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General Gaming Talk / Re: Trolling Otter in Zombie Master
« on: August 07, 2013, 11:31:17 PM »
Arbys my man!!

Zombie Master / Re: ZMers, your opinion on player attitudes please.
« on: August 06, 2013, 01:09:21 PM »
Don't forgot who the ZM community is. You can't draw the line to close or no players at all would be able to play.

But at the same time draw it somewhere.

Head Admin nomination / Re: Christovski for ZM HeadAdmin
« on: August 04, 2013, 05:55:47 PM »

No negative comments, with a good response from the community.
Closing and approving early due to the ASAP need for an HA.


Head Admin nomination / Christovski for ZM HeadAdmin
« on: August 03, 2013, 10:57:56 AM »
Seems like everyone likes to just think they know everything, but w/e. I've had reports I'm trying to kill ZM, that I want it to die. None of these are true. There has been far to much miscommunication.

It's obviously no surprise that I do not approve of much of the ZM community's attitudes, but that however does not mean I (and the Team of CLs) were not working to find the appropriate head admin nomination. Either way, you wanted it you got it.

This thread will live no longer then 48 Hours.

Unless theres a ton of "NO NOT CHIRS" votes Chris will become the ZM head admin (which is whats going to happen).

At that point Chris will get
  - Server FTP
  - Fast DL
  - CPanel Accuses

Which is what every HA gets of their respective server.

Past that there isn't much help I can offer. Of course if there's something the HA doesn't understand or needs help with I will try to explain it.

I don't want to take to much away from this nomination but I do need to clear the error:
I was not delaying this on purpose. There was issues, and they did not get solved. Due to miscommunication, and things being done without approval things got out of hand and messed up.

Either way doesn't matter now.

+1 and -1 are acceptable along side with your response are reasoning. As always be polite and be decisive. Thanks :)
Let the votes begin.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Wii U sales not looking so good
« on: August 02, 2013, 11:15:41 AM »
I can't deny that the Wii U's been doing poorly in 2013, yes, it has problems. But to say that a major home console from one of the big three is forever doomed less than a year after its launch is just downright naive... I certainly remember how the PS3 was doing during its first year, all that was said about it in '06-'07 was "$600 and no games," and it went on to perform like it has. To say that less-powerful hardware will never sell is to ignore the smash successes of the GameBoy, PS2, and DS.

There's no denying that it's in trouble and will take some serious hard work to turn around, I concede that completely, but it's far too early to make a call. Blows my mind how quickly the world of journalism forgets that game systems have been in binds like this many times before.
PS2, Gameboy and DS where powerful in there time so I'm not sure what you mean.

I think he means less powerful than the alternatives, but I don't think they were less powerful, no idea though.
There was no alternative's to the GameBoy.
And PlayStations have always been ahead of other consoles with processing power.

Actually there were alternatives, but there's no point getting into an argument about it.
Stronger alternatives? What? No...

Gameboy was the main stream hand held gaming device. And the strongest of it's time.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Wii U sales not looking so good
« on: August 02, 2013, 07:30:52 AM »
I can't deny that the Wii U's been doing poorly in 2013, yes, it has problems. But to say that a major home console from one of the big three is forever doomed less than a year after its launch is just downright naive... I certainly remember how the PS3 was doing during its first year, all that was said about it in '06-'07 was "$600 and no games," and it went on to perform like it has. To say that less-powerful hardware will never sell is to ignore the smash successes of the GameBoy, PS2, and DS.

There's no denying that it's in trouble and will take some serious hard work to turn around, I concede that completely, but it's far too early to make a call. Blows my mind how quickly the world of journalism forgets that game systems have been in binds like this many times before.
PS2, Gameboy and DS where powerful in there time so I'm not sure what you mean.

I think he means less powerful than the alternatives, but I don't think they were less powerful, no idea though.
There was no alternative's to the GameBoy.
And PlayStations have always been ahead of other consoles with processing power.

USB shares all of its bandwidth and CPU cycles with all devices connected, PS/2 does not.
Still fast on meh mouse. I don't use chicklet keyboards. The amount of pressure needed for a mouse is always less then a keyboard.

So in saying that. A (Ps/2 or w/e the mouse version is Called I can't remember) mouse vs a ps/2 keyboard. Mouse still wins.
I already said VS a PS/2 Mouse.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Wii U sales not looking so good
« on: August 02, 2013, 07:07:18 AM »
I can't deny that the Wii U's been doing poorly in 2013, yes, it has problems. But to say that a major home console from one of the big three is forever doomed less than a year after its launch is just downright naive... I certainly remember how the PS3 was doing during its first year, all that was said about it in '06-'07 was "$600 and no games," and it went on to perform like it has. To say that less-powerful hardware will never sell is to ignore the smash successes of the GameBoy, PS2, and DS.

There's no denying that it's in trouble and will take some serious hard work to turn around, I concede that completely, but it's far too early to make a call. Blows my mind how quickly the world of journalism forgets that game systems have been in binds like this many times before.
PS2, Gameboy and DS where powerful in there time so I'm not sure what you mean.

I do like what you did, my only question is why is Sex taken down?

Do we give special treatment to the ladies? Or is that just an arbitrary value you were messing around with?

Statistics I guess. I'd ask you income too if I was aloud XD.
It in the video was set as an optional value btw.

Admin Resignation / Re: Done
« on: August 01, 2013, 06:18:39 AM »
Issues revolving around related things have now been solved. There was miscommunication on some levels.
Pyro has agreed to come back and retain place as Head Admin of Hidden Source Servers.

Sorry for any misguidance this thread may have caused. It was just based around some minor misconceptions and issues that accidentally happened.


Team Fortress 2 / Re: TF2 Hidden Servers
« on: July 31, 2013, 04:06:43 PM »
It was added after multiple people rallied for its existence. Since then, it has been promptly been forgotten and plunged into the deepest depths of server purgatory never to be seen by the light of day, or any other creature, again.
Well if it had been properly announced upon the creation of the server, people would probably have played on it more.

As for hidden: Engies and Pyros are legitimately the worst thing you could enable on a server like that. If we do try it, please disable them.
I doubt it. Either way all the TF2 Servers will be announced soonish.

I only know half the story. But people haggling you can get to you. And he's 100% able to do what he wants with his game. So I'm ok with his move. Is he an ass? I dunno. But it sounds like everyones being as equaly assish to him.

Something minor, possibly a field to track what server(s) they have admin on?  Since some vets have admin on multiple locations, etc. 

Also maybe a function that can make a list or table of admins by server, so you could easily see all who have admin on a particular server.

Other than that, looks like all it needs is like TS said, notes/reports to track behavior.

Should be easier than dealing with threads in here to keep track of things.
Yep I agree, I like these suggestions to and mentioned 1 at the end of the video. I will do that too! :)

What about a report option to store complaints/warnings/abuses?

Also a notes section. It'll help if we have good comments when looking for HA/promotion.

Also also, a date for when a person was given admin/promotion to help keep track when a promotion is due

Thanks. All of those things sounds very good. I'll do that.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drvVcTS6CX8" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drvVcTS6CX8</a>

Watch that. What does it need?

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