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Messages - Cortez (Mr. T. FOO!)

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GarrysMod / Re: [Suggestions 3.0] Trouble in Terrorist Town
« on: June 13, 2013, 06:08:04 PM »
What type of suggestion?: Equipment
What does it do?: Remove the m4 and we could just use the AUG in its place and download the Silenced M4 t weapon
Why should it be added?: I have been playing on some other servers recently and they have  the silenced m4 as a t weapon and I love it cause it owns
Link to download/addon: I don't have a link cause I think it is called something else so I was hoping you know what I am talking about and know where to download it

I already have a SWEP for a suppressed M16, but the AUG and the M16 are totally different weapons. If you guys want it I can add the suppressed M16 as a traitor weapons anyways.
I know that AUG and m4 are two different weapons but it would be a little confusing if a t was running around with the t weapon and it looked like an m4 that you can just pick up

You seem to forget that deception is a key part of the gamemode. I'll add this sometime in the near future, no more discussing on this thread. If you have any questions PM me.

General Gaming Talk / Re: And the console war is won by....
« on: June 13, 2013, 06:03:54 PM »
It may not be up to date with PS4 or PC of course but if everyone including game devs aren't going to give the WiiU a chance anyway why bother.

Yes, the sad thing about the Wii U is the lack of games available on it.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ig7A-eaZA8" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ig7A-eaZA8</a>

GarrysMod / Re: [Suggestions 3.0] Trouble in Terrorist Town
« on: June 13, 2013, 05:57:13 PM »
What type of suggestion?: Equipment
What does it do?: Remove the m4 and we could just use the AUG in its place and download the Silenced M4 t weapon
Why should it be added?: I have been playing on some other servers recently and they have  the silenced m4 as a t weapon and I love it cause it owns
Link to download/addon: I don't have a link cause I think it is called something else so I was hoping you know what I am talking about and know where to download it

I already have a SWEP for a suppressed M16, but the AUG and the M16 are totally different weapons. If you guys want it I can add the suppressed M16 as a traitor weapons anyways.

Yes please, primary or special weapon slot?

Oh it will definitely be 7th weapon slot if I add it.

GarrysMod / Re: [Suggestions 3.0] Trouble in Terrorist Town
« on: June 13, 2013, 03:28:49 PM »
What type of suggestion?: Equipment
What does it do?: Remove the m4 and we could just use the AUG in its place and download the Silenced M4 t weapon
Why should it be added?: I have been playing on some other servers recently and they have  the silenced m4 as a t weapon and I love it cause it owns
Link to download/addon: I don't have a link cause I think it is called something else so I was hoping you know what I am talking about and know where to download it

I already have a SWEP for a suppressed M16, but the AUG and the M16 are totally different weapons. If you guys want it I can add the suppressed M16 as a traitor weapons anyways.

Rules / Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town Rules
« on: June 13, 2013, 03:26:45 PM »
Could you add something along the lines of bad ping = kick ? It gives some players totally unfair advantages.

I've never really had much of a problem with people with bad ping myself. Usually it gets better after a while anyways. But if a bunch of you want this then I will add it.

General Gaming Talk / Re: And the console war is won by....
« on: June 12, 2013, 04:52:32 PM »
Oobla, hate to break it to you, but Nintendo isn't doing as good as they have in the past. Many people got turned off by the Wii, with its terrible online service (seriously, playing Brawl online had the worst ping ever, at least a 2 second delay against people in Chicago), shovelware, and lack of good third party titles. Sure you get Mario and Zelda, but you miss out on Battlefield, Battlefront, Bioshock, Far Cry etc. I will also make the assumption that the majority of people that buy consoles right when they come out do not play PC games, so do not say "you can buy both". I state this simply because the target audience (14-18) will not bother putting together a PC. Also note I said majority, not all. Also concerning Mario, the past few titles have been meh, I don't want Super Mario Brothers with four player multiplayer, I want the next Galaxy, the next SM64. Meteroid: Other M was severely disappointing as well.

Sure the Nintendo classics are there, but its not going to sell if you don't offer other games then that. Hell look at all the Call of Duty numbers they miss out on just because of the online service and graphics. Also don't think I hate Nintendo, because I stood by the GameCube from day one (Hardcore bitches)!!

You forgot something...

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlz-WOglHgo" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlz-WOglHgo</a>

General Gaming Talk / Re: And the console war is won by....
« on: June 11, 2013, 05:06:12 PM »
Well this is interesting. Keep in mind that Xbox is going to have to offer something else in order to stay in competition so who knows, maybe it will be awesome?

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Shortbread ban request
« on: June 11, 2013, 05:02:18 PM »
This is the ban request forum board, it's for bans not slays. Slays are only dealt with INGAME. Ban request denied, thread locked.

Admin Time Away Forum / Re: Andre away
« on: June 11, 2013, 04:59:36 PM »
Welcome back!

Solved Ban Requests / Re: xxedgamerxx ban request
« on: June 11, 2013, 04:58:57 PM »
Ban request denied because RDMing one person is not a sufficient offence for a ban. Thread locked.

General Gaming Talk / Oh hot da=n
« on: June 10, 2013, 08:33:19 PM »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cmo-YYoHnGs" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cmo-YYoHnGs</a>

Most worthless trailer ever but IT'S OFFICIAL.

Administrator Comment Sigh. Cannot even get the Head Admin to read the rules. Please do not use curse words for the thread title. Search engines, and keeping the service provider happy... Cadaver

Solved Ban Requests / Re: OMGaMexican ban request
« on: June 10, 2013, 08:30:10 PM »
Good proof. Ban request approved, thread locked.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Picture Wars? Picture Wars.
« on: June 08, 2013, 11:32:02 PM »

Admin Time Away Forum / Re: Link236
« on: June 08, 2013, 02:54:41 PM »
Welcome back! Hopefully this time you can stay a while.

Ubuntu is actually very simple for an end user at this point. I'd suggest you give it a try. With the push Steam has made with it we could really start to see it as at least slightly a more main stream platform if not for the average user then for gamers. If and only If graphics card company’s comply and optimize there drivers for Linux and Open GL. We've already sceen things like ChromeBook, which runs linux.

Oh I know, but the majority of the market just doesn't get it. But enough offtopicness.

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