it to two weeks and finally a permaban.

In my opinion PropKilling is the worst possible rule you can break in TTT not only does it ruin the round for the person you teamkilled, but it's cowardly. The person teamkilling uses a fault in the system to hide behind and avoid punishment.

What we have here is a rare opportunity to make a clear example of a prop-killer who has been shown to constantly do it.

Admin Department / Re: We need to clear something up.
« on: February 21, 2013, 05:06:08 PM »
However if we compare the damage of the shots it seems like epic was not trying to shoot to kill versus caboose who dealt a headshot.

I know no one has really said anything about this but not everyone shoots for the head, you can kill someone in less than 5 seconds with body shots anyways.

This whole thing is a tricky situation, I believe that Epic has lost a lot of the legitimacy of his claim with the actions he has demonstrated on this thread but at the same time Caboose should have known better. As an admin you should never aggravate a situation, it is always better to defuse a problem than to let it explode. Caboose clearly made things worse but as mentioned before, this is a grey area. There is no way to prove that there were verbal warnings and at the same time there is no way to prove there weren't. Because of this I say that the ban stays and Caboose gets a final warning.

Damn, people beat me to my points xD

However, we already have enough proof to show that Caboose initiated the entire situation through actions he knew were breaking the rules.

Caboose was an innocent
Epic was the Detective

Caboose had literally no reason to follow Epic. Upon the very first warning Caboose should have left Epic alone, instead he continued to follow him. Epic gave a second warning to stop following him. However, Caboose continued to follow him, solely for baiting.

There was no reason for an innocent to follow the detective after the first warning unless you're planning to have them kill you.

I believe Epic when he says he gave a final verbal warning (Which shouldn't have been necessary) Before opening fire.

Now for further evidence look at the time for the damage.
Caboose killed Epic literally less than a second after Epic began to fire.

You know what that tells me? Caboose had his crosshairs on Epic the entire fucking time, waiting for his chance to shoot. The moment Epic began to fire, Caboose headshotted him.

You can't argue that Caboose wasn't baiting or that he didn't plan to kill Epic the moment the round began.

"L 02/20/2013 - 23:38:44: 05:28.10 - DMG:     (=CG=) Epic, King of the Noobs [detective] damaged Caboose74 [innocent] for 31 dmg
L 02/20/2013 - 23:38:45: 05:28.98 - DMG:     Caboose74 [innocent] damaged (=CG=) Epic, King of the Noobs "

Look at the time difference .89 seconds, a player can't turn let alone aim in that amount of time. The moment Epic began to fire Caboose shot him.

Admin Department / Re: We need to clear something up.
« on: February 21, 2013, 03:20:06 PM »
can we stop saying i slay him for disrespect i slay him because i had 2 warning and i have being shot by him

And everyone addressed that either way your reason for the slay was bogus. You were innocent, he was detective. You purposely followed him after the first warning in hopes of baiting him into attacking you. That way you could both justify killing him.

I know this and so does everyone else. There is no reason to follow a detective after the first warning let alone a second one, unless you wanted him to shoot.

However, you took it one-step further. Normally when something like the above event occurs one persons mad for awhile but then it goes away. However, you decided that on top of your bogus team-kill you'd throw a nice slay in there just to further agitate the situation.

Epic has behavior issues and you have Issues with Epic and apparently what is acceptable from the admins.
You clearly baited another player into a trap that would lead to him getting angry. Then when he was agitated by you shooting him as an innocent you slayed him causing the further shit storm.

Sure he might have prop killed people earlier, you slay him when he does that.

Oh and in regards to "Disrespect" First off, respect is earned it doesn't come with the title of "Admin" I don't know where everyone else is getting that idea from. Secondly from your actions in the whole baiting situation if anything you lost respect from people, not gained it.


Zombie Panic: Source / Re: {Conjoint Gaming} Zombie Panic Videos
« on: February 21, 2013, 02:07:49 PM »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9386S7rFYps" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9386S7rFYps</a>

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Infection Rate
« on: February 21, 2013, 01:56:13 PM »
Any lower than 15% sucks, however 33% is too easy

In all seriousness Pillz is a witness.
I swear to god the infection rate for me is at least 75% Whenever Pillz hits me usually once, I'm always infected.

Zombie Panic: Source / Re: Infection Rate
« on: February 21, 2013, 11:14:32 AM »
Make it 100% for anyone who camps a room for more than a minute and 50% Whenever you hold a magnum.

That way when Doc joins the server I'll volunteer to be whitey and wait several rounds to lower his guard. After several rounds of objective based maps, I'll RTV and get us onto Red Queen. After letting the humans complete the first two objectives. Doc and some of the other humans will begin to camp with their magnums as is expected.

Then when he thinks I'm AFK I'll strike hitting all of them while they have a 150% Infection rate. This advanced infection will instantly make them all whiteys and we will remove the remaining humans.

Thus everything will go according to plan.

Spoiler for Hidden:

General Gaming Talk / Re: New Consoles
« on: February 20, 2013, 01:36:05 AM »
My laptop was roughly 1000$ and can run the newest games out there (Lenovo Ideapad)
As well, I've purchased roughly 200+ Games through steam over the course of four years and have spent no more than
300$ Using sales and other deals that aren't remotely found on console systems

General Gaming Talk / Re: Pokemon Games General
« on: February 19, 2013, 05:51:57 PM »
OK so has everyone else quit playing or something?  This thread is SO DEAD aside from me.

I rage quit Pokemon Black 2 because it's boring as shit.
I'm planning to start playing through Emerald or Fire Red soon.

In The News / Re: Man doesn't want African Americans touching his newborn
« on: February 19, 2013, 04:54:11 PM »
So I went to look into this further and stumbled onto this site

After reading about ten comments from extremely paranoid racist whites guys I was trying to figure out what was going on. Then I saw the "Emblem" on the top of the page.

"White Pride" are you fucking shitting me?

These are the people we need to throw off the fucking planet.

General Gaming Talk / Re: New Consoles
« on: February 19, 2013, 04:19:29 PM »
I believe Consoles need to go die in a fire (Not specific consoles all of them {Except Nintendo, Mario on the computer would weird me the fuck out.)

Most consoles seem to just be "How else can we bullshit our buyers out of more money." XBox live is a disgusting system that requires you to pay a second time in order to use your internet and play all the features described in the game you purchased.

With the up coming "No used games" which I'll be honest, is possibly the worst fucking idea sense the crust pieces at the end of bread. I'm quite sure at least the Xbox is going to fall further into its own filthy and eventually shrivel up till all that remains are the fanboys.

I've never played the PS3
And Nintendo is too nostalgic for me to make a fair call on it.

By the way, I've had a 360 since the year it was released. So no, I'm not some outside fanboy or a PC elitist. I'm just tired of all the bullshit fees companies try to pull out of you.

Same goes with "Pay to play games" No I paid 60$ for the fucking game, you have no right to say I now have to pay you 5$ a month to actually play it.

Dead Space 3 does this bullshit. It's a great game, but EA can go fuck itself with a rusty railroad spike.
5$ to upgrade the ingame item that gets me resources. Four actual rigs in game seven in the story all 5$.
On released DLC? What the actual fuck.

Companies in general need to calm their tits with all their bullshit.

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